Telling sydney?

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I got a job so I could make money for Christmas presents. I kinda like it and my boss is so nice. I got my paycheck and decided to go to the mall with the girls. It's just me and the girls shopping. Buying clothes for the holidays and presents. "Laurian?" Sydney said. "Yes." I say looking at her. "What are you getting Daniel for Christmas?" She said going through some clothes on the rack. I got everybody else a present but Daniel. I don't know what Daniel really wants all he said was I want you to stay by my side always. Then it hit me, I'm gonna get a painter to draw Daniel and I and at the bottom it would say I'll stay by your side always. I told Sydney what I just thought and she and the girls awed. "You guys hungry?" Kam said as we walked out the store. "I can eat." Neah said walking to Pizza Hut. We ate and sydney and I had to go to the bathroom. I thought this was the perfect time to tell Sydney about the night Daniel stayed at my house. She was in the stall and I was washing my hands. "Syd?" I said turning on the water. "Yeah?" She said opening the stall door. "Have to tell you something." I said scrubbing my hands as she started washing her hands. "What is it." She said. "Ummm.... Well... I'm not a virgin no more." I said drying my hands off. She just looked at me and said "me too." She came over and dried her hands. "Wait you too?" I asked with a confused face. "Yeah, I mean I trust Ty." She said looking at me smiling. "So how long have you guys.. Yeah you know." I asked. "Well 2 months now" she said. Wow that's allied kept thinking. "Did you tell the others?" I asked she shook her head. "Just you.... I'll tell them after Christmas." She said walking out the bathroom and I followed. "You guys I have to get home." Kam said. We nodded and all left the mall. I took the bus home and soon as I walked in I took the bags up in my room and took a shower. When I got out I texted Daniel.

Hey Laurian how was shopping?
It was good. So did you go shopping?
Yeah. Umm I'm gonna have to talk later.

I laid in my bed and drifted of to sleep.

My phone was ringing and woke me up. I groaned looking at it. Daniel was calling I answered it.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and get something to eat."
"Umm yeah sure I'm just gonna get ready."
"Okay I'll be there in 15 minutes."

I hung up the phone and ran to the bathroom taking a shower and brushing my teeth. When I was finished in the bathroom I ran to my room and put on my Minnie Mouse sweater and black tights. I let my hair stay down and put mascara on. "Laurian. Daniel's here." My mom said opening my door. "Okay I'll be down." I said putting my shoes on. I went down stairs and grabbed my coat. "See you later mom." I said pushing Daniel out. We got in the car and pulled off. "What was you pushing me for?" Daniel asked. "I wanted to get going I'm hungry." I said as he laughed. "You could at least say hey and give me a hug or kiss." He said taking a quick look at me.

Daniel larussoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora