House warming surprise!

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"Are the snacks ready?" I asked Daniel who was setting the table up. "Yes." He responded. "How about the music?" I asked taking some peppermints and putting them on the table. "Yes." He said still doing what he was doing. "And the games?" I asked receiving a sigh from Daniel. He turned to face me "yes I got the snacks, music, and games ready babe. Everything is gonna be fine." He said kissing my forehead. I felt my lips curve up into a little smile knowing everything was gonna be fine because Daniel said so.

Daniel and I thought it would be a good idea to have a house warming party because we needed a lot more things for the house.


The party started and everybody was there. People were talking, dancing and eating. Daniel decided to start playing a couple of games.

After we played a few games that weren't really fun we decided to open gifts. We started with the big ones then little. Someone got us a beautiful painting of a summer day. We got a lot of gifts and soon as we were about to open the last gift the worst thing happened.

There was a scream and liquid on the floor. Sydney was breathing heavy holding Ty and Ponyboy tight. When I saw who it was I rushed to her and saw what was going on. "Daniel and Twobit help her to the car." I said running to get my jacket. "We're coming with you Laurian." I heard Kam and Neah say as we walked out the door.


We have been in the hospital in the waiting room because the nurse said only family for now. I was so scared and still kinda am. I was shaking in a chair all the way on the other side of the room away from everyone.

I hate hospitals so much. The food is disgusting, the people are always in your face, they never have the channels I want, it smells weird, I just hate hospitals. But I have to suck it up because right now my friend is in deep pain and hopefully she'll be okay.

Me and the others are on one side of the room while Laurian is on the other. She told everyone to leave her alone. I don't want to she's shaking like crazy. I'm trying so hard to do what she said but I can't.

I get up to walk over to Laurian but Kam stopped me. "She hasn't eat anything since this all happened." She said holding out some cheez-it's. I grabbed then as she patted me on my back. "Laurian?" I said sitting next to her. "Babe are you okay?" I said wrapping her in my arms as she laid her head on my chest.

She was still shaking a little but not a lot. "Laurian she's gonna be fine. Everything is gonna be fine." She then looked up and nodded her head. "Yea everything is gonna be fine." She said laying her head back down. I kissed her forehead and stroked her hair. Hoping that everything was gonna be fine.

"You hungry?" I said still stroking her hair. "I got you a snack." I continued. She looked up and saw the bag of chez-it's in my hand. She took them and ate them quickly. "Everyone-" the doctor begin speaking. "You will be able to see your friend tomorrow have some rest." He said and walked away. Everyone except Ponyboy, Dally, Kam, Neah, and Erica stayed.


It was only seven of us left. It bothered me that Erica stayed she didn't even know Sydney. The nurse Kam to give us blankets so we won't be cold. Kam, Ponyboy and Neah fell asleep together. It kinda shocked me that Ponyboy was in the middle of them both but I brushed it off.

Dally and Erica was sleep well Dally was sleep while Erica kept kissing his neck. I rolled my eyes away from them and snuggled closer to Daniel. I don't know what it is about Erica but I have a bad feeling about her.

"Laurian?" Daniel said snapping me out of my trance. "Hmm?" "Come closer." He said as I did. He kissed my nose looking in my eyes. "I love you so much." He said holding me tight. "I love you too Daniel." I said as I started to fall asleep.


"Are you ms. Pray?" I heard as I was waking up. "Yes why?" I asked as I started to gain my memory back and saw who was in front of me. "Sydney asked for you to come first to see her." He said looking at Daniel who was still sleep. "And him." He said walking away. "Daniel." I whispered shaking him. "Come on." I continued shaking him. "Where are we going?" He said opening his eyes. "Sydney wants to see us." I said getting up.

Daniel got up and stretched then followed me to the room. "Laurian?" I heard Ty say with a smile on his face. I walked in and could not believe my best friend now had a baby. the baby was in Sydney's arms and I walked over to get a good look at it. "Sydney are you okay I was so worried." I said kissing her head. "I'm fine." She said with a smile. I looked at the baby again as I sat in a chair next to Sydney.

I was so happy for my friend she looked so happy too. I smiled as the baby made a couple of noises. Wondering if it was a boy or girl.

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