Hang with the gang!

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We got in the car and I drove to Laurian's house. "Thanks Daniel." She said kissing me. She got out the car and I gave her a little wave. She went in the house and I drove to Ponyboy's house. When I got there I walked right in. The Curtis brothers always have their door unlocked. "Hey Pony, Soda, Darry, Steve and twobit." I said sitting down and watched tv as they all said hey back. "Hey Daniel where's Laurian?" Ponyboy asked. "I just took her home." I said. "So Danny when am I able to meet this Laurian?" Steve asked. "Yeah how come Soda, Pony and Dallas gets to meet her and I don't?" Twobit said pointing to Ponyboy and Sodapop. "I go to school with her." Pony said smacking twobit's hand. "I didn't really meet her I just saw here for 2 minutes." Soda said smiling. "Well I'll bring her here on Christmas night if she wants to." I said laughing at them. "Man I have to pee." Twobit said running to the bathroom. "That's what you get from drinking all those beers." Pony said. "Shut your trap Pony." Twobit yelled from the bathroom. "Yeah twobit that's enough for today." Darry said hiding the beers. Mickey Mouse came on tv and soda knocked on the bathroom door "Hey twobit Mickey's on!" Soda said. Twobit ran out of the bathroom and sat on the floor staring at the screen. Soda laughed shaking his head. It was getting pretty late and it got boring. Soda and Steve played cards and arm wrestled. Twobit was watching Mickey and eating chocolate cake. While me and Pony was on the porch smoking and looking at the sunset. "Gee that was beautiful." I said blowing out smoke. "Yeah." Pony said as we got up to go in the house. We sat down and my phone started ringing and I thought it was Laurian but it wasn't it was Dallas.
"Hey Dal?" I said answering the phone.
"Daniel I need your help to hide me the cops are chasing me! Meet me at the park!" Dally said breathing hard.
"Okay Dal here we come now." I said getting up. When I hung up the phone Steve asked "was that Laurian?" "Nah man we gotta go. Dally is in trouble." I said as we ran out the door. We ran as fast as we could. We saw Dally but we were to late.

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