A night to remember!

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We ran to the ticket booth and got a lot of tickets. "What ride do you want to get on first?" He asked me as I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know yet, how about you pick one first then I'll pick one." I said. He looked around and said "this one." You could tell it was a ride that made your stomach do 10 backflips, but I loved these kind of rides. He ran to the line that wasn't so long and signaled me to come. I hear the screams of the people and only think man this is gonna be fun. Finally we were up, Daniel handed the man 4 tickets and they strapped us in. As I'm talking I feel a hand holding mine, all I could think is OH MY GOSH! He is holding my hand. Blushing a little I turn to the person who was holding my hand and smile, as he flashes one back. The ride is beginning and you can see the excitement in our eyes. He says hold on tight as he looks at me and the ride takes off. It's so fast I can't even open my eyes as I'm screaming then I stop because I noticed that the ride is almost over. When the ride was over we walked in line for bumper carts. "4 tickets ma'am." The little man said as I gave him the tickets. I picked the blue cart that was next to Daniel's. The little man said a couple of words that nobody could hear then he started the carts. All the zig zagging made me hit people then when I tried to back up I backed right into Daniel, or did he bump into me? I laughed as he tried to back up. I was having fun and we got on all the other rides other than the baby rides. There was a walk in that Daniel wanted to go in. It looked creepy I stop walking and asked with a scared look on my face "it's kinda creepy here." He looked at me and smirked "yeah it's suppose to be we're in a haunted house." I looked at him and started walking. It was pretty scary I grabbed Daniel and held him tight. He laughed and held me by my waist. We found the exit and started laughing. His were hands still on my waist as I ordered a funnel cake so we could share. As we wait for the cake to be done I felt a whisper in my ear "your so beautiful." I turn to look at Daniel as he looks at me gazing in my eyes as I do it back. Then he leans in " hey your cake is finished" the man told me giving me the funnel cake and I give him the money. As we finished it was 9:00 so we left, I fell asleep forgetting that I was with Daniel in his car. I hear I voice telling me to wake up when I woke up Daniel was looking at me stroking my hair. I looked around and I was out front of my house. "Thanks for taking me to the carnival." I said with a smile on my face. "no problem" he said with a smile on his face. He looked so cool hair blowing in the wind I couldn't resist but to kiss him. So I did I kissed him on the cheek, he was blushing really hard he looked like a tomato. I giggled a little then I couldn't believe it when he did it Daniel Larusso kissed me on the LIPS! I started to blush then he said something softly "I was wondering if you wanted to be my girl?" Turning his head to face the other way. "Yeah I would love to" as I turned his head to me and embraced him. He smelt so good and his breath tickled my neck. I had to go so I said "text me when you get in the house" " okay I will." He responded. He kissed my cheek and I got out the car. I went in the house and my mom asked "did you have fun?" "Yeah" I said smiling. I ran up stairs and changed into my white tank top and pink zebra print pajama pants and waited for Daniel to text me. It was pretty late and I heard my phone ring. Who could be calling me at this time I thought? It was Daniel!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I picked up the phone saying
"Hey it's me Daniel."
"Oh hey Daniel I thought you were gonna text me." I said shutting the door so my mom wouldn't hear.
"I was but then I didn't feel like texting and I wanted to talk to you."
"Oh okay."
We talked and laughed then I noticed the time it was 1:30 wow it was late, I'm shocked my mom didn't come in because it's so late and I'm not suppose to be up and I was being so loud.
"I'm happy your my girl."
When I heard that my heart beated a little faster as I thought, wow I have a boy friend now wait till my friends know about this? What will my mom say when I tell her or will she find out herself? I thought and then said to Daniel
"I'm happy too."
It got a little quiet and then it got very quiet. Then I heard heavy breathing aww he fell asleep I wasn't made matter of fact I think it was cute. I whispered goodnight and hung up the phone. Thinking about my new boyfriend and the kiss in the car I feel asleep dreaming about Daniel near boats. ( picture above )

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