Prom night!

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I stayed close to Daniel as we looked for our friends. "Do you see them?" He asked still walking. "No" I said looking over people. Wait is that who I think it is. "Wait Daniel." I said as we stopped. I pointed in a direction to a boy sitting there with another boy talking. "Is that-" Daniel said squinting his eyes. "Yup Pony and Dally." I said as we went to them. Wow they looked handsome. I never saw pony in a tux before but he looked really nice. Dally was wearing dark jeans and a white shirt that had a bow tie on it. "There you are." Daniel said as they looked at us. "Aww man look at this couple." Dally said smirking as we giggled a little. "You guys look nice." Pony said ruffling Daniel's hair and hugging me. "Well I don't know bout me but Laurian looks gorgeous." Daniel said smiling as I kissed him on the cheek. "So Dally why you not wearing a tux?" I asked sitting next to him. "I don't wear tuxedos." He said squinting his eyes and licking his lips. Pony rolled his eyes and sipped his drink. "There you guys are we been looking for you." Sydney said approaching with Ty. Sydney had a soft pink dress on it was beautiful. "Wow Sydney you look pretty." I said hugging her. "Laurian you look amazing." She said smiling as I did a little spin for her. "Hey Ty." I said as he gave me a hug and shook the boys hands. "Hey" he said sitting down. "Where's Neah and Kam?" Sydney asked. "Neah is with my brother somewhere and I dunno where Kam is." Pony said getting up. "Where are you going." I said getting up. "I'm gonna go find me a partner to dance with." He said moving to the dance floor. I sat back down next to dally and gave him a look. "What?" Dally said looking at me. I loved dally like a brother and I hated it when he was up to no good. "Who are you looking at like that?" I said as Daniel and the others looked at us. "It's nothing." He said flicking me off. "Dally tell me or-" I said and whispered a part in his ear the others came closer to try and hear and his eyes widened. "Okay fine. The girl over there keeps staring at me and making faces I hint she wants me." He said licking his lips. All of us looked at her as she was winking at Dally. "Um I'm gonna go make a move. See y'all at the hotel." Dally said walking to the girl. "Laurian" someone said as I turned to look. It was Kam and Neah with their dates. Wow Neah's date was handsome, like movie star handsome. Neah was wearing a light orange dress, she looked so pretty. Kam was wearing a mint green dress it was beautiful. "Hey y'all this is soda." Neah said smiling. "Hi everyone." He said and shook everyone's hand and stopped at Daniel. "Sup Daniel." Soda said ruffling Daniel's hair. "Soda sup man." He said playfully punching him. "And this is my boyfriend Damir." Kam said kissing his lips. My eyes got big I don't know if I was happy that she had a boyfriend or disappointed that she didn't tell us. "Hey" Damir said shaking everyone's hand. "Kam you never told me you had a boyfriend." I said putting my hand on my chest. She giggled "well I was waiting for the perfect moment and here it is." She said smiling. I shrugged my shoulders as Ponyboy came back and sat down. "Hey Kam, Neah, and Sydney." They waved hey to pony "How was it." Daniel asked. "It was pretty amazing." He said smirking. I laughed at his face. "Hey little brother." Soda said smiling at pony. "Hey soda I was looking for ya." He said looking up at him. "Laurian come on I want to take you some where." Daniel said getting up.

I wanted to talk to Laurian alone so I took her somewhere private. I took he rip on the roof and took a radio with me. When we got up to the roof it was pretty cold. Laurian turned to me "why are we on the roof?" She said getting close to me for warmth. "Well I want to have you to myself a little." I said putting a arm around her and bringing her close. I turned the music on and to my surprise it was a slow song. I looked at her blushing a little I blushed a little to as she pulled me t her. We started dancing and I thought it was pretty romantic.

the wind started to blow while we were on the roof. I started to shiver. "Come on or you'll get a cold." Daniel said wrapping me in his arm as we walked back in. When we got back in the gym there was loud music playing. We found Kam and the others and walked to them. We were all dancing and having fun. There were photographers flashing pictures left and right. I sat down and relaxed a little. It was getting late and We were getting tired. We were getting ready to leave. "Thanks soda for taking me to prom." Neah said as soda kissed her cheek. "No problem." He said and waved bye to us. "See you later soda." Ponyboy said waving. Kam gave Damir a kiss and hug goodbye. We put our stuff in the car and got in."See you Ty." Sydney said blowing a kiss to him.

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