Telling Neah?

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"I kinda left a mark." Daniel said scratching his head smiling. He continually kissed my lips as he started. I gasped and closed my eyes "Laurian, do you want me to stop?" He said stopping. "No, it's okay I'll be fine a bet is a bet." I said opening one eye. "If you don't want this then I'll stop, I'll wait." He said. "I want to try it's okay. I want to get it over with. At the end you still gonna love me. Right?" I said opening both my eyes. "Of course if will I will always love you." He said kissing me on the lips. I smiled as I gave him a nod to continue. He went easy on me as he said. We stopped and I went to the bathroom. I washed my hands and looked in the mirror and found a mark that Daniel gave me on the left side of my chest. It looks like a little bruise but it doesn't hurt I thought rubbing it. I went back to the room and found Daniel sleeping with his boxers on. I smiled and laid next to him as he wrapped his arms around me.
We have school today and I woke up first we had little time to get ready so I woke Daniel up. We ran to the bathroom together getting ready. Brushing our hair and teeth, washing our face and putting on our clothes. I took to granola bars and we left. Daniel pecked my lips before going to class and gave me a hug. "See ya later." He said smiling "see ya." I said walking in class. I was really distracted in class. I kept thinking about what happened last night and how much I love Daniel Larusso. I wrote his ∂αnιєℓ ℓαrυѕѕσ on my hand with a heart next to it.
~skip to lunch~
"Neah!" I scream as I see here walking to the cafeteria. she turns around and stops walking waiting up for me. "What's up?" Neah said getting line for lunch. "He broke my glass house." I said grabbing chicken fingers and a water bottle. "What glass house." She said getting lemonade and fries. "He has entered my temple." I said as we walked to the table that was empty. She looked at me confused. "A temple? What the fuck are you talking about?" She said a little annoyed. We sat at the table "he took my virginity." I whispered so she could only hear. Her eyes got big and she choked on her fries. "Neah are you okay?" I said patting her back. Sydney and Kam then came and sat with us. I looked at Neah and gave her a look that said don't tell nobody as she nodded. I wanted to tell them but not now. "Hey you guys." Kam said smiling. "Sup bruh." Sydney said. "Hey" Neah and I said at the same time. "So what's going on?" Neah said looking at Kam and Sydney. "Nothing really." Sydney said eating her food. "Well I have some news." Kam said looking excited. We looked at her "we have 2 more days until prom night." She said in a high voice. We all laughed including Kam. I forgot all about prom, how could I forget I was wishing for this to happen for a very long time. "So Syd is going with Ty and Laurian is going with Daniel and I'm going with a boy name Damir so who are you going with Neah?" Kam asked drinking her drink. "Well I'm going with Ponyboy's brother soda." Neah said taking one of my chicken fingers. "What kinda name is soda?" Kam said as Neah gave her a look. "I have you know he is sexy and he is nice, I don't care if his name is weird." Neah said confidently. I smiled "well if he is pony's brother of course he is cute, shoot pony is cute." Sydney said throwing out all the trash at the table. RING RING! I walked out the lunch room and saw Daniel with the boys. Neah walked with me and she asked me more about what happened with me and Daniel as I told her everything. "Didn't it feel weird?" She said smiling. "Well I feel different." I said as we stopped. she started laughing "ard see you later." She said walking to her class. I went to my class room and had to take a test. The questions wasn't so hard if you knew them. The teacher handed us our test before we left. I took my test and saw a 100 on it I pumped my fist up in the air and gave the teacher back my test as she laughed at my excitement. It was time to go so I got my bag and went out the room to my locker. I opened my locker and found a note.

нey вaвe ι'll тaĸe yoυ нoмe
The note said as I went outside and found Daniel's car. I got in and felt Daniel's lips pressed against mine. "I've been waiting to do that all day." He said smiling I smiled back. "So what are we gonna be doing for prom?" I asked him as his eyes got big. "Aww man I forgot about prom." He said slapping his head. "It's okay I forgot too and guess what." I said looking at him. "What?" He said stopping at the red light and going when it was green. "It's almost our six month anniversary." "Now that's something I didn't forget." He said pulling up at my house. "So what we gonna do on or anniversary?" He asked I just shrugged. "I dunno how about the movies?" I said looking at him. "Yeah let's go to the movies." He said turning his car off. "So did you like it?" Daniel said smirking. "Like what?" I said confused. "Last night?" He said and chuckled. "Yeah I guess."I said blushing a little. "What do you mean I guess?" He said now laughing. What? What's so funny?" I said giggling but still confused. "Your funny." He said poking my cheek. "You saying I guess like you've had better." He said joking. "Stop it Daniel Larusso." I said blushing from embarrassment and hiding my cheeks in my jacket. "Whaat? You said go easy. So I did, next time I won't be so easy on ya." He said smirking. I couldn't help but laugh and he laughed as well. We stopped laughing "You want to go shopping tomorrow for prom?" I asked. "Yeah let's go after school." He said grabbing my hand. "∂αnιєℓ ℓαrυѕѕσ" he read out loud and smiled "aww you think about me in class." I pulled my hand from him. "I got homework, I'll see ya tomorrow. I said kissing his cheek. He grabs my head and kisses my lips. "See you tomorrow." He said letting me get out the car. I went in and found my mom in the kitchen. "Hey mom." I said sitting at the table and pulling my homework out. "Hey baby how was school?" She said cooking dinner. "Good." I finishing one of my pages for homework. When I got finished dinner was finished. I put my homework in my book bag and went back to the table. I sat down and ate "wow mom this is really good." I said taking bites after bites. "Slow down Laurian or your stomach will hurt." She said with a serious face. When we got finished eating I cleaned up. I got in the shower after everything and went to sleep.
I woke up early and decided to get ready for school. When I was finished I ate waffles and thought about prom and it was gonna be tomorrow night. Wow I wonder how would everybody look. I started to read a book to kill time. My mom then yelled "let's go we gotta go." I picked up my bag and left. When we arrived I have my mom a kiss and went into school.
~skip to end of school day~
"Hey girlfriend." Daniel said picking me up spinning me around. I laughed "put me down." "No I'm okay." Daniel said walking to his car. "Now you have to put me down so I can get in the car." I said. He put me down and pulled me to him embracing me. We got in the car and rode to the mall.

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