Doing new things?

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I told Daniel about my gymnastics practice and he came. My friends do gymnastics too but we aren't on the same team. I flipped as best as I could. "Good Laurian now do it one more time." I went back in the spot I was at and flipped like I did the first time. Practice went by fast and I got my things and went to Daniel. "Hey you made it!" I said hugging him. "Yeah and you were amazing flipping like that." He said. "You think so thanks." I said kissing him on the cheek. "You need a ride?" He asked as I put my coat on. "No I'm okay my mom is outside, thanks thoe."
I said as we walked to the door. "Okay text me then." He said hugging me and waving to my mom as she waved back smiling. "Okay." I said as he walked the other direction. "That's sweet that he came and watched you." My mom said pulling off. "Yeah." I said putting my seatbelt on. "I like him, he is so sweet to you and if your happy with him then that makes me happy." My mom said in a kind voice. "Aww mom I'm glad you like him, I like him too." I said as we both laughed. We arrived in front of our house and went in. My mom made dinner and put my plate in the microwave as I jumped in the shower. I put shea butter on and ate my food down stairs with my mom. We talked about school and my report card. "Laurian your report card is nice but you didn't get honor roll this year what's going on?" I always get honor roll but I been so distracted by Daniel so much I think I'm falling off school work. "I dunno I'll get it on the next one." I said yawning. "You should go to bed you have school tomorrow." My mom said kissing my forehead and sending me to bed. Soon as I stepped in my room I got a text from Daniel.
I thought you were gonna text me?
I was I had to eat first I'm sorry. He replied in 7 minutes.
It's okay just don't worry me like that!
What do you mean?
I thought something bad happened.
Oh well it's okay I'm fine.
Okay wyd?
Laying down texting you and you?
Doing the same.
I'm kinda tired I'll talk to you in school.
Okay do you want me to pick you up so we could go to school together?
Well everyone doesn't know me and Daniel goes out and it would be pretty weird driving to school with him but I would love to try I thought and texted back.
Sure I would love to.
He texted back really quick
Great I'll see you tomorrow.
Okay goodnight.
Night. He replied back and I fell asleep.
I woke up early and got myself together. I ate a granola bar and an apple, "you're up early." My mom said with a confused face. "Yeah Daniel is gonna take me to school." I said as I got a call. "Hello?"
"Hey I'm outside." Daniel said.
"Okay I'm on my way out the door now." I said grabbing my things and hanging up the phone.
"Okay mom he's here I'll see you later." I said as I walked out the door. I got in the car and put my seatbelt. "Hey babe." Daniel said pressing his lips on mine pulling off. "Babe?" I asked as he looked at me and laughed. "Yeah babe, what you don't want me to call you that?" He asked turning his head back to the road. "I don't mind, babe." I said trying to not laugh turning on the radio. 3 minutes later we arrived at school. We got out the car and walked in the doors holding hands, he had to let my hand go because we had to go to our lockers. "I'll see you later." He said as he went to his first class. I went in my first class as the bell ringed. The teacher talked forever or at least it felt like that. It was almost lunch time. That's when I saw Daniel trying to get my attention he was signaling me to come on. I mouthed no and he mouthed back please, fine I mouthed back trying not to get caught. I raised my hand and asked "Can I go to the bathroom?" She said I could and by the time I was finish it was gonna be lunch time. So I jumped up from my seat and walked quickly to the door, I opened and closed the door as Daniel grabbed my arm and pulled me to the stair case. soon as we stopped I asked "why are we here?" He pushed me into a wall and my heart skipped a beat he then whispered in my ear "you'll see." He started kissing me his hands went down from my back to my butt. I tried to say something but nothing came out my mouth. He continually kissed me and went to my neck hands still on my butt pulling me in closer. I then started to think and got worried he was gonna leave a mark so I pulled away. He looked at me and smirked "I thought you were gonna pull away when I first started." "I tried to say something but nothing came out." He smiled and said scratching his head "we kissed for a long time." "Yeah we did." I said as we walked down to the lunch room. "We gotta do that again, it was great." He said looking at me. I just payed for the lunch and went to the table as he followed. "Hey love birds." Kam said as Neah giggled. "Where is Sydney?" I asked looking at them and eating my piece of pizza. "Syd, her mom, and Ty went to go see Ty's mom in Virginia." Neah said while drinking her tea. "Oh okay I hope she has a fun time in Virginia." I said as Daniel took some of my fries. "Can I have a bite?" Daniel said grabbing my pizza and biting it. Neah and Kam looked at him crazy. "Are you that hungry?" Kam said giving him a dollar and change. "Thanks." He said and went in line to get a pizza. "He just got an indirect kiss." Neah said moving her eyebrows. I playfully pushed her "stop." I said laughing and Kam was laughing too. Daniel came back and sat and ate his pizza as we all was done the bell ringed. After the last few classes It was time to go home. Today I had homework usually I would finish all my work at school but today I didn't, so I started soon as I got home. I texted Daniel soon as I was done.
I waited for him to respond, 2 minutes later he replied
Hey babe what's up?
Nothing really wyd?
Being bored are you home?
Yeah why?
I want to come see you is okay if I come over?
I looked for my mom to ask her if it was okay but she wasn't here, there was a note on the refrigerator that said be back in a couple of days gotta take care of grand mom, I left some money for you on your dresser, love you see you soon. So she left I thought. I texted Daniel back
My mom isn't here she's taking care of my grand mom.
Okay I'm on my way over now.
My eyes got big as I read the message over. Um okay don't panic he is not gonna do anything crazy I said to myself. A few minutes I heard a knock on the door, I walked and opened the door seeing Daniel with Chinese food in his hand. We ate and watched tv downstairs, "I know what you did ate the lunch table." I said throwing the trash away. "What do you mean?" He asked sitting on the couch. I sat next to him "you took a bite of my pizza for an indirect kiss." I said as I took off his shoes. "Hey put my shoes back on, and yeah I know. He said smirking moving his other foot away from me so I wouldn't take the other shoe off but I caught it and took it off. "Can you put my shoes back on please." He said. "Why do your feet stink?" I said joking around as he gave me a look. I laid my head on his lap and we fell asleep.
1 Hour later
When I woke up it was 7:45, I woke up Daniel and told him to start heading home. He wanted to stay but I told him he couldn't. I walked him outside and said goodbye, when he left I ran up stairs ran a bubble bath and put my hair in a bun as I took my clothes off and got in the bath. I thought about the day and every thing Daniel did today, all new things we did in this relationship should we still do them? I wondered. When I got out I felt refreshed and put a t-shirt and pajama pants on and went to sleep.

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