Going home!

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I can't believe Dally tricked me like that! Ya know what I'm gonna fix this right now! I went and pulled Dally to the side "um Dally what the heck are you doing?" "Well right now I'm talking to you." He said smiling "no that was not the plan we were just gonna play a nice truth or dare not do the nasty with people." I said whispering. He looked at me laughing "okay fine we won't do the nasty." He said laughing and walking back. "ALRIGHT ONE MORE RULE YOU CAN NOT-" he looked at me and laughed "DO THE NASTY!" Okay it was pretty funny but I had to be serious or he would of took it as a joke. When he told them everybody looked relieved. "I'm to tired." Zack said walking to the bedroom. "I'm texting Ty sorry I'll sleep on the couch tonight." Sydney said grabbing her phone and a blanket plopping on the couch. Dally grabbed Neah and lead her to the room and so did Ponyboy and Kam. Daniel did the same, we sat there for a couple of minutes in silence then Daniel said with a soft voice "I'm sorry." "For what?" I said with a confused face. "For Tori, I saw how the way you looked at her, I know you don't like her that's why I'm not gonna talk to her." "It's okay who is she anyway?" I asked "Tori is just a crazy EX girlfriend that's all." he said grabbing my chin. "Oh okay." I said with a soft voice. I asked Daniel if he can show me a simple karate move that he learned from his trainer and he said yes. "So you do it like this." He said grabbing my hands showing me how to block. "Like this?" I felt weird doing it "no like this." He went behind me and held my hands and showed me again. "I think I got it." I said "okay let's see." He tried to grab me and I blocked "YES I did it!" I cheered as Daniel laughed. "Okay let's try again." He tried to grab me again and I blocked it but he flipped me around uh oh we're on the floor now. "Whoa how did you do that?" I asked curiously. "Can't tell." He answered "pretty please with a cherry on top." I begged "maybe next time." He said putting his head down. I didn't even notice he was laying on me. We sat there for a pretty long time looking at the tv, "Laurian?" He said, I pretended I was asleep "Laurian?" I didn't answer, I felt his head lift up "aww my baby is asleep." He said rubbing my arm "she is so cute when she's sleep." He said getting up and stretching. He tapped me until I opened my eyes, boy am I a good actor. "Yes?" I said in a sleepy voice. "Are you gonna sleep on the floor?" He said looking down at me. "No." " Well get up then." He said motioning me to get up. I put my hands out as a sign to pick me up, he say there and looked then laughed, he stopped as I still had my hands out. "I don't feel like it." He whined. "Please." I begged giving him the puppy eyes. "Okay fine." He said picking me up and throwing me on the bed. I sat there and looked at him as he crawled in the bed and laid there watching tv. I got bored so I fell asleep.
It was morning time and I woke up in the arms of Daniel. I took my phone and took a picture of us as he was sleeping. The picture was so cute he looked so sweet and innocent as I smiled with my pearly white teeth. I copied what he said to me last night when I was pretending to sleep. "Aww my baby is asleep. He looks so cute when he's sleep." As I said that he opened his eyes "thanks." He said grinning and getting up. As he got up I saw a big scratch on his back. "What happen?" I said rubbing the scratch. "Last night you were moving crazy and breathing hard, I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't, so I comfort you and laid your head on my chest then you squeezed me tight like you were scared and scratched me." He said turning around and looking me in my eyes. "Sorry I must of had a bad dream." I said putting my head on the pillow. "Yeah but it's okay I will comfort you if you have a bad dream." He said as he laid back down and pulled me onto him. I was now laying on Daniel I couldn't stop blushing. We were disrupted by Ponyboy "Daniel and Laurian did you pack up your bags, whoaa I'm just gonna come back later." Oh yeah I forgot that it was our last day that meant no more sleeping in the same bed with Daniel. We got up and started to pack our bags then I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face and Daniel did the same. We then started to get dress in the bathroom, I smelt pancakes and sausages and went to the table to eat. "Good morning everyone." I said with a smile. "Morning." They said back. We all finished eating and packed the rest of our stuff up. It was 3:12 by the time we were done and we had to go to the lobby and give the key back. Zack gave the man behind the desk the key and we all put our bags in the car. I had fun this weekend I thought. I was still tired so I went to sleep.
5 hours later
I woke up and everybody was out the car except Daniel. "We
Here is everyone?" I asked tapping Daniel. "I took them home." He said with a tired voice. "Okay where are we going?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "I'm taking you home." He said stopping at a stop sign and going again. I sat there and looked at him he looked very tired. "Are you sleepy?" I asked. "Yeah." He answered taking a quick look at me. We sat in silence as he stopped in front of my house. I gave him a kiss on the cheek "be careful and get a lot of sleep." I told him as I was getting out the car. "Okay I will." He said waving bye. I got in the house and my mom wasn't there. I went to my room and changed my clothes going to bed. I hope Daniel gets home safe I thought.

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