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Jin seemed to be the cocky and confidence from all your friends. He was guffy and funny but in his mind he was a serious person. Your friends knew what type of person Jin was but no one really dared to ask him how he was feeling.

Jin hid all his tensions and worries to himself. He didn't let you know any single concern of his. He was the life of your friend circle. He helped all of you with your problems but he couldn't ask for your help. He continuously told himself that everything would be alright but none was going according to him.

Even though Jin was frustrated , he couldn't bring himself to tell you all how frustrated he was. He just didn't wanted to be burden to you all. So he kept everything to him.

Jin was currently surrounded by some kids . Those kids were good at everything. Those kid could do anything while he couldn't do. He knew that his mother had to listen to all those neighborhood aunties praising their own sons' good academical result. His mother had nothing to say. Jin wasn't really that good student even though he was still a top student.

Jin saw his mother's face. He knew that his mother was smiling fake. Jin's head dropped. He didn't like it. He didn't like it that his mother had to stay quite and listen to others talking about their sons. All the praise his mother got from others was for Jin's look.

He wanted to do something. Something which would make his parents proud of him even more. But he didn't like the guys who were talking non stop about physics. Quantum of time. He didn't understand a single word. Those guys were using scientific languages, making Jin confused.

Jin never really understood those guys with scientific languages. He has nerd friend called Namjoon but he understands Namjoon like the back of his hand. Namjoon never uses those languages to tell people how much brilliant he was. Jin rolled his eyes at those guys. Show off.

" Aachu! " Namjoon sneezed. " God bless you, my son" You said, patting his head as if he was your per dog. Namjoon gave you a disapproving look. You didn't even looked at him. You were busy watching the movie.

You and Taehyung were feeling bored being in house so you two decided to crushed into Namjoon's place. Why not ? Namjoon stayed at home alone . None of his parents really stayed home unlike yours. You were grateful to your parents for not leaving you alone in the house. You could tell how lonely your friends become. Specially Taehyung.

You tried to keep their company. Taehyung was a soft one unlike Namjoon. Namjoon was mature and understanding. You were pretty sure that Namjoon could handle himself. Taehyung was like a baby to you so you took care of him all the way possible. You would always call Taehyung if his parents were away.

One time , you forgot to check up on Taehyung. Then Taehyung became so lonely and ended coming at your place. From that time, you would always check up on Taehyung. Besides Namjoon had a younger sibling so he wasn't that lonely.

" Eee Namjoon sneezed! Jin might be thinking about him " Taehyung joked about it. You laughed at Taehyung's joke. Namjoon tsked. " You two are so annoying!", said Namjoon. He throw a pillow at Taehyung's face. In your friend circle, you guys jokingly shipped each other. As Namjoon and Jin were closed so you guys shipped them. Their ship name was Namjin. You all do that to annoy each other.

You also get shipped with them all. Whenever you were with one of them, other would make a ship name for you two. But crossing the line was not right.

You faced Namjoon. " Aww I know you missed us. We missed you too, Joon !" You said, wiggling your eyebrow. Then you pulled both of Namjoon's cheeks. Taehyung was smiling widely. Namjoon slapped your hands. " Ouch! Yah!"

" Do you know it's wrong to visit someone late at night ? That too at 8pm ?" Namjoon said, looking at you both with his eyebrow lifted. " So ?" Taehyung said.

Namjoon sighed. " I can't believe you guys tsk" Then he smiled. Taehyung and you smiled widely. " Just say you missed our annoying ass. We won't mind. Right , Tae ?" You looked at Taehyung and he nodded with agreement.


I'm so sorry I couldn't update. I was busy with my studies and preparing for my entrance exam. I will try to update as soon as possible. Thank you so much for your patience and thank you so much for supporting my book.


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