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M first met you on an unexpected day. First day of pre-elementary school. A girl with round cheeks, wearing a bigger size red sweater. Only her cute  round face was visible. Her hair was pinned with some colourful hair clips. He didn't know how many because he doesn't know how to count. He was just starting pre-elementary school. His doe like eyes stared at that girl.

He was wowed by her eating. She could eat a whole big round chocolate in one bite. That was amusing for him. He had never seen anyone eating like her. He looked at the chocolate in his hand. He unwrapped the cover and pulled out the chocolate. He tried to finish the whole chocolate in one bite but couldn't. The chocolate was too big for his mouth. So he had to bite it.

One day, he was silently munching his potato chips. Round face girl only stared at his food. He was scared to death because she appeared out of nowhere. The girl only looked at his chips, sitting beside him. Not even talking with him, gulping. He awkwardly hand out some chips to her. She gave him a big smile. " Oh Thank you! " She took 3/4 of his chips and ran away.

He stared at her running figure. He saw her sharing those chips with her friends. He just stared at them . He didn't make any friends yet. But he was hoping to be friends with her. The round face girl.

Next day~

He was drawing with his crayon. He made a house. He draw himself, his mother and his father. Three of them are holding hands. 3 big chips packets were placed on his paper. His eyes widened. He looked beside him in shock. The round face girl. She was huffing. " That was hard to carry " She said with her baby voice.

He silently looked at her. She made herself sit next to her, getting comfortable. Then she flashed him a big smile. " Hi, classmate. I'm Y/N. Let's be friends!"

His lips lifted upward when he remembered the first time you introduce,d yourself. ' 𝙃𝙞, 𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚 ' He found that word adorable. After that day, you introduced your friends to him. They also became his friend's.

He had to go away from that school. He cried and throw tantrum not to go away. But his plan didn't work. His parents still moved him from that amazing school. He lost contact with you.

He searched for you all . He got every news from his previous school friends. He laughed some of them . After some years later, he met you unexpectedly. You didn't recognize him but he still recognised you. He had been watching you from afar. He did interact with you a lot. You did too. Still you didn't remember his name. He felt a little sad still he was happy to meet you.

He was glad to see you and his old friends. He hangs out with you all sometimes but he spends most of  his time in library, dancing or slipping letters in your locker. You didn't suspect anything. He always watch you reading his letters. Your smile was his favourite.

Being a council member is hard but he was glad that he fits in with school council members. Now , new problem are occuring. Students are found smoking behind school. But the question was where do they get those cigarettes ? They checked students' bags before letting them in. None of them found any cigarettes. Some also did body checking but none.

He suspected that someone was doing that from inside school. He gets frustrated easily but seeing your smile always make him melt. He had been crushing on you since he first met you in pre-elementary school. You were his first love. Yeah, he was in a relationship with girls before but broken up with all of them. They were just wasting his precious time . So he came up with the idea of slipping letter in your locker.

He didn't get caught. But someone caught him slipping letters. He thought he was going to die in embarrassment. He made his friend promise not to tell you a thing. His friend promised. But his friend kept on begging him to ask you out. M was a coward so he didn't ask you out yet. But will be.

He sometimes hangs out with you all. You talked to him friendly. Maybe you considered himself a friend ? He was happy to be a friend for you . Just right now. He was sure that he was going to level up that lebel 'Friend '

He is going to win your heart no matter what!


FRIENDS // BTS X Reader ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें