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    𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙃𝙤𝙗𝙞 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙖 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 ~

Today was the day, Hoseok was preparing for. He spent all his blood, sweat and tears for this day. This day , he was going to succeed no matter what happens. He has the confidence. He built that confidence for this day. He was confident before but he was double no! Triple confident this time.

And for you, those days were hell. You went through a hellish training about how to win a guy's heart. They wanted you to win that guy's heart who was third-wheeling hobi and his would-be girlfriend. You straight up rejected that idea. But they still insisted to train you for your future. You couldn't say no to their puppy eyes and you regretted saying yes to them. You couldn't be yourself anymore. You didn't eat food anymore. You nibbled food as Jimin told you. Nibbling food wasn't satisfying at all. You wanted to take a big bite of your food but their glares made you stop. So, now you nibbled your food.

Nibbling on food made you feel like a bird. You were not a bird. You were a human. Humans are tend to bite their food. You cried mentally. They even thought you how to walk on heels. Taehyung was good with heels. He even danced on those heels. After him,  you tried the heels but a second later, you laid flat on the floor causing you to nosebleed and them panicking over blood streaming out from your nose. They were screaming like maniacs, running around , calling the nurse from infirmary. You simply pushed the tissue inside your nostril to stop the bleeding, looking up on the ceiling. 

The nurse came and checked you. After treating your nose, she went back to her office. After the heel incident , no one talked about you wearing heels anymore. Then they shifted to how to walk like a lady. You didn't know why you should learn. You quite walk like a lady. There they were swaying their hips as they walk. You just gave them a middle finger. You don't want to walk like a freaking cartoon who sways their hips so much. They forcefully made you try but you just stood there awkwardly.

They cheered for you to walk but you ended up swaying your hips too much and that was totally intentional. Just to annoy them. Seeing them face-palming themselves made you so much happy. You went on like that for 40-50 minutes. They taught you how to sway your hips still you over did the swaying. Annoying the shit out of them.

You knew that M was watching your training. He told you in one of his letters. His letters just made you happy. For the first time, you wanted to see M so badly. You do write him back but you had to keep the letter in your locker so that he could take it from your locker. It had been going on like that for several months. You had a crush on M. You knew that was dumb to like someone unknown still you had a crush on him. The most important part of it was you just can't tell the guys about your little crush on M. They will tease the hell out of you. You would wait for him after you left your reply for his letter but you never caught anyone or saw anyone near your locker instead you saw only a couple of school council members.

You also knew that M also had a crush on you. He wrote how much he likes you in the letters. You squealed silently when you read those word. ' I Like You, Y/N ' You read those letters hundreds of times.  You wanted to see him. M told you that he would show his face on the last day of school and you also planned to confess your feelings towards him. That day would be the best day of your life if he accepts your feelings. If he doesn't , it's his choice and you will move on. That's why you had been preparing yourself for that.

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