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Do you know what I like about you ? It's your smile. Your smile is just beautiful. Whenever I see your smile , my heart flatters . Y/N, can you smile daily at school? Everyday ? Your smile just makes my day. I don't know when I will have courage to show you my face. When I will show you my face, it will be the last time.

- M

P. S: Don't skip the class or I might also skip the class with you. It's fun to take classes with you around. 

You folded the letter like before. For few months , M never failed to make you smile. You were smiling more and more. You looked happy even more. But only problem was your friends seemed to be hiding something from you. Whenever you left them alone, they would gather around in circle and would break the circle if they saw you coming back.

More importantly, all of them were acting weird. They seemed to be ignoring you. You got hurt by those actions but you didn't take them in heart. They would hang out but wouldn't let you take part. You became alone. Only the letters from M had been keeping your company. Some random girls who you didn't know would appear before you.

You noticed  that whenever your friends leave you alone , some girls would come to you and try to talk to you. You didn't know why but you felt suspicious about it. You would also talk with them but whenever you suggest something, they would back away. You do ignore those girls who had potential of becoming friends with you to be with the guys.

" I heard K7 are ignoring someone~" Hana said as you were passing by her group. She was with her new boyfriend. The bully. " Aww that's so sad " Her sickass boyfriend mocked you. You took a deep breath. You didn't want to give in to their tactics. Those people were sickos. Always trying to get on your nerves. That's new that Hana's boyfriend was also mocking you with her. " Poor her~ she doesn't even have friends other than K7~"

" Who would like to be friends with her anyway ? She's crazy " One of Hana's minion said. You acted like none of their words hurt you. You opened your locker to put your books. Another later. You pull out the letter.

Hi Tigress,

It will be such a shame to listen to those people you know. I know your friends might be planning something for you. Don't listen to those jealous people. People are tend to do weird things when they are jealous. Then later they regrets all the things, they did to the person. Keep Smiling~
I wanna see that tigress. Fighting!

Someone you might know :p

You smiled.

He stared at you from distance. He didn't want to keep distance from you but his friends told him to keep his distance from you. It was for your sake. It was for you to find new friends. He wasn't happy with the plan but thinking how you were only depending on them made him think. He do want you to make make new friends.

He knew that you didn't want to befriend other people because of them. All of them were worried for you after your mom asked them to help you. He couldn't say no. " I'm sorry , Y/N. But it's for you "

You had been searching for your friends for so long. You looked for them every corner in the school but there was no sign of them. You aimlessly walked through the hallway. You were hungry. You usually ate with them so it was a habit to eat together.

You found your friends. Hoseok and Jungkook were arguing about food. " Hey guy!" You greeted them. Hoseok and Jungkook  froze for a moment. " Huh? Y/N!" Hoseok said. He made a guilty smile. Jungkook kept on munching his chips. " Let's go to cafeteria together~" You said cheerfully.

Hoseok let out a guilty laugh. Then he nudged Jungkook. Signalling Jungkook to say something. You looked at them. They were acting weird. " We ate our lunch in the classroom. Sorry , Y/N. We're going to attend our extra class. Bye " Jungkook skillfully lied. They walked away from you and you stood there. " Bye" You mumbled. They didn't even look back at you.

Some students were whispering between themselves. They were so damn loud that you could hear them. You knew that they were intentionally whispering loudly to hurt you. " She got dumped by her friends" " haha suit herself " " she's so full of herself. " You straightened your back and put on your stoic face.

They are ignoring me. Have I done something wrong to them ? You kept on thinking. You bumped on someone. The person's food fall down on the floor because of the impact." Sorry " You apologized to the person " Why do you keep on showing me your face? Do you have a crush on me or what ?" Jihoo said. You looked at him confusedly. " I have lost my appetite " Jihoo rolled his eye.

You scoffed. " I've also lost my appetite seeing your dumb face. " You left the cafeteria after giving 5k won on his hand.

Ohh's were heard in the cafeteria after your remark. Jihoo couldn't believe what he heard. Hana came beside him quickly. He looked at his hand and throw the money on floor and left in anger. His minions collected the money and followed him.

" Y/N is getting on my nerves these days " Hana said. " You have to do something , Hana. " One of her so called friends' said.  " We heard that K7 are ignoring her and she's all alone. Even if you do something to her, I don't think K7 will help her. " Hana smirked.

" Guys , do you think we are doing the right thing ?" Hoseok questioned. Other guys stopped laughing.

" Why are you saying like that ?" Jin asked Hoseok. " I just felt so bad ignoring Y/N. It feels so empty without her being with us. " Hoseok confessed. All of them went silent. They too agree with Hoseok. But all of them doing that for your sake.

" You know, we're doing it for her sake" Namjoon said. " Don't you think it's just so unfair to ignore her ? For what reason ? Just to help her make new friends" Yoongi snapped. He wasn't really find of the idea from the beginning.

" Still we have do it. Y/N doesn't talk with other except us. She just can't be with us 24/7 . She just can't be depended on us " Jungkook said. " Yes, we all are feeling guilty about it but Y/N have to become independent. She has to know how to make friends beside us. "

Another silence hit the room.

Someone slammed open the door. All of flinched. " Guys.. .. Jihoo and Y/N..*breathe* a-are *breathe*"

" Just finish the damn sentence , Haneul!" Taehyung said. He was panicking.

" Fighting in the cafeteria!" " WHAT!"


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