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Hearing Lora's name, all of them scoffed. You furrowed your eyebrows. " What what what ? Why did you all scoffed at me ?" You pointed finger at them.

They just yawned. Walked straight of you , Saying stuff like 'you're late' 'i thought you would bring some new news' 'hate to know the same old news' ' too boring ' 'bring some spicy news' ' we knew that. Get interesting ones'

You just stared at them wide-eyed. You couldn't believe your ears. They already knew that still they didn't tell you. Like WTH!

" You guys knew about this ?" You questioned them. All of them nodded. " WHY I didn't know about this ?!" You pointed at yourself.

Lost in your mind, trying to find every information in your brain. Looking  every corner of your brain why you didn't know about this. Your search was cut off when someone spoke.

" We even talked about this in front of you. We thought you knew about this " Taehyung told you.

Jimin dumped his arm around Taehyung's neck and laughed at you. " You really are dense, babyboss " VMin snickered.

" Shut up" You pouted.

" Stop it you two. Our Y/N had enough. Let's get home everyone~" Jin said, dumping his arm around you. " You are the only one who understand me " You let out a fake cry. Jin also go along with your fake cries. Both of you hugged each other.

Jin walked by your side, resting his arm on your shoulders. " Y/N~ the food was amazing right?" Jin squealed.

You nodded. " I think I ate a lot. Gosh mom is going to make me do work out " You groaned.

" Pfft working out is great " Jin commented. Jin loves to work out. That's the reason why he could eat a lot. Like a lot.

Working out is your worst enemy. You hated to work out. Even though your mom says working out is the key to healthy body. You still don't believe her.

Your mom made your father work out even though he hates to work out. Your dad being the pussy he is, he works out with our mom. While you , You always liked to skip the work out session.

That's why you and your mom made a pact. You would work out only 1 day.

Sudden thought passed your mind.

" Yoongs " You called Yoongi.

He looked at you. You looked straight at his eyes. " Please be careful of her. I don't feel good about this. This girl seems super crazy to me " You told him your concern. Yoongi flashed you his gummy smiled and ruffled your hair.

" Don't worry. I can handle everything. Besides you worry too much " He pinched your cheeks hard and you grunted. " It happened before " Yoongi winked.

Having enough of pinching on your cheeks, you decided to pinch his cheeks. Yoongi laughed when you couldn't reach his cheeks.  You tried to so hard to reach his cheeks but he blocked your every attempt.

Others were just enjoying your little fight. Curious who would win this time.

After a thousand year of climbing the stairs like a zombie, you entered your room. Your hair looked like a nest. Untidy. The reason of becoming zombie was, the boys and you had fun running around and making fun of yourselves.

You digested your food because of all the running and stuff which made your energy to go 100 to 0. You didn't  have any energy left to work out. Today you would only rest.

You groaned and dumped your body on your bed. Shoes flew across your room. After a moment , a hard thing hit your butt. You winched.

You got up in a zippy, caressing your butt. The sting session was still on your butt. " What the hell, Eunwoo !!" You screamed at him.

He raised his eyebrow and closed his arms over his chest, leaning against the doorframe. " What did you just call me, shorty ?" He asked you back.

" Just go away and let me be " You let out a tantrum. " MOM, OPPA HIT ME " You complained to your mom. You were spoiled by your dad but not that spoiled. You could differentiate what's right and what's wrong.

" Eunwoo, let her be alone " Both of you heard your mom's voice from downstairs.

" GET OUT " You screamed and throw your pillow at him.

Eunwoo covered his poor ears." Gosh this spoiled kid!" He screamed while going back to his room.

When Eunwoo retreated to his room, you snickered. You took the thing in your hand which Eunwoo attacked you with few minutes ago.

You unwrapped the thing. It was a box full of your favourite chocolates. You smiled. " The bustard at least brought my fav this time "


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