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Previously on Friends

You ran passed by the security guy. The security guys were behind you, trying to stop you from leaving. You were crying. You couldn't see anything because of tears. You stood in the middle of a busy road.

*Honk* You looked at your left. It was too late.


" Y/N !!!"

*Ambulance Siren*


It was Sunday. The guys were here to hangout at your place. They'd been at your house for 1 and half hours. You were still sleeping as you played games till 4 am. They tried to wake you up but you would only groaned. You wouldn't wake up.

Your parents even tried to wake you up but still you would cover your face with a blanket as a sign that you were listening. Many countless attempts were failed.

They sat in circle around your round table. Played rock, paper, scissors. After playing around for hours and drawing random things  on your face one by one , they created a new game. The game was ' Who Can Make Ambulance Siren sound Endlessly'

" Weeohhweeohhweeohh" Namjoon finished. " How's that ?" He asked his friends excitedly. "Not good" " pfft I can do betterrrrrrr" " mine was better" " mine's even superior"

" Yah! You all are so mean. I know I did better" Namjoon said with a pout.

Hoseok stepped forward and stood with confidence. " Watch and learn "


Hoseok was practically screaming.

On the other hand~

" Y/N..Y/N!!" Seokjin was trying to wake you up for so long. But you were still sleeping. The way you were sleeping was nothing lady like." Can't believe she's a girl" Seokjin scoffed. You didn't wanted to be lady like anyway. It was your choice.

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Seokjin sighed looking at you. He had enough. All of them were waiting for you to wake up. It'd been 2 hours. He had enough. He prepared himself to wake you up. The guys also agreed with Seokjin. They all threw him a green signal before going back to the game they were playing. The game was
' Who can make sound like ambulance endlessly '

Seokjin took a sip empty water bottle and hit your head with it. " Y/N! FUDGING WAKE UP!"

You immediately woke up. " Ow!" You groaned with your hoarse voice. " WHAT THE HELL" You rubbed your head where pain was most.

" Weeohhweeohhweeohh " some made ambulance Siren sound. " Weeohhweeohhweeoohh"

" Finally! You woke up!" Seokjin chimed. You had a scowl on your face. Then you saw Seokjin's face becoming red. He was ready to nag you. Before he could nag you, you ran to the bathroom. The guys still making those sounds of an ambulance siren.

You screamed as you saw your face in the mirror. Different things were drawn on your face with different markers. " Seriously?! Annoying brats. I will take revenge. Just wait and watch!" You complained to yourself.

You squeezed your face wash cream . Then applied on your face. Rubbing. You remembered what you dreamed. It was a horrible dream! You splashed water on your face . " Hana even plays villian role in my dreams. " You laughed. " No wonder she looks like a villian "

You could hear those 'weeohhweeohh' even in the bathroom. " Geez why they are so annoying "

You came out of the bathroom after freshing up. The towel was banging around your neck. " Why are you guys dying in here ? " You asked them, yawning. They were eating some fruits and sweet. Your mother gave them a while ago.

Theirs 'weeohhweeohh' thing stopped as they were eating. " We were bored so why not die in your place ?" Jimin shrugged his shoulders. You stole snatched the apple from Namjoon. He looked at you in disbelief. " Why are you so mean!" Namjoon whined. Then you gave back the apple taking one bite. He whined like a kid and it hurts your ear. " Fine! Fine! Gosh, take it!"

Namjoon stopped. He always use that weapon to take things from you. Works everytime~ He patted himself imaginary. Bad habit your was you loved to snatch foods from your friends. You had no control over it. It just happened like light speed. Like you snatch the sweet from Yoongi's hand. He just stared at you with a wtf face.

You gave him a smile. 

9 people were in a dark room, only light was on the table. All of them were wearing sunglasses and sitting in circle around the table. " Do you think she won't know about this ?" One of the members asked.

" Positive. We all have to act normal" A member with Gucci shirt said , smirking as if the plan was going to wait.

" When's the exam ?" The leader of the group asked.

" It's in 1 month from today" The most smart member replied. He was placed all the papers on the table. The leader took the papers and read all the plans.

" So we are really going to do that ?' The assistant of the leader asked. " What is the guarantee that it will be a successful mission ?" He stomped his hand on the table.

Everyone went silent. A member smirked confidently. " That's her fear and we are going to make a good use. It will a successful mission without a doubt" He elaborated with confidence. His confidence smirk was still shining.

" Let's do this!" " YES!"

*Light gets turned on*

" What are you guys doing here ?" You asked them. Your mom let out a nervous smile. " Oh! I am..uhh Giving them some acting advice" She said. Your dad gave you a big smile, nodding his head. You suspiciously looked at them. " Ok!" Nothing seemed suspicious.

They sighed in relief. " I was just here to tell you that the dinner is ready!"

" Come on , boys! Dinner time" Your mom clapped.


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