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You were ready to hang out at Taehyung's place. 6 of them are now downstairs waiting for you. They quite mysteriously friends with Eunwoo. Eunwoo was your older brother still you both fought like kids. DNA  inherited  from family.

Your parents were also downstairs talking with the guys. You walked towards them with your bag filled with your clothes and other stuff. " Let's go, guys" You tell them. They all nodded.

" You are going to stay at Taehyung's place?" Your father asked. His arm was wrapped around your mom's shoulder. "Yeah!" You smiled. " Do you want your brother to drive you to Taehyung's ?" Then said your mother.

" Nope. We can manage , Mom. Bye ~ " You bid your parents and brother goodbye.

You guys reached to Taehyung's place. His parents went to business trip this morning. Taehyung's parents welcomed you all and left you eight to have the house all by yourselves.

Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook jumped on the sofas and laid there." This is so nice~" Jimin said. Then Jungkook and Hoseok hugged Jimin from the both side. Squishing him in a hug.

You shaked your head seeing the scene. " Look ~ Y/N is jealous" Jimin said. Jungkook and Hoseok laughed. You gave them a wtf face before rolling your eyes.

" Don't worry darling I will give you a hug. Come to ,Papa" Jin spread his arms then a pillow hit his face. Namjoon actually throw the pillow against his face. " What the heck ! " Jin snapped. " You are not her dad" Namjoon said.

" You guys are weird " You said to them and left to wake Taehyung up.

Yoongi watched you going to Taehyung's room.

Taehyung was sleeping peacefully. He slept at 4 am. The sleep was so peaceful untill a punching bag jumped on his back. Taehyung let out a groan. " What the hell!!" Taehyung said with his morning voice.

" Wake up!" You said to your best friend, laying on him. " Just get off me, you fatso !" Taehyung whined. Taehyung tried to get you off of his back but went in vain.

" Just say you're getting off from the bed and letting us stay here for 2 days~" You smiled sheepishly now sitting on his back, pressing your palms on his upper back.  On the other hand, Taehyung couldn't take your weight. Then he gave up. " Fine! Now get up! You will break my spine, WOMAN !!"

You scoffed. You were offended when he called you fat. Then you got up from his back. " My back. Fudging Y/N!" Taehyung let out a moan. " Shut up. Stop acting like I weight like an elephant or hippo" You pouted.

" Not elephants and hippos. You fudging weight like a dinosaur!" Teahyung said then you hit him with his pillow. After your mission getting clearance, all the guys hiding in the door rushed to the room, crushing on Tae and his bed.

" I missed this sexy lady" Yoongi said,laying on Taehyung's bed. Taehyung just rolled his eyes. " What happened to your wife then ? You're cheating on your wife with my sexy lady " Taehyung said. Yoongi gestured Taehyung to shut up. The wife Taehyung refering was Yoongi's pillow. Yoongi himself said that he's married with his pillow.

Namjoon sat beside you and pinched your cheeks. " So CUTE" You slapped his hands and rubbed your swallow cheeks. "Can you not pull my cheeks ?!" You whined. Namjoon's smile widen. " I can't help it~" He shrugged.

Jimin, Jin , Jungkook and Hoseok were around the pc. JIN was playing game and they were guiding him how to play properly.  When Jin was killed in the game, they complained that Jin was loser. Jungkook even called Jin bot and Jin snapped.

You sighed , looking at the guys. " I'm gonna have long day "

Dear Diary,

I've seen Y/N leaving to Taehyung's place. I thought attractions go away after days or week. But mine doesn't. Everytime I see her , I fall for her even more like the first time.  Do you think I am only crushing on her ? Not falling in love with her ?
I'm confused. I need to get answer all by myself. I will let you know. Gotta have blast for today~
Night night

He closed his diary. He smiled looking outside. The moon was shining brightly untill a hand touched his shoulder. He skillfully hid his dairy in his backpack and looked at the person. The person was You.

You smiled at him brightly. He felt like his heart was going to explode in a second. You had your glasses on. He rarely sees them on your eyes. " You're wearing glasses ?" He smirked.

" Yeah. My eyes were disturbing me. So yeah!" You let out an awkward laugh. He laughed at your awkwardness.

" Yah just come already. Everyone is waiting for you in the dining room " You tsked and walked towards the dining room. He chuckled and trailed behind you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and poked your cheek.

" You are cute when you become angry bird, Baby Boss " You elbowed him on his ribs and he let out a ooff.

" Yah Y/N !" You let out a laugh before running towards the guys in the dining room.


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