We exchanged many stories during that time, which is how I learned he owns a percentage of Creed Industries, making him a multi-millionaire. Carter didn't want a high position like any other average person would, which is why he settled to be the managing director.

The closest thing he has to a sibling is Nathaniel; they met on their first day of college and been friends ever since. Of course, he met Stella through Nathaniel, considering they're blood-related cousins, and met Keenan through Stella. On his off days, he likes to spend time at orphanages, homeless shelters, and just giving back to the community in general.

Carter is literally the exact opposite of Nathaniel. He has such a sweet, kind, and considerate soul while Nathaniel has nothing but darkness and emptiness inside of him. How Carter managed to stay friends with someone like him is beyond me.

"Why hasn't anyone snatched you off the market yet?" I joked, handing him the last few files. It was now Thursday, the night before all of this work we've done is due.

He laughed and rubbed the back of his tan neck. "It's hard trying to find someone that actually likes you and not your money and status," he explained, grabbing the documents out of my hand.

"Pleasssse, you're too amazing for someone to want you just for your money," I expressed in disbelief.

He chuckled, lightly closing the cabinet shut. "Well, I'm glad someone thinks so."

I gave him a warm smile as we made our way into the cool night, locking up the building behind us.

"Thank you so much for the help," I gushed, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. "I couldn't have done it without you."

"The pleasure was all mine," he murmured, snaking his arms around my waist. I stood there, inhaling his sweet piney scent wanting to cherish the moment but quickly pulled away before I did something I would regret in the morning.

I was beginning to get scared at how close Carter and I were getting. I knew I wasn't ready for a relationship after what happened with my ex. The level of trust you need for one to thrive is just something I don't have in me anymore or right now, at least. Our relationship needed to stay strictly platonic because I actually enjoy being around him. Getting any closer than we are right now could mess it all up.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked, slowly releasing me.

"Bright and early," I saluted, backing away before watching him laugh and disappear into the parking garage.

That night before bed, I sent Jason a quick text asking if he wanted to meet up for dinner tomorrow night, desperately needing to get Carter out of my system. He answered back immediately, saying, "looking forward to it" with a smiley face emoji.

The next morning as I walked into Nathaniel's office, I was greeted with his usual icy glare; only this time, he looked more pissed.

"What is the meaning of this?" He growled, pointing to the filing cabinet that was now magically sitting beside his desk.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, tilting my head in a confused manner. I distinctly remember Carter and I locking up the cabinet inside the storage room before leaving.

"How did you get it all done?" He clarified, clasping his giant hands together, awaiting my answer.

"Does it matter? The job's done like you asked, so drop it." Nothing I do for this man will ever be enough.

"Who helped you?" Nathaniel asked, rubbing his stubbled chin roughly, clearly getting impatient.

"Does it matter?" I asked again, crossing my arms against my chest.

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