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AN:I'm back and feeling the inspiration flow so here ya go!(omg that rhymed😂)

That's all I could see. How long has it been seconds? Minutes? Hours? Maybe even a whole year?! All I remember was, I was falling....then the darkness. I've been here for a while though...just walking around. Though I'm in the darkness I still hear...or at least I think I hear....maybe it's my imagination? I've been hearing random screams of people that I feel I should recognize. Random sounds of dragging chains or sharpening blades. But the one that is the most familiar to me are the gun shots; it feels as if that's the only thing I actually know in this place. Place.... What exactly is this? Where is this? Is this hell? Is this it? You just die and it's darkness? I thought it was filled with pain and all that? Well whatever it is I just hope I get some idea of what's happening.
She's finally here. I hate the fact I had to wait about 70 years but it was worth it. I saw her falling. White wings tarnished by the black tar like once happened to me. I sat and watched her drown in the substance. Slowly loosing conscious. It was funny to see her gasping and desperately trying to get out. Why didn't she just use her powers? Very little demons here are blessed with powers like hers, I mean hell you'd be lucky if you made it here at all with powers. But yet here she is hopelessly drowning and not using a single ounce of her powers. Maybe she doesn't know how to, or that she doesn't know she even has them at all? I soon came too to see the bubbles lessening meaning she's about dead. Oh I better get her out.

After I pulled her out I carried her to the limo that awaited us. I'll have the maids clean her and keep an eye on her as I checked her into hell's list. Our first female demon that's strong. I'm not saying the others aren't strong but I mean she's actually different. She'd make a wonderful wife if I didn't have one already. So the least I can do is try and raise her as my own since I basically failed the first time. For real let's be honest demons are here for a reason you can't rehabilitate a sinner. As soon as she wakes up I'll be there to explain things to her and take her to my office to finish her sign ups. As of now I have some important business to tend to, as Lilith said Charlie tried calling her earlier about her failed hotel commercial. Typical.
Your POV:
OH MY FUCKING GOODNESS HOW LONG AM I GONNA BE IN HERE?! I laid down on the ground waiting to get out of this darkness....still. I sat and sat and sat. Until.
I felt something.
*twitch* *twitch*
It feels like my fingers and toes.
Then a blinding light.
Well somewhat bright considering it seemed to be getting more gloomy as my eyes adjusted.
"THERE YOU ARE! You had me worried you wasn't gonna wake!" Huh?! Who said that? I looked to my side to see a girly looking man? "EXCUSE ME?! I am most definitely NOT girly. I am the king of hell also known as Lucifer Mange. It's a pleasure to meet a charming rose like you." He said as he kissed the top of my hand. Oh the pleasure is mine. I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N." I said gently shaking his left hand. He stood up from his seat abruptly. "Say! I have papers I need filled out for you, so can you follow me to my office. That is if you can walk?" I looked at the ground and shakily sat up to get up. I was a bit wobbly but I soon found balance in my step, he guided me out a door to I assume is a hallway. As we were walking I was wondering, how long exactly have I been out for?
"47 days. Tonight would've made 48 if you decided to sleep a bit longer." He answered my thoughts once a gain and chuckled at the end. "Oh my I guess I really needed sleep?" I replied back and added a small giggle myself. Our walk shortly ended when we came across huge scarlet doors wit a huge gold apple plated into it with a cursive 'L' in it. With a snap of his fingers the grand door opened with a loud low bass creek. "Ladies first." He stood aside and let me through, I was amazed with the room it was gorgeous. The doors slowly shut with a dark boom and he made his way to they large redwood desk. "Please have a seat." He lifted his right hand as to offer the chair right across from him. As I sat down I felt the chair was gonna pull me into another sleep. "Ehem. So I called you here because I already got you checked in we just need to finish a few things on the paper. So you can be one of my forever sinners down here." I swear his grin looked vicious but with a hit of playfulness in it. Truly a bit unsettling. "Okay sir and what are these questions?" I politely asked. "Just some regular everyday questions. Just pretend your at the doctors." He said with a grin again. "Okay first things first let's review what we already have." He said flipping through a red folder. I noticed there was a huge pile of folders but most of them were beige. "What's the difference between the beige and the red folders?" I asked. "Oh beige is for the regular low life sinners here; and the red is for the powerful sinners here that did some terrible things. Mine is separate from every ones as it is black. Black stands for royalty and red for the noble." I nodded my head as he explained this all to me. "So I'm a powerful demon?" I looked down at my hands to notice they aren't the color they were when I was alive nor in heaven. They were a light grey? And I had claw looking things on the end where my finger nails would've been.
"Okay here it is-
Name: Y/n L/n
Birth: 1929
He looked up at me and studied my features.
Eyes: cherry red
Hair length: long
Hair color: Black
Skin: light grey
Demon type:......
He looked up once more. "Could you stand up for me so I can take a look at you?" I tilted my head at him confused but I listened and stood. He came over to me and walked around measuring me, poking me, lifting my arms, then he suddenly gave a yank to something that made me give out a yelp. "H-excuse me but what are you do-" I then saw a long black tail. When has that been there?! It was slim from me to the end in which was very fluffy. "Sorry I was checking if it's real. You never know nowadays." He said giving a sly smile. "Oh it's real alright that hurt." I said grabbing at it and petting it out. "Well from a first glance you would look like a black wolf but with your background and other characteristics that you have I'd say you are a black wendigo." "A what?" I stared at him with a blank face the hell is that supposed to mean?! "Wendigo a demon in which the person in there past life was or is a cannibal." As he explained what I was I glanced at the ground. "Actually I know another sinner that is a wendigo he died a year after your birth and has been here ever since. Though I don't know where he is at the moment." I looked up at him. There's another here like me? "Well not exactly like you but yeah you get the point." He said reading my mind again. "Well I think this will conclude your file. I was thinking.....maybe you could live here and I teach you how to use your powers?" He stood handing me a paper. I carefully read through every sentence, every single word to make sure I wasn't about to sell myself to him. After I read the paper I was shocked it was basically a paper for me to sign to say he and his wife would be my legal guardian. So basically I'm being adopted.... "uhhh this is basical-" "An adoption sheet I know! I'd be happy if you would sign it." He said generally looking happy and excited so see my next move. "You do know I'm like almost 100 years old right? I don't need a babysitter." I said trying not to be rude. "Yes I know but where will you live. How will you get by. Plus my first child was kinda a failed demon." He said sadly smiling. Wow He just called his Child a failed demon that's harsh. "It's just that she believes demons can be resurrected." "Ohhhhhh okay yeah I can somewhat see your point now." I said shaking my head. "So what do you say? Be my adopted daughter, get well training under me, have a home, food, anything you want." He said holding a pen out to me. "Well sir I dont really want much in life or death... but..." I took the pen signing the paper. "I always wanted to have a nice family. So where do I start sir." "Well you can start by callin me dad now." He said with a goofy grin " okay pa." "But I want you to meet your younger sister and her friends...actually scratch that we will hold a ball in 2 days and all of hells finest sinners will be present. For they shall meet my new daughter." He was wondering all over the room throwing his hands everywhere expressing how excited he was. "LILITH!!" He randomly screamed bringing me back to reality. The door opened to a tall, slim, beautiful, woman holding a red margarita in hand. "Yes my love?" She spoke so smoothly like a peaceful waterfall. "We have a new daughter! Lilith meet Y/n!" He said excitedly pulling you close by your shoulder throwing his other hand in the air. She didn't even glance at me. "Lucifer my love I told you. You can't be picking up random demons off hells streets and calling them your daughter just because Charlie has different beliefs than you." She said rubbing away her wrinkles in her brow. "No dear this is the girl I've been waiting for from heaven!" He said trying to get her to look. Once he said heaven he had her attention. "Heaven?!" Her eyes widened when she saw you. "Oh dear me I'm sorry hon I didn't know." She walked up to me and checked me head to toe. "Oh you need a whole new wardrobe hon. I'll get you everything you need after all mother daughter time is important." She said taking a hold of my hand. "Not so fast dear she needs her papa daughter time more than anything I need to still show her where her room is and everything we dont want her getting lost do we?" He said. "*sigh* I guess not. Well honey when your all cozied up tell me and we can have some time together. Sound good?" She gave my hand a small squeeze in hope I'd say yes. "Yeah sure that sounds quite nice mum."

Soooooo there's chapter 9 I figured I'd make this super long to try and make up for the long break😣 but I'm back in business🤩 what do you all think abt this chapter Ol' king Appel is yo new daddy and Queen Lilith is yo new momma🤪 I wonder how Charlie is going to react to a big sister?

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