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I finally got home put my things away and laid in bed and soon dozed off. I woke up the next morning to my momma screaming and a gunshot....then silence. I didn't know what happened so I got up and rushed outside to see momma on her bottom on the grass and papa holding a his shotgun pointing towards the chicken coop. I looked over thinking it was a coyote or something but instead I see a scrawny man laying there.
Papa tossed his gun to me, marched over to momma and yanked her up onto her feet.
"Be useful for once and help me load him into the cellar!" He yelled at momma as he stomped towards the man. I ran into the house put papas gun up then ran to the cellar and opened it up so they can carry the man into there without a problem. Once they were done momma started flipping out and crying throwing hand signals every where about how she doesn't want to go to jail or anything. Though she was quickly stopped by pa smacking her down to the cold rock floor.
"Dammit woman stop we're not going to jail! Here go up stairs and start boiling water and getting the oven heated up and make sure all the damn pans and shit out and ready!"
Momma froze and stared at papa for a moment then quietly shaking she got up and walked back upstairs. Pa quickly and harshly grabbed my shoulders to make me look at him, "Now you listen here. Just because the that damn Great Depression is over doesn't mean everything is entirely back to normal. SO. If you see anyone come around here that you see as a threat or don't know shoot em." He stared intently into my eyes as he said every word. I shook my head to say I understand. He quickly tossed me a knife and said remember how I taught you how to skin a deer?
"U-yes pa." I said kinda scared were this was going. Until he said the words that made this nightmare even scarier.
"Then do exactly that to this scum."
I gulped the breath I didn't even know I was holding...he........he wants me to skin this man into food. I felt as if I was gonna be sick but I held it down and got to work. 'I'm sorry whoever you are...but it's either this or me getting beat and starving for 3 days again.' I felt my lips tremble and my eyes watering but I quickly held it down afraid that if pa saw he'd hit me for being weak. Soon we were done pa gave me a pot of ashes as he burned the rest of things we couldn't eat or need and told me to bury them somewhere.

5hrs later

After all that I finally got home did my chores and waited to eat...it smelled of sweeten cow burgers oddly but they looked like little butterfly steaks. We sat there staring at the food I felt sick to my stomach just looking at it but at the same time it looked delicious.
"EAT DAMMIT STOP STARING AT THE FOOD!" Pa yelled at me and ma causing us to flinch at the booming of his voice. I timidly poked the 'steak' with my fork then picked it up and looked at papa who stared at me as if he'd kill me if I said no. I prayed in my head and apologize for what I was about to do. Then just like that I stuffed it into my mouth and chewed. Wait a minute......it....it's actually not that bad it tasted like the smell a sweeten cow burger. It was really odd to eat. It wasn't as rough as the normal little steaks my momma would make but... they were softer to chew. After dinner pa told me he had extra wood and little planks he wasn't gonna use and that I could use em to build a small shed and to move my things out there. After that I went to bed.

~What a Gal~ [Alastor x reader lemon]Where stories live. Discover now