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              *‼️MY ART‼️*
What was that? Who is that? Why do I suddenly feel so.....hot? It's irritating. I need to find my room. I need to get out of here.
Ugh. Why is it now of all times that it seems that this castle is so huge. My room. I need my room! My chest hurts. Is it getting harder to breath?! I clenched my chest in pain as my vision started to blur. To many emotions at once! Where the fuck is my room at?! I swear I came from here? Why is this happening. Suddenly I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I started running down the halls in search of my room. Where am I?! Why is everything so fuzzy? I can't see.
I can't breath.
I can't move.
What do you want from me?!
Suddenly it felt like everything disappeared. Have I been running around in circles? Everything that was happening just came back ten fold. A searing heat. Dizziness. Tightening in my chest. A headache. I then started to vomit. I leaned against the wall to compose myself. Black. Wait....why is my vomit black?! I wiped my face to notice I'm crying. Why is everything black?! The substance is like goo and tar. Yuck. I need help. I need to get out. I need my room.
With that I dropped to the floor coughing and hacking up whatever was in my throat. My claws came out helping me scratch at my throat and chest to release what ever it is I started hearing a loud screech like scream of someone in pain. It was me. I can't stop. I feel like I'm drowning. Save me.
There's no saving you.....
Who are you?
I am you.
Ahhhhhh!!! Why does everything hurt?!
I continue trying to claw my throat. Get it out!
AhhhhhhHHHHH! I let out another screech and fall to the ground and into the black goo. My vision starts darkening and the last thing I see is Lucifer, Lilith, Charlie, and her friends running towards me. My eyes come in contact with the demon decked out in red.
I will save you. You are mine. As we are mates and it's my job.
W-who's saying that? With that being said I choked up more black goo and my vision blackened to darkness. I felt my limbs collapse causing me to fall into the goo. Is this it? Darkness again?! I just woke up?!
Alastors POV~
As soon as she took off I felt overwhelmed. A pain in my chest. Somethings wrong.
"Great job you scared her off! I swear if you try doing ANYTHING to her I'll personally kill you myself!" Of course Vaggie tried threatening me again and pointed her spear at me. Honestly why did they let her bring such thing to a place like this? Suddenly there was a screech of pain. Mate. Y/n... she's in trouble! Lucifer seemed to notice to as all of us darted to were the noise came from.
Don't worry dear. I'll save you.
We soon found her laying on the floor of a hallway in a puddle of black goo.
"What the hell happened to toots?" AngleDust remarks. Vaggie shot him a heated glare. Lucifer swiped his hand in the air and all the black muck disappeared. He lifted her into his arms only to see she had been clawing her throat and chest open. Deep nasty gashes ran all over her. My poor mate. She's in pain. Suddenly my guard was up and all I wanted to do was protect her. Lucifer rushed off to get the castle's doctor to look at her and make sure she was alright.
It's okay she's getting the help she needs.
But she needs my help. She needs me. Me. I'm her mate. I should be the one helping her. Protecting her. Touching her. Not them. Their not her mate. I'm her mate. Only me.

Y/n is MY mate.

Welp that's it for chapter 16!
I'll try keeping you all updated a little more, but I can't make any promises. Sorry. 💕


In total 706 words.

~What a Gal~ [Alastor x reader lemon]Where stories live. Discover now