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I grabbed my gun and was about to open the door till I heard a thud. I looked outside the window to see a beautiful black deer laying on the ground in front of my door. I quickly put the gun down and went outside careful not to scare him.
"H-hey there easy I won't hurt ya." Something about this situation almost sounded familiar. I saw he was shot in his back right hip.
"So that was the gunshot I heard earlier?" I said basically to myself but he shook his head as if to say yes. Something about this deer was calling me to it more and more. I told him to say there then went into the house to get some bandages and alcohol. After I finished cleaning the wound and wrapping it up. I helped him up and helped him to the shed where I opened it up and let him in to lay on the my old mattress. I talk to him for a bit then when into the house. And fell asleep that night I had a dream of a little black deer when I was younger and it staring into my eyes with it's black ones. Then I woke up with a gasp of breath and a cold sweat. I made breakfast and coffee then headed to the shed to check up on the deer as I opened the door he woke up and looked at me I sat down and fed him some lettuce and carrots I had picked from my garden before winter came.
"Hey, uh you wouldn't happen to be the little fawn I saw in the woods and rescued its mother are you?" I finally asked the question I've been wondering this whole time. I sat there watching the deer and how'd he react. He looked at me and shook his head in a funny way again to say yes. I petted behind his ear as he nuzzled me again. After that day he basically just stayed with me the whole time.

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