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Sorry for the wait😓

But here's the chapter after the long delay I hope it makes up for the wait🥲
They say I was just overwhelmed by all the activities that had taken place before I passed out.
But I knew better.
I know what happened.
And I now know why.
Do I understand why or how?
Do I care.
Fuck no.
That voice in my head? Is that what that even is? Doesn't matter; she hasn't spoke much since the argument. Everything is short. Is she okay? Maybe it was all in my head? Am I crazy?
Oh so now you speak? Honestly, you come and go as you please anymore. I don't know what's more annoying you randomly speaking at times or you speaking all the time.
-I could just not speak at all. But I'd rather help you towards our mate. I want us happy. Not you fucking it up. You only think about yourself not both of us.
Excuse me?! I think only of myself!? Funny when you're only thinking about yourself and that sadistic asshole!
-I'm thinking for what's best for both of us! Stop being such a prude. He's trying his best. Can't you give him that?
Oh my bad he gave us handmade dresses, stalked us, threatened to rape us, what else was there? He isn't helping us with anything but himself. But my fucking bad I'll forgive him later.
-He isn't meaning his words. He's just been so lonely for such a long time. We're finally here. We can be together now. Happy. Like it's meant to be.
Or he is meaning his words and wants to harm u-
-He would never!
Yeah, yeah I don't have time for you.

I shut her out for the rest of the day. I think I've made my mind up.
I like it better when she doesn't talk.

The day went on slowly, since the doctors sent me home early because everything came up clear but they wanted me to take the rest of the day slow. I talked to my nurse to see about if there was anyway I could take some sort of birth control.
Trust no bitch.
-you can trust him-
Fuck off. I swear there's no peace wherever I go.

"Hello dear."
"OH WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed as I heard Alastor from behind me.
"Such profanity." He says tilting his head his ears flopping over to the side with his head.
"That's rich. Coming from you that is." I said putting distance between us and squinting at him.
"How have you been feeling?" He straightened himself up as he asked.
"Dont avoid the conversation! And what's it to you." I stood my ground. I'm not going to cower like the child I once was.
"My dear as your mate I'm always worried for your well-being. It's my job to make sure you're safe and we'll at all ti-"
"Don't come to me acting like you're my prince in shining armor with some bullshit lines. When you and I both know it's fake." I interrupted his little speech. I've had enough of this.
"Dear I'd like it if you didn't interrupt me. And I'm not 'bullshiting' anyone. My words are as true as my love for you." He says taking a step closer as I took another step back.
"Yeah right. Like I'd believe a word you say." I said rolling my eyes to the side then quickly placed them back on him only...he wasn't there. Fuck I let my guard down.
"You're inner self believes it. She knows what's best. And what's best is for you to keep that mouth shut and listen to your mate like a good little doe should." He says as he rests his hands on my shoulders and gives them a tight squeeze. Claws pricking my skin. I turn my head to look him in the eyes. Red glowing eyes that never seem to waver. Bad decision. He starts circling me. Praying on me like food. He's playing with me.
"Well that certainly worked. Now I was wanting to talk to you about more important things. When would you like for our date to be?" He says as he slowly stops in front of me turning his head to me looking for a response.
"Will tomorrow be good or are you still feeling ill?" He says taking a step in my direction. Getting up close and personal with me. Two can play this game.
"No because I don't want to see or be around you anywhere at anytime." I say getting in his face to. His never ending smile widens.
"Don't tempt me dear. I'm being kind to you. Be glad I don't rip you from where you stand kill your family and everything you love and fuck you over it." He says as those weird symbols start hovering around him again and his eyes start to twitch out to radio dials. Fuck me. Fuck him. Absolutely fuck this shit.
"You wouldn't." I say calling his bluff.
"I've done it before. Killing thousands of the demons that once resided here. And that was just for fun. Pure entertainment. But don't think I won't hesitate to do it with meaning to get my way with you. I play nice and you will play nice in return. Turn to a beast and I'll show you the meanest darkest monster that parents warn their children about." He says grabbing the hair from the back of my neck and pulling me towards him even closer bringing my face close to his. He smells. No. Reaks of death. Almost like he himself if actually nothing but a rotting corpse.
"Fine. Tomorrow is fine." I say just wanting his tormenting presence to leave me.
"Great, I'll pick you up at 2 o'clock sharp. Im glad I was able to talk sense into you." He says as he backs off and smiles. How. How can someone threaten to do awful things to the one they claim to love then act like everything is perfectly fine the next. He's definitely a wild card. Hard to keep up with. Can never know his next move.
Right when I come through he's on me in a second kissing me. I shove him off as quickly as I can disgusted with myself and him. He licks his lips and says his farewells and dissipate into the shadows. No where will ever be truely safe.


Welp I hope this makes up for the long ass wait. Again I am truly sorry🥲


1108 Words in total

~What a Gal~ [Alastor x reader lemon]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora