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"How much longer will I be out?" I questioned.
"Only a few more hours.....your body's preparing for the gift..."
I've been sitting here in this darkness talking to this shadow thing for Lucifer knows how long. She keeps talking about fawns, preparation, his gift, and our supposedly mate? I'm so confused and on the verge of going insane. The only think that been keeping me sane and how I can track down how long I've been in here is because of him....our 'mate'. He's been coming or should I say he's been staying by my side. Whenever someone else comes in here though he hides in the shadows until they leave then he comes back. He's been talking to me even though I know that in reality I'm in a coma state. He keeps talking dirty...making all these nasty perverse promises.

'I promise my little doe....That when you wake up I'll be right here...' He says.
'I promise I'll fuck you into our mattress until your oozing my seed and I know that your heat is sated....' He says.
'I can't wait to stuff you full of my cock my little one...I bet it will be a tight fit considering your so much smaller than me...' He says.
I can feel his presence there even if he's not talking and standing there by my vulnerable body. I can sense him there. I can feel him when he touches me. When he would play with my hair. When he would lightly run the back of his clawed hands on my face. When he would grab at my little antlers in hopes to please me. And most importantly I can feel him when he would kiss me. My unwilling body left to his pleaser. He disgusts me. He would never go any farther than that he says....of course cause he's a GeNtaLMaN. Gentlemen my ass. And it doesn't help that some nights I can feel him hold my hand in one of his while he starves off his rut. I feel disgusting. So.....used right now.

I want to wake up......
Then again I don't. I wanna leave.
For someone to save me from this monster that wants to eat me. As a child when I was alive I never feared anything other than father....but now this man....he's truly something frightening. Even when I'm 'asleep' I'm awake. If I ever try to sleep again he will invade my dreams of some black unknown tall lanky shadow in between my legs that are spread so far apart that would be considered almost inhuman. With him thrusting his evil seed into me hoping it'll take.
Lucifer? Lilith? Ma? Anyone?
Please save me. Help me. Before this monster eats me.

You don't need saved. The shadow says.
"Of course. Because you would know?" I glare back. She hasn't been any help to getting me out of here it's always mate, MAte, MATEEEEE. Either that or she wants to talk in some kind of code language 'I can't wait till he except his gIFt'.
I know plenty. She says
I know that your body's almost prepared. That mate is almost done waiting. And that we won't be walking anytime soon after we wake up. Mates rut is hungry. She says almost as if stating the obvious.
"Is that so? Well I refuse to believe that. I'm not just gonna willingly open my legs and say 'fuck me' to a stranger, and I'm most certainly NOT going to become someone whore to breed." I say turning my back to the shadow.
Fine then don't but he will just have to take you forcefully. Plus we're not no whore.....we're his mate! It's our job you provide him his offspring. I was thinking 12! She starts hopping around happily.
"12?! 12 kids?! Fuck no!" I say as I stare at her with disbelief.
Well 'kids' is the human word to call them but yeah 12 little 'kids' running around sounds amazing! She replied back dreamily.
"I don't want kids. I'm not ready. Nor do I even know if I want any they can be shit heads sometimes." I say while crossing my arms across my chest.
Well of course you're ready silly that's why I've been telling you your body's prep-
"NO! Not like that yeah okay my body's prepared....but I'm not mentally prepared. I don't want any as of right now." I look at her and say.
That's not your choice. Your choice is to go willingly or not. She says as she walks....floats? As she goes behind me.
Why don't you sleep anymore? Do you not like the gifts mate has been giving us? He's trying to help the preparation. She says with a tinge of hurt and curiosity.
"Sure the hell doesn't seem like it. Those 'dreams' you call them are nightmares. How can I feel safe if even when I'm sleeping someone in my 'dream' is raping me?!" I yell at her feeling frustrated by her naiveness.
It's seems you will never truly understand. She sighs and moves farther away from me.
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?!" I say as I look at her bewildered by what she's said.
Mate is so generous to us even in our coma state. He's always thinking and giving us his utmost undivided attention. As a little girl you wished to be loved did you not? But when our mate gives us the love and attention we need you reject it making him out like a bad person....and because of what? You don't want his children? That's selfish. She says.
At a loss of words I turn my back on her once more not even going to carry this on.

"Little doe~"
Oh Lucifer he's talking again.
"It's almost time to wake up~ I'm so excited to finally be able to talk to you...to see your eyes."
Ugh creepy...
"I've been waiting patiently little doe...even through the pain. I could just fuck your pliant little body. No. NO. I refuse to do that I will wait till you awake my love. Then will I fuck you."
Please just stop talking....
"Oh how I remember meeting you the first time well....you didn't know.... But the very first time you talked to me I thought I would make a fool of myself and make you hate me....but you didn't and you even excepted and liked my gifts! I can't wait for you to wake and take my next gift little doe~"
Oh Lucifer I can feel him touching my hand now....stop. Please?
Little doe I've been saving every little drop just for you~ well except a couple of them times......but that's not the point! I've been a good mate for you....I promise I have been."
He starts rubbing the back of my hand with one claw.
Mate! Mate! Oh mate I've been a good girl for you too! I've been trying to teach her and help her! But she won't listen.....but that's okay because I know you have a plan! You always have a plan~ ohhhh mate I can't wait to except your gift! I'll take it all like a good girl!
With the shadow bouncing around in excitement from his touch and his words....my body feels like it's on fire now.
I need a way out and away from here.
Ma help......please? Help me.
Oh my Lucifer he's moving my hand...he's never done this what is he doing quit! Stop! Please quit touching me! There's something firm and hard.....is that? No it's can't be...he-he wouldn't...would he?
"Can you feel it darling? My cock is so swollen for you~ even through my pants...it hurts dear. I can't wait for you to wake up~"
Please stop.....
After a minute of feeling him grind into my hand he stops just to keep my hand rested there on it.
Everything around me slowly starts to turn from black to grey...am I? Am I waking up?! I feel my hand more clearly and my fingers twitch around him through his pants.
"Ahh~ Darling are you awake? Can you feel it?! Oh please do that again~ I can't wait to be one with you!" He says as I can feel his cock twitch in excitement.
Oh mate I can't wait to feel more of you~
Please will everyone just shut up and disappear.....I wanna go home.....I wanna wake from this nightmare....
Slowly I regain feeling all throughout my body. And my hands twitch again. His grunt and moans of pleasure were no secret. He was letting me know what made him stutter and squirm. Disgusting. Soon I felt him climb on top of me.
Oh please no get off.....
"My dear wake upppp~"
Slowly my eyes open and squint to adjust to the lighting. All I can see is a ball of blurry red? Red? Red. RED. My eyes soon adjust and I'm face to face with my predator that's been assaulting me in my coma like state.
"Oh my dear your so beautiful! I hope the dreams I gave you were Pleasant? Allow me to properly reintroduced myself! Hello, Alastor at your service! And also my I add
your mate."

For chapter 19 I was thinking of making it a reader's choice☺️
1. Alastor rapes you.
2. You willingly fuck him.
3. Fight or Flight.
Well remember to vote^
I would like all options even if it's not up there😊

Stay Tuned🎙
In total 1,618 words.

~What a Gal~ [Alastor x reader lemon]Where stories live. Discover now