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Alastors POV~
I know. She's been sleeping ever since we found her. The doctor said she needs time to heal.
Her heats been reduced since falling asleep, but I'm sure of it as soon as she awakens it will come back tenfold.
Of course as soon as she wakes up I'll be the first thing she sees. I know she knows what's going on....she just has to know. That I'm her mate. I'll keep her safe. I'll make sure shes protected.
Even from yourself?
W-what? No! Why would I need to protect my mate from myself?! How absurd!? Now be quiet your distracting me from work.
Don't worry as soon as she wakes we'll finally be together. Forever.
She's the heir to the throne. So if we were to come out together that we're mates, and that she's supposed to be with me, and bless me with fawn. Then We'll have to get married. Bonded. For the rest of our deaths. I'd be king. King of all 9 circles; and she would be my beautiful wife that stands by my side.
I honestly don't understand where these feelings come from or how to control them. Once I never thought of having a significant other. But now it's like I need her. I want her. She has to stay by my side now. Either willingly or forcefully. Her choice.
Yes. Mate. My mate. My dear, if you can hear me please wake up soon.... I can't wait to meet you up close and personal. Wake up soon my dear or else my rut will only worsen and though it doesn't bother me much. It will only leave you stuck in bed longer the more time you take. Sweet little nightmares, my dear.
Why must it always be dark? I hear someone talking but it's muffled.
Guess they can't here me?
Mate is nearby....
Nearby? Who's nearby?
Yeah I get that but who?
He's waiting....for us....
Waiting? W-why's he waiting for us?
Our heats been paused....
Paused? What heat? What are you talking about your not making any sense?!
His rut is only worsening... he'll get mad soon if he waits to long...
R-rut? As in like an animal?!
Yes.... Your body needs preparation for the fawn....
W-WHAT?! Now just wait a damn minute what in the hell are you talking about?! Fawn?! As in babies?!
Yes....you need to prepare for his gift.... He's very eager to meet you....
I don't even know who 'he' even is?!
Doesn't matter....you need to prepare and present.... Either willingly or he will force you....
FORCE ME?! Now hold the fuck on  no ones forcing me to do jack shit! Especially if I don't know them!
He will only get angrier....mate needs us...
No the fuck he doesn't! If he can't wait then he ain't worth my time.
Mate needs us though.....
'He's gonna have to wait.
My dear if you can here me please wake up soon.... I can't wait to meet you......'
W-wait who's that?
That voice? That's my 'mate'?
Yesss mates been so very good...been waiting so long for me.....for us.....
Well to fuckin bad. I've been waiting for about a month to wake up and explore. And RIGHT when I finally get up and going I pass out again. No way in hell am I just gonna submit to some stranger!
No. He's gonna have to wait I have to much to live? Die? Uhhhh whatever I am rn. I have to explore hell more I needa make my name big that I'm the next queen of hell and all shall not question me. I need to practice my powers still. There's still so much here for me to do. So no. You all are gonna wait.

Please my dear wake up~
I'm sorry it's a bit shorter than normal but I promise the next chapter will be longer.


In total 689 words.

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