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After Alastor left I made it a priority to shower and scrub him off me.
"I can still smell him." At this point my skin was almost rubbed raw, but I could care less I just want him gone.
'I think he smells wonderful'
"Of course you do. And where was you at when he was here if you like him so damn much?! Exactly, no where. You only come to torture me." I say out loud with frustration. I don't care if someone hears me anymore, if they think I'm crazy good send me to a psych ward.
'You're not crazy, you're misunderstood.'
"Ha what are you now my therapist? Don't forget you are also to blame. I just don't understand why I gotta be the one in this situation. There's millions of demons here and plenty more to come. So why me?!"
'Because he's your-'
"Mate. Yeah, yeah I know." I roll my eyes and throw the scrub brush at the wall done with trying to clean myself of his dead smell.
'Are we just gonna sit in the shower all day?'
"No 'we' are not gonna just sit in the shower all day. I have more important matters at hand rather than dealing with a psychotic strawberry. And can we please stop saying 'we'. There is no 'we'. We are separate entities."
'But I'm you and you're me?'
"No. You like Alastor. I like the sound of me, myself, and I. We are different so we need to find you a name." I stand up and walk out of the shower, grabbing my towel and wrapping it around me in the process.
'But you like him too I can feel the way your heart races when you're near him? Why lie?'
"Ah yes you caught me; sorry I can't help it when I'm fucking terrified! He threatened to kill my family?! Is that supposed to be a panty dropper because it's not." I sat down in front of my vanity mirror and started blow drying my hair.
'He just wants you to quit playing hard to get'
"Yeah that's a fucked up excuse. I'm done having this conversation with you, talk to me once you picked a name for yourself." I ignore anything after that I just dont have time to listen to bullshit. After I finished getting ready I headed out to find Lucifer.

1.5 hours later
"DAD WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU THIS PLACE IS TOO BIG AND I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOUR ASS FOR ALMOST 2 HOURS?!" I yell in the corridor. Seriously where is everyone? I've been walking for hours opening door after door it feels like.
"Oh honey I'm sorry I was finishing up business, but look no more I am here!" Lucifer exclaimed as he literally appeared out of no where.
"Okay so I can summon you just by yelling? I will keep that in mind next time I go on a wild goose chase for you." I dead pan.
"Well my little thorn what are you needing?" He says as he looks at his phone to decline another phone call.
"You said you would help me with my magic or voodoo witchy shit I can supposedly do." I say as I do wiggle fingers with my hands.
"Hahaha, yes I did and I'm glad you reminded me hun because I have great news! I killed an old 'witch' that resides here and got her book for you! Here open it up!" He states quite excitedly as he makes a book poof into existence and tosses it to me.
"Wait what?" I blanked faced.
"Well you need to form a bond with the book silly, and the only way to break said bond is death. So go on open it up, let's get things started!" He says as he ushers me to the sofa.
We sit down and the first thing I notice is the book seems to be made out of leather.
"Not leather darling, skin" he states matter of factly.
"Woah it looks so-"
"Ancient? Well yeah it is about a thousand years old." He chuckles as I dust the book off.
"Well what are you waiting for open it!" He laughs again excited for what awaits. I nod then I slowly open the book but before I can go anymore it violently opens and wailing screams of pain escapes the book and then it's silent again.
"Well that was something" He says as I just sit there in shock.
"What in the 9 circles was that?!"
"Wellllll I'm not sure but that was fun! Close it and see if it does it again?!"
I swear he's a child deep down. So I do what he says however it doesn't do it again.
"Welp I guess that's all it's got" I laugh now flipping through the pages.
"Maybe but it was fun while it lasted let's seeeeeeeeee here!" He state's pointing at a something on a page.
"What is it?"
"A spell that will help ya make things you want appear and disappear like I did this book!" He says matter of factly.
"Oh well that will definitely be helpful what's it called? A-peer-o-de-meer-o?"
And once I said that the words on the page lit up in gold.
"Well continue." He gestured to the book. I closed my eyes and focused on what I wanted to appear to me.
"Hun if you wanted a new dress you could of just asked I can buy an entire dress store for yourself if you'd like" Lucifer spoke up. I opened my eyes to see a burgundy dress folded neatly on my lap.
"Well I couldn't really think of anything else?" I said as I moved the dress to the table.
"It's okay I'm proud you are managing so well! That was quite the large object for your first time!" He pat my back as I flipped through a few other pages of the book.
"Would you like to learn how to go somewhere without walking? It may help you next time when you are looking for me."
"Yes! That would be splendid!" I exclaimed looking up from the book.
"Alrighty let's see ah here it is!" The books pages started flipping to a page that read, 'Come n Go'.
"Easy there. Careful with what you say sometimes, they might have immediate effect." He quickly cut me off.
"Come n Go" As soon as I said that my vision went dizzy and the next thing I knew I was on the sofa across from dad.
"Fabulous!" He shouts as he leaps up from the couch.
"Uhhh yeah definitely closing my eyes for that." I hold my head feeling sick.
"Ah yes motion sickness might be a thing to worry about." He states with sympathy.

I spent my entire day practicing spells with dad till he got another phone call and had the leave for 'business'.
"The devils a busy man" I say aloud, chuckling as I lay in bed flipping through the books pages. There's so much in this book to learn. I shouldn't rush it though or I might get ahead of myself.
'Arn't you bored yet?' Thats voice deep down finally speaks up.
"No I'm perfectly content with laying here flipping through pages. Have you decided on a name yet?" I state with a huff as I roll my eyes.
'Well I still don't see a point in a name but yes a suppose I've decided on a name I would likeeeeeeee'
"Okay wellllllll quit dragging it on a tell me already!" I frustratingly sit up tired of the games.
'I would like to be called———'

What should we name our little annoying voice??? Leave Ideas!>
I'm so sorry for not updating in so long I had gotten so caught up in my own personal life and just kept holding this book off till everything was settled. Now this random ass chapter update is NOT a sign that I am 100% back in business things will be slow getting started again. But all in yet this story has not been forgotten nor abandoned!


And as always...

🎙️Stay Tuned🎙️

1382 words in total

~What a Gal~ [Alastor x reader lemon]Where stories live. Discover now