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~4 years later~

I finally finished my shed when I was 8. I'm 10 now I've grown a lot since then and my (h/c) hair has gotten a few inches
(longer/shorter) momma's been a bit ill lately and winters coming up. Pa gave me more training on how to shoot and now sends me out to hunt anything that moves. And today was another hunting day I went out in hopes of getting a buck or something so pa would be proud of me. I was walking around in the woods and came across 4 squirrels and 3 rabbits it was getting late as I was walking back to the house I heard a gunshot. 'It's probably just pa. Someone must've trespassed, but I could be wrong and it be another hunter.' I kept to the trail I was on and headed home. As soon as I got home I knew it was to silent for its own good and as soon as I opened the door I saw pa dragging ma's body towards the cellar. My skin felt ice cold and then I could already tell my face was drained of color and I was frozen.
"DAMMIT BRAT COME HERE I CANT BE HAVING ANY WITNESSES!" Pa yelled and lunged at me knocking the gun out of my hands and it sliding across the floor. I screamed as pa started grabbing and pulling at me ripping my clothes and hair in the process. Pa soon grabbed at my neck and started choking me till I bit him and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He squealed like a pig and fell off me holding himself. I darted towards the gun and picked it up and pointed it at pa he got up and glared at me.
"Ha you throw more of a fight then your mom did. Now I'm done playing games you hand that gun over right now and I may consider not killing ya." He said with a nasty snarl. I sat there shaking at the thought of pa shooting mama without her even given the chance to defend herself.
"No." I looked him in the eyes and 'for the first time I stood up for myself I may have not been able to protect my ma but I sure as hell won't let this basterd of a father think he's gonna get away with this.'
"Excuse me?! You can't even shoot that thing well. You put that gun down before you get hurt!" He started making his way to me then....


A hole could be seen right dead between his eyes.
"Looks like you were wrong." I said with a smirk as he took his last breath and face planted to the ground with a heavy THUD.
I walked over to him and hit him with the gun a couple times to see if he was still a kickin' 'nope he's as dead as a skeleton in its grave.'
"Good riddance." I said as I spit on him. I picked up his legs and dragged his heavy body down to the cellar. 'Oh no no no I'm not risking myself eating that fat tub or lard and alcohol. I'm gonna chop him up piece by piece and use him to heat up the house. I got tired of dragging him so I pushed his body down the stairs and watched as he rolled sown em. I walked back up and grabbed the shovel winters coming and I better get digging if I want my mother buried peacefully.

~6 days later~

I finally buried my mother and threw my fathers ashes into a little ditch that I know animals like to shit in because I thought my father would like to be with his own kind. Ha I'm funny. Anyway I moved into the house and kept it in tip top shape I even went to town and bought me a radio so I could keep up to date with the music and news.

~2 months later~

Winter came faster than a jackrabbit. I was out of food that day so I had to go out in the woods to get some food. I grabbed my gun and dressed rather warmly and headed out. As I was walking around I saw something black move in the corner of my eye I went to look at it but it was gone I carried on thinking it was a squirrel or a chipmunk. It was getting late and I've only gotten 2 squirrels. I started to head back till I heard a gunshot. I stoped for a moment thinking if I wanted to check it out or not. I decided it was to late and headed back home for my own good. Later that night I hear a scraping sound on my door that awoke me from my slumber.

~What a Gal~ [Alastor x reader lemon]Where stories live. Discover now