51-Ochako got hit

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*Back to the dorms.

Izuku and Ochako went into the living room where several of the students were playing Mario Cart and Ilda was studying.

"Ochako! Are you still feeling alright?" Mina asked her while beating Bakugo who was about to rage quit.

" Yes... Although I think I have a headache" Ochako said while rubbing her head gently trying to soothe it.

"Do you want me to get you some medicine?" Izuku offered her.

" No I'll be fine. I'm just going to get some water" Ochako made her way to the kitchen.

" You so have a crush on her" Mina teased Izuku making him blush.

" I-i do not!" Izuku did.

" As much as I hate getting into others personal business without their permission,I must disagree Midoriya" Ilda said without looking up.

" Yeah it's pretty obvious" Momo watched Bakugo slam his controller down.

"Fucking bullshit! This game is rigged!" Bakugo came in 2nd to Mina who cheered in victory.

"...is it really that obvious?" Izuku asked hoping it wasn't obvious to Ochako.

"Oh yeah. You're always blushing around her and you only let her call you Deku. Besides Bakugo but we know your not gay so you don't crush on him." Mina explained.

" If you fucking crush on me I will crush you" Bakugo gave a threat to him.

" G-got it" Izuku knew he meant it.

A minute later Aizawa came into the building.

"Aizawa! Is something the matter?" Ilda was the first to see him.

" Does anyone know who Uraraka has a crush on?" Aizawa made Izuku blush.

" Midori" Mina spoke up first.

" Definitely" Momo agreed.

" Obviously" Ilda also agreed.

"T-there's no way that's true!" Izuku denied.

" He's too clueless. Anyway why do you need her?" Mina asked Aizawa.

" We found out what the quirk does to her. No the me to explain. Where is she?" Aizawa said very seriously.

" In the kitchen" Momo pointed towards there.

Aizawa went to the kitchen to look for her.

".... she's not here. This is bad. All right all of you listen! Ilda take Midoriya to his room and keep him safe! Rest of you search the dorms. Do not let her out! Understand!" Aizawa commanded them.

" Yes sir!" Said everyone aside from Bakugo.

"C'mon Midoriya" Ilda began to lead him to his room.

" But if something is wrong with her I want to help!" Izuku didn't want his best friend to suffer.

" I know Midoriya. But let's just listen for now. I'm sure everything will be alright" They finally made it.

Ilda went in first to make sure she wasn't there. After confirming he let Izuku come in.

"All right. I'll guard right out here. Lock the door. And I mean dead lock it! Do not open unless I say." Ilda took rules and commands very seriously.

Izuku nodded to him. Once Ilda left Izuku locked the door completely and sat on his bed.

Unfortunately he heard something knock on his window. He turned towards it and Ochako was right there.

' Oh no! I forgot about the window!' Izuku watched as she opened it and stepped into his room.

He opened his mouth to scream for Ilda but Ochako put a hand over his mouth.

"Deku. It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to take my hand off so be quiet okay?" Ochako whispered to him.

" Mmmm" Izuku hummed in her hand in agreement.

Ochako took her hand off his mouth.

" Uraraka. What's going on? Why is Aizawa looking for you?" Izuku was glad she wasn't going to hurt him.

" Deku. Have I ever told you that I think you are hot?" Ochako asked boldly making him blush.

" N-n-no. Y-you h-haven't" Izuku blushed in suprise.

"Well I do think that. " Ochako suddenly grabbed his shoulders and threw him on his bed.

" Ow! Uraraka wa-

Ochako's shirt hit him in the face and he looked at her to see a green bra Side 48 D. He nearly had a nose bleed

"Do you like it?" Ochako squished her chest together.

Izuku could only stutter.

"It's green. You know why?" Ochako asked in a sexy tone.

"N-no. Why?" Izuku asked feeling Ochako start to lay on top of him.

"Because ever since I met you,green has been my favorite color. And it's not the only thing I am wearing that is green." Ochako whispered into his ear and then nibbled on his earlobe slowly.

" U-uraraka... D-d-don't" Izuku tried to hide his moaning.

"Oh? And why not Deku?" Ochako looked in his eyes.

"T-this isn't right! You're under the villians quirk! I can't take advantage of how he makes you feel about me! " Izuku was desperately trying to hold on to his last control of his... Feelings.

"No no. You got it all wrong Deku. I've always loved you. Way before this incident" Ochako explained.

" W-what!? I-is that true!? " Izuku asked shocked at her confession.

" It is silly! I wouldn't lie to you. The only thing the quirk did to me was make me able to confess... And made my hormones out of control"Ochako explained as she took his shirt off and she felt his six pack and nearly had a nosebleed herself.

"... I... I love you too! " Izuku confessed to her.

Ochako had a tear run down her face.

" That makes me really really happy Deku. I was worried I would get rejected. Now then. Back to where I was" Ochako reached for his zipper.

By the time Ilda opened the door it was too late.

The sheets would be stained forever

Izuocha one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora