Chapter 9: The Interview

Start from the beginning

"Okay so we need to get your hair done so you all can go get dressed." Lou said going behind a chair. We all went in and out letting Lou do her stuff. When our hair was done Lou said she would look after Mackenzie while I went to go get dressed even though all she was doing was sitting on the couch watching Tangled. 

We all got dressed and went backstage to get ready for the interview. I felt a tap on my leg and looked down to see Mackenzie holding her arms up. I put her on my hip and she laid her head on my shoulder. She looked exhausted but I don't blame her she was staring at a small screen for about an hour. 

"Hey Kenz you are going to stay here with Paul then you will come out to me when he says to okay?"  I asked. "I just want to stay with you though" she yawned her eyes drooping. "It will only be a bit okay? I promise" I held out my pinky to her and she took it. I handed Kenz to Paul and she just went right back to lying on his shoulder watching The guys and I from the side of the stage. 


LT: Louis

LP: Liam


Z: Zayn

H: Harry 

M: Mackenzie

I: Interviewer

We all walked out to the chair after we heard our into was finished. 

I: Hello One Direction It has been a while since you have been here. I know there is a lot going on right now so I just want to say thank you for coming today.

LP: Anytime

I: Louis I am sorry to hear about your cancer. How have you been doing?

LT: I'm okay. I had my first round of treatment already and I'm ready to get this out of me.

I: Thats good. And Also you all just finished your tour and released Four. What are the plans for the future?

Z: We are taking a little time off but in about 2 months we will start our On The Road Again tour. 

I: Is this the big news you came on here to tell us?

H: Well not exactly.

I: What do you mean?

LT: You see while I was in the hospital I met this little girl and her name is Mackenzie. She was getting her treatment at the same time I was. Mackenzie was a foster kid and they were going to stop her treatment even though she still needed it because they couldn't afford it anymore. The orphanage didn't allow any donations. After hanging out with her and getting to know her I realized she held a special place in my heart and I needed to help her. So I adopted her. 

I: That is absolutely amazing! Is she here? Can we send her out?

Just then everyone started awing as Mackenzie came over from the side of the stage straight to me and I helped her onto my lap. She went up to my ear and whispered. "You promised it wouldn't take long" but my mic picked it up and everybody else heard it and laughed. 

I: So Mackenzie how are you doing today?

M: I'm okay

I: You look very pretty today who picked out your clothes?

Mackenzie smiled her shyness starting to go away

M: Thank you. My daddy picked it out for me

the whole crowd broke out in an awww

LT: What can I say I have good taste 

N: It was us who picked all of her clothes out! I think we need some credit!!!

LT: Okay Okay the guys did pick out the clothes because I wasn't feeling good but I'm still the one who picked this out!

I: So are you guys helping out a lot with Mackenzie? Who plays which roll in the house?

M: Niall feeds me when I want more food. He gave me ice cream the other night after we had pizza.

LT: Niall!

N: Mackenzie I thought we agreed to keep that a secret!  

Mackenzie laughed

M: sorry 

LP: I am the one to keep everybody in check. If it wasn't for me we wouldn't of been here in time!

H: I am pretty sure Zayn and I are the ones that buy way to many toys. We are those uncles. 

The whole audiance laughed. 

The rest of the interview went by pretty quick. Mackenzie really warmed up to the interviewer and even started hysterically laughing when we played a game. When it was over you could tell she was warn out. she was falling asleep walking. If I wasn't holding her hand she might of been on the floor by now. We were going straight  to the van right now through the front entrance because the press was going to be all over the back with the new news out. The only thing was that the front was full of fans so it was still crowded. 

I picked Mackenzie up and put her on my hip. She cuddled her blanket she was holding and started to fall asleep on my shoulder. We all walked throughout the twisted hallways and finally made our ways to the front door. When the fans saw just a small glimpse of us they started yelling. Mackenzie didn't move an inch. 

Luckily security set up barriers to leave us lots of room to get to the car but right now we are going to take pictures with the fans. We walked out and the fans went wild. I took Mackenzie and put her in her booster seat so she didn't wake up out here. When I closed the door I went to the closest fans next to me. 

"Louis I love you so much. I hope you feel better!" One girl said while I signed her case. "Thanks love" I smiled at her then went to the next person. It was the same all the way down. I down most of the line then Paul gently pulled my shoulder back motioning that it was time to go. I waved bye to the rest of the fans and got in the car behind the rest of the boys. 

When I closed the door I turned to see Mackenzie was still half asleep. When she noticed I was beside her she leaned her head on my shoulder.  I can't get enough of this child. She is the cutest thing and she is all mine. 

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