Chapter 31

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Austin's POV
After I see Camila fall asleep I ran to Ryan's room.

" Is mom asleep? " I nodded.

" Okay so this is how the plan is gonna go, tomorrow morning you tell her that you actually leave the same day you're telling her. When you get to Paris, Dinah, Lauren, Normani, Ally, Alex, Robert and Zach are gonna be there. they're gonna explain to you what will happen. is that good? " Ryan nods.

" Wait what's happening? "

" I'm proposing to your mom "

" Aww dad.. "

" Yeah yeah "

" So I'm actually leaving tomorrow instead of 4 days? " I nod.

" alright.. "

" When are you proposing? "

" When we get there "

" Dad I meant what day? "

" When you get on a plane there's another flight after yours an we're getting on that flight. so basically in 2 days "

" What time? "

" 3 pm "

" WHERE? "

" Ryan stop with these questions. " I say and laugh.

" Alright dad, I'll see you tomorrow. I hope she says yes " I nodded and thank him.

" Goodnight "

" Goodnight "

And as soon as I hit the pillow I knocked out.

Camila's POV
* next day *
I woke up at 6 am because i need to go to the studio. we have plans for our new reflection tour coming up.
Austin was still sleeping so I got up and hopped in the shower.

After about 15 minutes I got out of the shower and put on my clothes. I quickly put on my heels and some mascara and foundation. I grabbed a paper and pen and left a note for Austin which said

' austin, I'm going to the studio. its like 7 am so I didn't want to wake you up. love you. text me when you wake up :) <3 ~ milaaa "

I grabbed my car keys, phone and bag and went downstairs grabbing a banana. " mom? " I turned around.
" Mom "
" What Ryan? "

" I'm actually leaving today.. "

" What??"

" Yeah.. "

" Oh okay.. uh did your dad apologize? " Ryan nodded.

" He said something about you guys visiting me during vacations " in nodded. " what time are you leaving? "

" 10 am "

" Oh okay sweetheart. " I get up and kiss his forehead. " I'm proud of you " he nods and smiles. " thanks mom "
I throw my banana away. " I'll see you soon okay? " He nods. " bye mom, love you " I smile and say i love you back.

I get up grabbing my car key and getting into my car. it takes me about 20 minutes.

Austin's POV
It's been hours since I read that note. yes I texted back to Camila. She didn't text back. We're supposed to be on that plane right now. Its like 1 pm. she usually doesn't stay at the studio that long.

My phone started to ring. I answered the call.

" Hello? "

" Hi is this Mr. Mahone? Camila Cabello's husband? "

" Yes.. is something wrong? "

" Well she .. "

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