Chapter 36

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Becky's POV
After Austin texted me that he was proposing to Camila, I got jealous.
I sighed and grabbed my phone. I dialed a phone number.

" Hey jimmy, where are you? "

" In Paris. I already told you Becky "

" Well I need you to do me a favor "

" Alright what is it? "

" Meet me at the coffee shop at 3rd avenue "

" Alright I'll be there in a few minutes "

" alright. see yah! " I ended the call and put on a coat. I walked out and grabbed a taxi. " where do you wanna go m'am? "
" 3rd avenue please. at the coffee shop " he nods and starts to drive.

" You're here m'am " I nodded and handed the man some money before walking out of the taxi. I soon see Jimmy in the coffee shop. I sneak up behind him and scare him. " OH DAMN! " I laugh. " Anyways why we here? "

" You know Camila right? " I ask him.
He nods. " well, Austin will be proposing to her tonight at the Eiffel Tower. Call Emma, tell her if she'll be with Michele ( Austin's mom ) today. if she is, tell her to put something in her drink that will make her unconscious. " he nods grabbing his phone.

" Hey Emma? Are you gonna be with Michele today? "

" Yeah? What time? "

" 7? Okay. Becky says to put something in her drink that will make her unconscious "

" The blue liquid? Is that all you have? "

" Alright, use that. how strong is it? "

" Woah! Alright put that in "

" I'm not sure why. Just do it "

" Alright bye " he ends the call and then looks at me.

" You already know the drill. Load up atleast 2 or 3 " he nods and smiles.

" When Becky asks for a favor, do it " I laugh and nodded. " NOW GO! "

He left and I just sat there planning revenge for Camila and Austin. I'll make sure they never see eachother again.

Michele's POV(again, Austin's mom)
" So! Emma! Why are you here again? "

" Well, I was just guessing if you wanted to go do something. Probably just make dinner here and Invite a few friends over! " I nodded.

" Alright you go call anna, Marie, Beth, Betsy, and Liza over " she nods. " I'll go make food "

I looked through the cupboards and looked for the ingredients for lasagna.

I started to make the lasagna. " Michele! Anna, Betsy, Beth, And Marie are coming over. Liza can't. Emergency " I furrowed my eyebrows. " what happened? "

She shrugged. " Her son is at school. He stapled a teacher's tie on his desk" my jaw dropped and then I laughed. " well anyways, I'm almost done with the lasagna " she nods.
" I'll just set the table " I nodded as she walked around the kitchen looking for the plates, napkins, forks and stuff.

After I made the lasagna, they all started to come in.

Austin's POV
" Alex, I'm so fucking nervous. what do I do? " I ask pacing back and forth. " dude! Where's the ring! " My eyes widen. " oh god no " I said looking through my pants and luggage.

I Finally felt something. I sigh in relief. " it's here, now help me get ready "
He nods picking stuff out for me.

Camila's POV
" Mila, we have to get ready in Ally's room. Austin and Alex are getting ready in our room " I nodded.

" You can use my stuff." I shook my head. " it's alright. I have my makeup bag in my purse " she nods.
I grabbed my stuff and we both walked to Ally's room. " but I do need a curler " she nods. " I'm pretty sure Ally has one around here "

Since I already showered I decided on going to do my hair. I did light waves and then let my bangs out.
I quickly put On the usual makeup and then put my outfit on. " so Lolo, how do I look? " I asked making a pose for her as I stood on the door frame.

Her eyes light up. " you look perfect mila! I'm sure Austin will be all over you " she winked. My phone suddenly started to ring. it was unknown but it may be important so I answered it.

" Hello? "

" Get the hell away from him. If you don't, I'll make yours and Austin's life a living hell "

Before I can answer the call ended.

Who was that?

Ausmila // AM and CCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat