Chapter 40

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The nurse lead me into Camila's room. She was watching ICarly laughing. She looked at me and smiled.

I just wanted to cry, kiss her forever, hug her forever, cuddle with her forever.

I just hope she still remembers me.

" I'll just leave you guys here "

" Hey Camila! I missed you so much " she smiled as I pulled her into a hug. She hugged back. We then pulled away from our hug. " How are you feeling? " I asked as I sat down next to her bed. " i'm feeling great actually.. what has happened the past 9 months? "

" 9 months ago ... Well you said you had to go to the bathroom so I said okay.. It was passed 20 minutes and you still didn't come out of the bathroom. I told Lauren to come and see what you were doing in the bathroom... she called me saying she saw cuts on your wrists. I sent a nurse to the bathroom to get you.. "

" But why didn't you guys let my die there? "

" I wouldn't want to let you die there. I love you so much to just let you die on the bathroom floor. "

" But I don't deserve to live "

" Yes you do. think about the people who love you at lot "

" They don't love me.. that's why I tried killing myself "

" your mom.. sophie.. your dad.. All your fans.. Everyone camila.. everyone. your friends. the guys. everyone camila. just think about the people YOU will be hurting. You don't want the people who love you the most wants you to die."

" Oh.. just one question.. "

" Yeah? "

" Who are you? "

That's when I broke down crying.

THATS THE END GUYS!! COMMENT OR VOTE IF YOU WANT A SEQUEL :))) thanks for all the reads and votes and comments guys. ❤️❤️❤️

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