more family time

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He laughed,"it's okay sis."
"whats up?"
"I was wondering if you want to go hunting with me?"
"your alittle Early I'm still human."
"I know but I'm in the mood for bear."
"why a bear?"
He looked over at me
"fine. Just don't tell me dude." I laughed turning around. I drove to my hiking trail.
"keep up jasper and esme waiting." He said leaving.
"you di-" I said parking.
I began running. I felt the alcohol leave my body in my sweat. Jasper was above me on a hill.
I climbed up and he smiled.
"why did I say yes to emmet?" I asked him
"he bet me a thousand you would say yes."
"let me guess you bet no?" I said
"yes,sorry " he said
We were silent for a minute.
"I never said thank you for taking down that army did I?"
"no, but it's alright."
"thank you jasper. What you said, well what you went through I'm sorry."
He hugged me.
"did I tell you sorry for almost eating you"
"I figured you was upset about it. So I never really blame you." I said as we walked.
Jasper let me climb on his back and we arrived to emmet and esme.
I hugged her.
"told you." Emmet said
It got silent not even bugs.
Then I heard a roar. It was a bear itching it's back on a tree.
"that's mine." Emmet said
He attack and it was down. I started walking closer.
He whiped his mouth.
"is it?" I asked still looking at it.
I bend down and I petted it. I'm petting a bear. The fur was so soft in my hands.
I watched esme tackle a mountain lion. The jasper two deers. I felt someone wrap hands around my waist and it was Edward
"emmet betted that I would say yes to go hunting and he won. I got to petted a bear. Don't worry it was dead." I said excited.
He smiled and kissed my cheek.
"glad your having fun"
"better than last night" I confessed
"what did you do?"
"um, drinking and strippers." I said smiling he looked at me.
"just drinking and talking. Girls night." I said rubbing his arm.
He smiled. "Okay"
"you don't want a guy rubbing his body on me?"
He looked at me
"I mean if I didn't trust you and a woman rubbed herself on you let's just say she wouldn't have any teeth." I said letting him go
"I trust you I just d-"
"don't trust the others." I finished his sentence. I sat down on a log and watched emmet and Edward wrestling.
I smiled and laughed when he took emmet down.
Rosalie sat down next to me.
"hey rosalie" I said still watching them.
Emmet won and rosalie laughed.edward walked over to me.
"you did really good." I said hugging him
"he cheated."
"nope you just suck." I said
He looked at me and I laughed
"but I love you " I said laying my head on his shoulder when he sat down next to me.
"I love you too."
We watched as jasper and emmet began wrestling.
"can I ask you a question?"
"you just did babe."
He looked at me and I laughed.
"why do your family call you bean?"
I looked down.
"when I was younger my mom made this custom for a kindergarten play and I was a potatoe but I looked like a giant bean and it stuck." I said playing with his hand.
"I don't mean to upset you"
I grabbed his hand," Edward you can't upset me. You didn't do anything. " I said kissing his cheek.
Carisle showed up and I smiled and waved.
"how was spending time with your aunt and grandmother?'
"rough." I laughed
Edward picked me up and I giggled. We took off to my car.
Emmet snatched my keys out of my hand
"emmet!" I yelled
"oh calm on let me show what this baby can really do."
I smiled.
He froze,"what?"
"let's go but I call shot gun."
He froze,"um." He said handing my keys back
"chicken" I joked getting in my car
Edward laughed and sat in my passenger seat.i waited for his family to leave. I looked over at Edward and smiled.
He leaned forward and began kissing me. We began making out and I stopped before it got to hot and heavy. We drove back to my home. Bryce and Brandon were wrestling. I laughed as I saw bryce take down brandon. I walked inside as Ben handed me a plate of pizza.
"Edward you hungry?"
"he ate a late lunch with his dad."
"Oh okay."
I ate and cleaned up. I haven't seen Jacob in a long time. I went upstairs and began cleaning up. I took down posters and pictures. Edward helped me with packing. I only had three months left of high school and then a month we would be married. I wiped down and cleaned things as I packed. Edward was going through my family abulm.
"your mom looks totally different."
I laughed," Edward you probably look different back then" I said packing up my video games and console to give to the boys.
Edward pov.
I watched as she cleaned. She began going through her closet.
"I'm going to invite Alice and rosalie over to help me go through this mess to donate alot."
"why don't you keep them?"
She looked at me and walked back into the closet. She came out in a t-shirt that hardly covered her belly button. She looked gorgeous. One wrong stretch and she would show her bossum.
If I could I would blush
"I could keep this and where around " she said posing for me
She read my face " don't worry it's going into the donate pile." She laughed walking back in. I looked at her make up bag. She hardly wore it and I like it when she went natural.
She came out in a tank top. She usually wore a band braclet over her scar from James but she was busy going through changing and getting ready for bed.
She threw the clothes at me and jumped me.
She laid her head by my neck.
"what going on under that big hair ?" She asked running her fingers through my head.
"your makeup, have I told you I like you natural. Your more beautiful without."
"oh I know but I look smoking with it and I think you really like" she said kissing my neck. I noticed lately she being more affectionate.
She laid her had on my chest as I leaned back. Her breathing was calmer. I helped her into bed. I began folding her clothes into piles. I found a shoe box in the bottom of the closet. I opened it.

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