hunting trip

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            Samantha pov
I helped Ben carry the guns to my grandma's jeep. I had my hair up and I wore my orange vest. Edward came and I handed him a vest. We rode to a spot of my grandma's friend spot. I handed Edward a gun. He looked at it.
I watched Ben setting the gear
"you wouldn't have to shoot it's not loaded." I said
He nodded. We headed into the woods. We was on the deer stand and I was watching knowing I can shoot and get out of here quicker. Lucky for me Edward was a vampire to help smell a deer out.
I told him my plans. He agreed. I held my rifle and Edward poked my arm.
I smiled.
              Edward pov.
I watched as she held the gun steady and she squeezed the trigger. I saw the bullet hit the deer.
I smiled. Samantha got down and walked slowly to the animal. I heard the heart beat. It wasnt dead. I smelled the blood. Lucky I fed more this morning.
Samantha finished off killing the animal. She looked at me and back at the animal. She was frowning. I helped her move the animal.
We stopped. Her rifle was up and the safety was off.
I smelled her and her uncle. Then I smelled dog.
A wolf
She looked harder. Knowing her she was trying to see as far as her she could. Even though she was a human with contacts she couldn't see what I saw.
I grabbed her hand.
"it's a wolf." I whispered to her uncle.
"let's go." He said
Samantha lowered her gun putting it on safety.
She put it on her shoulder and carried the dead animal with my help.
They gave it to the man who owned the land and head back. Ben checked the guns before locking them back up.
"Edward lucky for you, you was empty." He said
"oh Samantha set me up."
Of course. He thought
She removed out of the vest and began relaxing.
I sat next to her and I read his mind.
I wonder if Joey knows how close they are. Maybe they are having sex. I hope she safe. She reminds me of her mother. She probably doesn't know how bad her father is. Is it a good idea to keep her in the dark? He thought
Samantha pov.
Prom was coming up and I kept dodging Alice and Edward for it. I laid down as my doorbell ranged. I walked downstairs to Alice and Edward at my door.
"What up?" I asked
"We came to hang out."
I let them in and we walked up to my room
Alice looked around.
"Are you goth?" She asked frowning
"First time in my room?"
She frowned "yeah, I figured it was bright."
I laughed, "it's okay Alice. " I said moving my desk chair for her.
"What's up?"
"Why do you not want to go to prom?" Edward asked
I froze. And smiled. "You never asked me silly."
He laughed and Alice smiled.
"Would you like to go with prom with me?" He asked grabbing my hand
I smiled "of course."
Alice began making a happy noise and clapping her hands.
"I got a dress for you to borrow!"
I lost my smile."great" I said
Edward kissed and hugged me.
"Gotta go"
Alice looked at me and smiled.
"Oh no." I said
We began talking
I let her braid my hair.
"Is my dad going to die?" I asked being serious
She stopped and let my hair go. I turned around.
She was sad.
"Tell me the truth. "
She nodded. I felt my tears began to fall and I held it in.
"I gotta go pee." I said
I went to the bathroom and I began crying. I wiped my tears and I looked in the mirror. My reflection looked weird. My hair half braided sticking up in other places.
I began laughing.
Alice opened my bathroom door and looked at me.
I began laughing harder. She began laughing and she hugged me.
"I love you Alice." I said holding her
"I love you too."
I began showing her some of my moms things I kept. She loved how I kept a few things of her stuff.
"Do you miss her?" She asked
I looked at her,"yes. But esme reminds me so much of her."
She smiled."she likes you too."
Grandma came in."hey girls do you need anything?"
"No ma'am." I said
"Glad your hanging out with more people than Edward. I love him but you need to expand your social life"
Alice smiled
"Well I'm going to lay down."
She closed the door.
I turned and let Alice finish my hair.
She fixed my makeup. She left to go hunt with jasper and rosalie.
I walked out to Jacob at my car.
"What are you doing?"
"Waiting for the leeches to be gone." He smiled.
"I gotta go to the store for a few things." I said
"You look good."
"Thanks that leech you saw leave fixed my hair." I said
"She nicer. " I said getting in my car.
He slid in and we headed to the car.
"I know it was you when I was hunting." I said picking  up a few bedding stuff.
"a vampire hunting with a gun" he whispered
I rolled my eyes and picked up a few things out.
"How you feeling with your dad?" He asked after a moment of silence
"Alice sees the future. He doesn't make it." I confessed
He looked at me.his brown eyes melting my heart
"I'm sorry Samantha."  Jacob said grabbing my hand
"My dad refuse chemo. He accept it and I should too."  I said wanting to pull away
"I'm sorry,you losing your dad."
"I lost my mom and now my dad. I thought atleast he could be at my wedding when I'm older." I said without thinking
He smiled, i believe he now thinks that Edward just a phase and I move on. As if..
"My dad leaving me here was the best thing he done. I met you and Edward. I have Jessica if I want to just not worry about other things"
"What other things?" Jacob asked shoving his hands into his jeans
"I don't hear you put down Edward, I don't have Edward treating me like a china plate."
I paid and picked up some food.
At home we played video games and ate. My window slid up and it was Edward. Luckily I was changed before he actually walked through.
"How was it with Jacob?' smelling he was here.
"Alright. I told him about my dad coming this summer." I said
Edward laid down after I did. I closed my eyes.
"What are you thinking?" I asked

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