spending time with his family

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I sat down. My heart was beating and my legs hurt. I stood up and I began walking when I felt something touch me. It was a dog. He snarled at me. I backed away and noticed it had blood around its mouth. I jumped and it ran into the lot behind the gas station. I looked back and i smelled something. I opened the door. It was a body. I bend down and puked my guts out as the smell hit me. I took out my phone and called 911
After answering all the questions at the police station my grandma picked me up
After she told me to never go there again we stopped and ate.
I couldnt get the image out of my mind
I laid down for bed. I dreamed that the body had Edwards face.while the dog was Jacob in his wolf form. I jumped up covered in a cold sweat to see him next to me
"What's wrong?' he asked grabbing my hands.
"Of the body at the gas station?"
"Betty's awake in her room talking to your father about it."
"I didn't mean to run that far it was I was just upset."
"About ?"
"Jacob, he told me to stay away from you."
"What did you say?"Edward asked
"I told him to mind his business"
"Kinda hard since his kind hates mine."
"I get that impression"
I snuggled next to him.
He looked down
"What did Alice see today when i was at that place?'
"You was almost attacked by a dog, but you scared it and you was brave."
I laid in his chest and I closed my eyes
I awoke to my alarm going off.
He took me to school everyday for that week.
Saturday I dressed into a black pants and white dress shirt. I braided my hair.
I walked downstairs and I listen to nanny's music. There was a knock. I opened it and it was Edward
I hugged him and kissed his cheek. Once we arrived at his home I was shocked big it was.
We walked in and we heard talking in the other room.
Edward held my waist as he introduced everyone.
"Hope your hungry "esme asked
"Um sure."
"She already ate." Edward said
Then the blonde broke a bowl of salad and took off.
"That was rosalie."
"Don't mind her." Carlisle said
"It's okay. " I said smiling
Then two people came in.
I knew her name was Alice.
"I'm Alice."
"That's Jasper, he new to our way of life " Carlisle said
Edward took me upstairs
We past a display of graduation hats.
"We made it into an art work."
"Doesn't it get boring?" I asked
He smiled and nodded.
We arrived to his room. It was filled with books and music.
"No bed cause you don't sleep." I said
He nodded
I looked at his music. I turned the player in and classical music played softly
I smiled.looking at him
He touched my hand, I turned my body to fully stand infront of me and we slowly began dancing. He twirled me and I stopped and frowned
"I'm not a good dancer." I said stopping
He moved closer
"I'm not scared I will never be." I whispered
He looked down and grabbed my hand and spinner me around. I was on his back and we before I could understand we was in a tree.
"Hold on" he laughed.
We began going
Through the trees.and we stopped.
"That was fun." I smiled fixing my shirt
He pulled twigs out of my hair and smiled
"Glad your having fun."
We kissed deeper.i wrapped my arms around him and pulled away for air.
"I gotta breathe." I said putting my hand on his chest.
He grabbed it and intrawaied his finger with mine.
"Don't be."  I looked into his eyes
Once back at his home Alice and I began talking. Jasper stared at me but I just smiled at him. I wasn't scared.
Alice kept trying to undo my braid and fix a new hair style on me.
"It's raining tommorow you should come to our baseball game." Alice said
"Y'all play baseball in the rain?" I asked
Edward pov
She was smiling and ingoring rose as she was talking to Alice.
When she asked if we played in the rain
"Where is she from?" I heard Jasper ask
"She from alabama."
Alice looked at Jasper
And Samantha looked at me
"He was born in Texas."
"Oh." She said smiling.
"You know one thing I miss about Alabama is the bbq and the football games."
"You played football?" Emmet asked
"My daddy taught me. Have you played?" She asked
"She awesome bro!" Emmet though
I smiled
Then I watched her and emmet run through which teams were the best.
"Serious I can't believe you would chose them over mine. Not only are you wrong but your crazy." Samantha said
Emmet laughed
Samantha phone rang and she looked at it and declined it and went back to conversation. I wonder who keeps calling her.
"So Samantha your parents what are they like?' esme asked
"My dad like to build things, he built our home back in Alabama. My mom I don't really know she left when I was eight and died when I was ten." She said
Esme looked said," I'm sorry dear."
"It's alright.she left for some reason some people are allowed to have closure some aren't. Life not fair for a reason why cry about it." She said
We drove back to her home.
"Thank you Edward, I like your family. Even though they probably would like to eat me." She said
"They liked you too."
"Good." She said leaning closure and we kissed.i walked her to her door.
"See you tomorrow?"
"Yeah." I said smiling
I walked away, I headed home.
"So that's the girl you wrote that piece for?" Esme asked hugging me
"Yeah."  I said smiling
She smiled and kissed my cheek
"I'm happy your happy"
I went hunting before I went to Samantha home. She wasn't in her room. I heard Samantha voice.
"Night nanny" she said walking. She smiled and sat down on the bed next to me
"Your eyes "
"Just went hunting."
She smiled and nodded. She patted my arm
"I'm going to change first " she said getting up
She grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom. She came back with her hair in a bun and in shorts.
She laided down next to me.She leaned up and kisses me. I rolled on top of her as our kiss got deeper.
Her heart began pumping harder. I throw myself back.
She rose up and looked at me with wide eyes. She looked like a deer in headlights.
"I will hurt you" I said
"Looks like you would hurt my wall more than hurt me" she said smiling
I laughed relaxing more.
"I told you I'm not scared of you" she said holding my face closer.
I kissed her goodnight. I ran home to let her sleep.also to not tempt myself more than I did tonight.
Alice was in my room.
"What's wrong?" I asked
I read her mind. It was Samantha crying in her bed alone. Her grandmother walked in and hugged her.
"What happens?"
"I have no idea." She said
I nodded.
Samantha pov.
I awoke and I heard Jacob laughing.Seth and my grandma was talking
He turned and smiled at me.
"Can we talk?"
"Yeah come on." I said going to the back porch.
"You been avoiding my calls." He said
I looked down,"Jacob, I think I have a good idea of what you want me to be but I can't be that way."
He looked around and smiled
"Because of the leech." He scoffed.
"I like him and I like you in different ways you need to understand that." I said
He grabbed my hand.
"Hang out with me today" he begged.
"I can't Edward picking me up to spend time with his family."
"Their not his real family." He sneered
"Jacob, that was mean to say. And very rude I understand you have some thing about him but do you ever sit and think that he didn't do anything to you?'
"Whatever." He said walking away
I stood there thinking
"Fine I blow off Edward to hang with you but as a friend nothing more." I said making him stop
He smiled," I take that."
"Let's go." I said walking saying goodbye. I opened my door to Edward about to knock
"Edward,hey" I said getting a headache
He looked at Jacob and looked at me
"Hey you ready?"
"Change of plans leech"
"Jacob." I said turning around.
I walked past Edward and closed the door so we could talk.
"I'm sorry Edward, Jacob and I had plans today to visit Emily and I forgot" I lied
He looked down
"You know what he is?"
"My friend and only my friend other than you and your family. I have no more feelings for him that. My feelings for you haven't changed."
He nodded.
He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms.He kissed me and began kissing all over my face
I pulled back and smiled,"that was lovely but ..no I'm not going to complain." I said kissing his again

"I see you later"
I watched as he left. I pulled my keys out and opened the door,"let's go kids.bye nanny."
"Bye bean." Seth and Jacob got in my car
"Gross you stink." Seth said
I looked at him and smelled myself
"I took a shower"
"Did that leech give you a tongue bath?"
I looked out the window..I smiled Edward kissed me.
"Well when two people like each other very much.."
"Gross " they both said
I laughed I sped off and we headed to the movies.We watched a movie and Jacob tried the whole time to hold my hand. I kept my distance. We headed out when I saw Jessica
"Hey Jess"
"Hey samantha "
We talked about zombie movies for a bit and parted ways.I drove them back to my house. I kept checking my phone because earlier my dad sent a text saying he needed to talk.I dropped Jacob and Seth off at my house and I took off. I needed space. I didn't know how fast I was going until I saw a stop signI slowed down when I stopped my door opened and it was Edward
I screamed in shock. I felt my heartbeat
"Sorry didn't mean to scary you."
"It's alright" I smiled
"Smells like dog in here."
"Weird how they said ,.well Jacob quote.Like a leech." I said taking off.
He laughed
"Pretty smart."I said turning the corner. Knowing he marked his territory earlier.
"You spend time with him why?"
"It's hard to explain other he my friend, I'm allowed to have friends." I said
He looked over at my sped
"Probably need to slow down."
"Calling the kettle black." I said slowing down. I arrived at his home
I heard the thunder and lightning. I checked my phone again
"What's wrong?'
"My dad sent this text saying we need to talk."
"Their already at the field." Edward said wanting to go play. He reminded me of a boy I used to baby sit.
"Let's go "
"You sure?"
"I cant think of him right now he threw me here." I said getting out.
He followed and he held my hand.He picked me up and began going fast.i closed my eyes burying my head into his chest. We arrived at the field as
Esme walked over to me and said she need another empire.
I helped and watched.
To be honest I wasn't really empiring but watching in amazement. Edward looked amazing smiling and having fun. He was amazing.i could see the love he has for his brothers.
Then Alice stopped.as she was about to pitch.
Then three figures came out.
Edward put me behind them.
They were talking.More.vampires.They been killing people around town, they were the ones who killed that body at the gas station
The blonde man looked at me and licked his lips. Their eyes were red. Esme and I switch clothing.I was at their home. They began explaining what would happen.
"My grandma" I said sitting up remebering about her safety
"We watch her."  Carisle said
Esme put her hand on my shoulder
Rosalie muttered something
"No, I have someone that would help."
I began explaining Jacob.I left out the imprinting part for when I talk to Edward alone or he maybe already knows by reading jacobs mind.
"Dogs?" Rosalie asked
"Jacob my friend, he blame you but my grandmother didn't do anything." I replied looking at rosalia
Edward put his hand in my hand.
"She be alright." He assured me
We drove home.I was driving faster to not only get to her but beat the rain.
"Samantha slow down we had esme get them off your track."
"I know."  I said still driving faster we arrived at my home.
"I see you later." I said kissing his cold cheek.
He grabbed my chin,"it be alright they move on."
I nodded and got out. He hugged me once more before running off into the woods.
I walked in the house and my grandma was making dinner
"Hey bean, I need you to stay home tomorrow."
"Alright." I went upstairs and and changed.
I walked down and ate. I walked in my room after my shower.
I had my phone on my dad's message.
My window opened it was Edward
"Their gone for now"
"Thanks sorry for ruining the game."
"It's alright." He smiled and laid down next to me
"I'm not going to school tomorrow." I said removing my jacket

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