what are you doing?

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She stood there frozen.
Her heart beat stayed the same.
"What are you doing?" She asked quietly
I stood still hoping she couldn't see me.
She laughed. "I can still see you even when you stay still "
I couldn't think of an anwers
"I like watching you sleep."
"So you figured making me go insane thinking I have a ghost is better than telling the truth?"
"I thought.."
"I'm going to bed now. But you can stay of you want." Samantha said climbing in bed.
She stopped and looked at me her green eyes lit up
"But I can't sleep if your standing over me, so you have to get in next to me." Samantha said laying down
I laid next to her and she looked at me and smiled.
She turned over and it took a few minutes she was asleep.
She rolled over and wrapped her arms around my torso.
          Samanthas pov.
I awoke to an empty bed. Shocked that I was okay with him watching me sleep. I took a shower and began getting dress. I walked downstairs to my grandmother and Edward talking.
"Hey nanny"
"Morning sweetie" she smiled
"Hey" I said to Edward then I double back wondering what's goings on.
"Edward here to pick you up for school."  Nanny said looking at my face
I nodded and grabbed my bag.Once out the door.
"I can drive myself" I reminded him
"Yeah but I figured you would enjoy my company."
"Well thank you for giving this present of your company" I said as he closed the door.
We arrived at school and I noticed everyone staring at us.
He smiled and I looked around. Jessica was shocked.
"We the new talk of the school." He whispered
"Doesn't take a mind reader to know that." I said looking up at him
He smiled. Damn why was he so hot. After my first period he was outside waiting on me
I smiled and he put his arm around my waist as we walked.
This was amazing. I looked at my phone and saw a message from my dad explaining he coming in at the end
The summer to visit me.
"What's wrong?"
"My dad text, he visiting when school starts back after summer break." I muttered
"I thought it be good to visit your dad again"
"We haven't been getting along since the new start."
"I'm sorry."he looked at me
I smiled.
"It's okay."
He nodded and I began getting our classwork done.
I arrived at lunch and sat down with Jessica and the rest.
"So you not going to talk about what happened this morning?" She asked for everyone
"He took me to school." I said taking a bite
"We know but how?"
"We began talking and well he really nice and easy to talk to." I confessed know Edward could hear.
I had to wait for him at his car.
He came out holding his jacket.
"You know it's rude to make a woman wait for you." I joked
"Sorry. My sister wanted to talk."
"Family always come first." I said
He smiled and we arrived at the forest.
He held out his hand as I came out of the car.i grabbed it and we walked down the trail and we walked off.
"so we haven't talked about last night " I said
He stopped," I have to be near you, I don't know what it is about you but I like you Samantha."
"well, how long have you been watching me?"
"since I met you." He said looking down
"How long have you been vegaterian?" I asked as we walked changing the subject,knowing that was creepy.
"Since I was made but I did slip long time ago."
"So stakes don't work what does?" I asked
"Planning on killing me?" He joked
"No, it's so many things and if you don't feel comfortable answering I stop."  I assured him
"Torn apart and burned."
"Mostly only vampires can kill each other."
"Because your an Apex predator?"
He looked at me
"Well predator a strong word. Okay Apex cuddle buddy" I said laughing
He smiled
We sat down on some rocks.
"So Carlisle is the guy who made everyone and he like your dad?"
"So you read minds your brothers,sisters?"
"Alice can see the future" he said
"That's really cool." I said leaning back
"If you can't read my mind can she see my future?"
"She only sees a bit with me."
"Oh, is it good?"
He smiled and looked away.
"It is,don't tell me. I don't want to know if I know I ruin it." I said
He looked back at me,"you can't"
"I don't know. " I said sliding off the rock
My phone began to ring.
It was Jacob.
I declined it.
"Who was that?"
"A friend, it's hard to explain." I said
He used his speed to run to me and hug me and he leaned down
"Friend like me?"
"No" I said without thinking
We kissed and I pulled away after a bit His lips were cold and hard.
"I forget you don't breathe" I joked
We walked back to his car,then we took off home. I saw Jacob bike outside
"Christ" I said
"What?" Edward asked
"Um I see you later" I said grabbing my bag and getting out.
The door open and Jacob walked out.
I walked to my house past Jacob.
Jacob and Edward was staring at each other.
"Why are you here?" I asked upset he ruined my day with him stalking me.
"I needed to see you"
"I'm here what?' I snapped upset
"Stay away from the cullens'
"You are telling me what to do?" I asked dropping my bag
"No, I am my own person Jacob. I dont need you ordering me around" I said
He was upset
"I like him" I said folding my arms.
"You like him?"
"He a killer, he only likes you for your blood." He said walking closer to me.
"I don't care. Now leave please." I said grabbing my bag walking into the house. I ran upstairs and laid down crying
Jacob was my friend and
He didn't understand.
I changed into some clothes and I started running. I ran past the trail and I   kept running. I knew it would be dark but I needed to be away. I arrived at an abondon gas station in the middle of no where

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