some news

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I looked up at him
"My grandma told me to stay home. I don't know what's happening." I said removing my socks and grabbing some shorts
Edward looked at me.
"Your dad's arriving tomorrow. He has some news to share."
"I hope I'm not leaving, I love it here." I said going into my closet to change.
I laid down and snuggled up to his body. I awoke to Edward going through my albums.
"I'm up Snoop."
"Your dad here" Edward said looking at me
"Come after school and meet him." I said setting up.
He smiled and nodded.I brushed my hair and my teeth after dressing.I went downstairs. I saw my dad standing there with bags.
He lost alot of weight. We hugged and he was talking about new York.
"She has a boyfriend now " nanny said
My dad looked at me and smiled.
"Your making friends, proud of you." He said hugging me
We talked for a few minutes. I let dad get some rest. I was excited for Edward to meet my dad. I brushed my hair and dressed into a new blouse.Dad was awake and dressed. I knew Edward would be here soon.I opened the door and Edward was there about to knock

"Hey" I hugged him kissing his cheek
He kissed back hugging
"How was school?"
"Boring without you" he said
I went to say something but Edward stiffen up
I turned and it was my dad
"Hello, you must be Samantha's friend"  my dad said
"Daddy" I remind him to be nice
Edward laughed
They shook hands."need a thicker jacket bud." My dad said
Edward nodded
"We going out for a family dinner do you want to come?"
Before Edward could say no.
"Actually dad,Edward can't. he has a family thing today and just dropped by to say hello." I said
My dad nodded.
Edward was acting weird. I walked Edward to his car.
"Okay what's wrong?"
Edward looked at me. "Your father has some news to share"
I frowned."I'm not leaving am I?" I asked upset
He laughed "no.but glad your not wanting to leave."
"Yeah so did it work getting james off my scent?" I said changing the subject since we was out of others view.
"For now but we keeping watch. Maybe don't go on your runs for a while."  Edward said running a finger on my upper arm
I frowned. "Okay."
"Have a nice dinner with your father." He said hugging me tight
"Gotta breathe dude."  I joked
He chuckled and kissed my forehead. I watched as he left.
Dad decided to order out saying he had some news to share. That he rather just us around for.
We sat down and ate

"Well?" I asked
"My news is that six months ago. I went to the doctors and found out I have lung cancer."
I frozed.
"I didn't have long to live. I sold everything so you could have money when I'm gone."
I couldn't think. I stood up but my head was splitting.
"Say something" he begged
"Your dying?" I finally asked trying to recollect my thoughts
"Close to it. Pretty much at the end soon. I wanted to say it in person before I head back to new York to stay with your uncle, I am staying with him for awhile."
I hugged him, "daddy I was so mad at you for so long." Upset that I was mad for him.
"I know I couldnt tell you yet I can't put you through chemo. I want you to know I love you and I wanted you to enjoy your high school years." He said hugging me letting me know what I needed to hear.
He had to leave that night and I later down and I started crying hard into my pillows. I felt a hand and it was my grandmother.
"It's okay baby, when I lost your mom I felt like my world stop but I knew atleast I had a part of her in you."
I sat up and hugged her. I fell asleep crying. I was woken awake by Edward
I hugged him, I started crying again.
He kissed me,gentle rubbing my back.
"It be alright." He whispered
I pulled away whiping my tears away.
"He is dying and there nothing I can do."
He looked at me.
"I can't ask that of you Edward I can't. Maybe if we convince him to go get chemo he can live longer." I said
He smiled. "Maybe we can talk to Carlisle."
"No I can't turn him and if he knows out of fear he take me to New York or worse." I said not wanting to be away from him, also not wanting him kidnapped by the government and experiment on.
"I understand." He said laying his forehead on mine.
"Edward I don't see you as a monster I see you as my Edward. " I said as he pulled away
He smiled and leaned down and kissed Me.
"I love you."
I looked in his eyes and smiled.  He just told me he loved me. I never had someone outside my family tell me that.
"I love you too."
He left and I took a shower.I got dressed and walked down stairs
"You don't have to go to school if you don't want to today?" She said in her scrubs
"Edward missed me and I need to be around people or I stay upstairs and cry." Tired of crying.also not wanting to think about my dad anymore.
She hugged me.
"Going on a run after school?"nanny asked pulling away.
"Um maybe." I said thinking of asking Jacob if he would run with me.
I called him and on the first ring he picked up
"Hey, I wanna call to see if you like to hang out after school today?'
"Want me to You pick up up?"
"Um no actually I wanna see if you wanna run so meet at my house around four?"
"Yes. I see you then."
"Bye Jacob."
"Samantha wait"
"Why are you now asking me to run with you?"
"I explain later" I hanged up as I heard Edward ring the doorbell
I opened it and smiled
"Yeah." We walked in hands to his car.
I felt bad for my car I haven't been using it as much as I want to.
We arrived at school and we walked in holding hands.
I kissed him
"Love you see after class."
"Love you too." He said
I walked in and began working.
I walked out and saw Edward talking to emmet.
"Hey emmet."
"Hey sam." He said holding an high five up
I slapped it and grabbed edwards hand.
"So are you watching the game Saturday?" Emmet asked as we walked
"Who playing ?"
He told the names.
"Yes. Gotta see which one would lose their rank." I explained
"Sweet come over and we watch it."
"You got it "
Emmet left.
Edward laughed as we walked in our class
"Sports, how do stand to watch football?"
"Just cause you can't play doesn't mean you can hate"  I joked
"Emmet likes you along with Alice and Jasper."
"Not rosalie. Its okay she can be a hater don't mind." I said sitting down
He smiled.
At lunch as we talked
"Oh Jacob coming over after school today. " I said picking my food.
"Why?" He said playing with my bottle cap he took
"Because he my friend and I want to go running." I said
"But-" he went to say still tapping the bottle tap on the table
"You have music, running is my little escape. Any trouble your my first call I promise" I said smiling
"But Jacob?" Edward asked giving me a look
"He my friend if he tries anything I will assure enough to knock him down a peg.just admit your jealous of him " I said getting to  walking to their table as Alice and  the rest came in
I smiled at Alice and Jasper
"How have you been ?" Alice asked at me with sad eyes
I looked at Edward
"She already knew before I knew." He said shrugging his shoulders
"It's okay my dad left for new York to be with my uncle"
She smiled.
"So anything new in y'all's circle ?" I said eating my apple
Rosalie glared at me.
"You know we should go shopping !' Alice said trying to keep the tension calmed
My heart dropped I hate shopping.
"Oh I don't know."
"Let's do it this Saturday."
"Can't she watching the game with me."  Emmet said before I could answer
Rosalie muttered something
"Um we can do it Friday after school!" I said trying to hang out with alice
They all smiled.i looked over at Edward and smiled.
"It's good their fighting over you." He said
"I know "
After school Edward began driving real slow.
"Edward I know your over a hundred but pick up the speed. " I said looking at the cars behind us.
He smiled,"got to look out for your safety."
"Sure." I said knowing he didn't want me around Jacob
We Made it back to my house and Jacob was sitting on his bike in shorts and no shirt.
"Doesn't he own a shirt?" He asked snarky
"He does but he looks better without it" I teased
Edward looked at me.
I giggled.
I got out and Edward kissed and hugged me.
"Leaving your scent again?"
He smiled. "I love you."
"I love you too."
He left and pulled out.
Damn Edward had looks,the brains, and he was caring.
I wonder what else he can do.
"Hey Jacob." I greeted opening the door.
"How's your leech?"
"Good, I'm even hanging out with his family too." I said walking in.
"Family of leeches. "
"Stop my grandma might hear."
He nodded and I went upstairs. He followed.I opened my door and sat down my bag. Jacob sat down on my bed and looked at me.
"My dad visited yesterday."
"How is he?"
I picked my running clothes. I wiped my  eyes.
"He got cancer." I said holding together looking at him
He walked over and hugged me
I began sobbing in his chest. I let it out.
I pulled away and wiped my tears.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to cry ."
"It's okay." He whispered. Whiping my cheek with his thumb
He looked upset.
"I'm going to change. I be back." I said pulling away
He nodded
I went to the bathroom and came out. He wolf whistled.I was wearing shorts and a sports bra.
"Let's go."  I said rolling my eyes and pulling my hair up.
We began jogging and talking about other things
We began running in the forest.
"We caught a scent of some vampires that's been killing humans."
"Three?" I asked
"Yes how did you know?"
"Meet them when they almost fought the cullens." I said
He stopped and looked around.
"Edward told me they got them off my scent. I'm safe. " I said stopping.
"I can't live without you. I wish you would understand my feeling towards you."
"You need to respect my wishes and feelings" I said turning to run. I twisted my ankle and fell grabbing his hand
"Ow fuck!" I screamed in pain.
"I twisted my ankle." I said trying to stand
He scooped me up and held me. He began carrying me home.
I noticed he was smiling.
"Don't get use to this " I said
"Okay." He said looking down
We arrived at my home and he carried me upstairs.
He laid me down.
"Please get me a bag of ice." I begged
He nodded and left.I ate some ibofhen and he came with water and ice.He laid it on my ankle.I flinched in pain.
"It's okay. I used to do this alot when I first did track." I said
"Are you free this weekend?"
"I'm not Alice wants to go shopping and emmet wants me to watch the game."
He looked at me.
"The leeches want to hang out and your doing it?"
"Yes, they are really nice."
"They want to eat you."
"Keep on and I quit hanging out with you." I threaten
His face dropped
"Okay. "
"Thank you. Want to watch a movie since I planned on running for another hour?"
"Hand me that shirt on the floor please." He Bend over tossing me the shirt I slipped on and turned my tv.
We watched a movie and my window slid up. Jacob jumped up.
"It's Edward." I said
He stayed on guard.Edward climbed in.
"What happened?" He asked looking at my foot.
"I sprained it running,it's okay." I said sitting up
"Should of called me I could took you to Carlisle."
"I don't need a doctor I used to sprain my Ankle alot."
I looked at Jacob.
"I think you need to leave, I call later." I said
He went to say something and I glared at him.Edward watched as he left. He looked at me and I moved. I stood up and balanced my weight. It hurt but I buried the scream down.
"You should sit down."
"I'm good." I said cleaning up.
"You shouldn't have gone "
"Edward, he didn't push me or make me sprain it, You want to blame him,I have to hear crap from him. I don't want to hear it from you.please." I begged sitting down in defeat
"Fine." He said grabbing my hand
"I'm sorry it's just I'm tired of the fighting." I said taking off my shirt and putting it in the hamper. I went in the closet and grabbed a shirt.
"You wore that around him?"
I looked down.
"Yeah what's wrong with my clothes?"
He went to say something. I shrugged and I grabbed a shirt and cleaned bra.
"I'm taking a bath,I be back." I said.
I scrubbed and walked back to him going through my music again
"If you want to borrow them you can." I said drying my hair
He looked at me and quickly back at my albums.I was wearing a long shirt with underwear so I figured he didn't want to push himself.I turned the TV off and grabbed my bag and laid down doing homework
"He loves you." He said
"I know" not looking at him
"Do you love him?" He asked
I looked at him
"Edward I love you. I haven't known him long enough to love him more  as a friend and the more he pisses me off about you and your family I kill him myself." I said looking at him.
He smiled and sat next to me. He watched as I did the work
I stopped.
"He knows about the nomads, he knows I know and their after me."
"Did you tell him?"
"No he said something to be careful. I told him you sent esme off to get him away from my scent." I said
"How did he take it?"
"I don't know, we argued and I sprained my ankle and he carried me home."  I said without thinking
"How did you think I got home,he is strong enough cause he a wolf?"
We cuddle and I fell asleep. I dreamed that I had Edwards eyes. It was nice we were in a field.I opened my eyes.
"Do you miss sleep,dreams?" I asked
"I had a dream that it was just me and you in a feild of flowers. But I had your eyes." I said getting up turning my alarm off. My stomach growled. I forgot to eat.
"You want to be a vampire?" He asked

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