an answer

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"Yes." She said
"But you want me to have human experiences well wait till after our honeymoon to change me.i want to have sex with you as a human before I am turned." She said looking up into my eyes
I didn't want to turn her. Samantha was pretty smart..I knew I would have to tell her about her mother before the wedding.
"Well do you agree?" She asked
"I do."
She snickered and laid down.
"You sure my grandma is safe?"
"Esme with her right now, carisle said she had the day off."
She nodded. I heard her stomach growl
"I think esme still has some snacks in the kitchen."
"Not really hungry." She lied
I knew she was nervous about tomorrow and I had no choice but force her to eat.
I walked to the kitchen and I looked at the food.
I grabbed the chips. "Here eat something in case
Samantha opened her mouth And shut it nodding.
The first time she finally worked with me.
I sat down as she ate.
"I don't want anyone hurt." She said
"I know but think of they are the bad guys."
"Are they really, I mean they didn't ask for this.victoria making a army to get revenge?" Samantha asked
"I know " I said
She was upset we was willing to put ourselves in danger to protect her but we are willing. We love her. I love her.
"Tommorow we going camping. Jacob coming." I explained the plan
She was silent. I wish I could read her mind. To know what's in there. To understand her when she gets quiet.
She finished and took off to he bathroom. She stared at the ring.
"It's beautiful." She whispered
I smiled."not compared to you it isn't."
She smiled and leaned in kissing me.
"To me it doesnt mean anything unless you come with it." She said
She slept throught the night. To be honest I willing to break my vow just for her, but I'm scared of hurting her.The sun came up and we headed up to the mountain.Jacob and her went walking.
Samantha's pov
"I will never ask you to kiss me." I said as we walked
He laughed "alright."
We began talking about what was happing. We caught back over to Edward and I grabbed his hand
"Where your ring?" He asked pulling me closer
"I left back at your house. I didn't want to lose it." I whispered
It was about to get dark. I sat in the tent with Edward once it was up.
"When do you want to get married?" Edward asked
"After graduation. We can have a small ceremony in June." I said
Jacobs pov
"We can have a small ceremony in June." I heard her say.
I opened the tent.
"What ceremony?"
They looked at me in shock.
"We getting married " Samantha said looking down
"Wait your marrying her then what kill her?"
"Jacob!" She yelled
I closed the flap and stood up.
She walked out and looked at me.
"Edward asked me to marry him and I said yes. I'm To be a vampire after the honeymoon." Samantha explained.
I felt anger.I turned to leave.
"Jacob,where you going?" I heard her ask
"I'm going to join my pack." I said walking faster
I heard her footsteps and I felt her grab my hand.
She pulled me into her kissing me. She pulled away.
"Stay. Please. I can't lose you.i love you a different way." She explained.
She loved me but not the way I love her.she loved him. She walked off.
Samantha pov
I walked away. Jacob finally understood what I meant when I loved him another way.
"I kissed Jacob."
Edward looked upset.
"I know his thoughts are loud."
"I love you do you understand?" I asked
He pulled me into his arms
"I saw it. And I don't blame you."
We laid in the tent. I was freezing. Jacob came in and went under the sleeping mat with me.
"My god your warm." I said happy to finally get warm.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
Edward pov.
I hated his thoughts but I knew samantha would never know it to be. She slept peaceful. I knew Jacob would never like me for killing the one person he loves. Is it killing ? To me yes. To carisle it's a grey area.
We awoke and Jacob was tensed. I smelled them too. Samantha kept to me.
Then they came.
As they held my head and arms. I smelled blood.

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