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"About you."
"What about me?"
"Your taking your dad's death very well."
"I lost my mom, I gieve when no one's around which is very little,plus he not dead yet." I confessed rubbing his arm. The smooth and cold skin felt nice against my warm hands.
"Im sorry." Edward said grabbing my chin kissing me.
"I can't ask you to turn him.its not fair." I whispered.
"I know."
I fell asleep. I woke to Edward going through my video games. I laughed thinking of him play video games.
I dressed for school and we did our schedule.
On my run after school. Edward surprised me on my trail.
"Hey." I said stopping alittle upset he was stopping me from finishing my run.
"Climb aboard" he ordered
I climbed on his back and ran.
We arrived at a feild of flowers. We laid down and the sun made his skin sparkle.
I began kissing him running my hand up and down on his chest.
He leaned over me and began kissing my chin and neck.
I let out a moan. Edward
Stopped and pulled away.dammit I thought.to be honest it would be nice to make love to him. Im in love with him,he in love with me.. dammit Edward code. No! I shouted to myself.im just horny.
We laid together. In silent, maybe he was thinking of what could happen if we kept going.
"Have I ever told you when I did go on human blood ?" He asked
Really right now you would ask that? I thought to myself
"No." I answered
He explained he went through a phase. Drinking bad guys blood. Edward with red eyes scared me.
"I don't think I could take a life." I said thinking if I was one.
He smiled
"I know."
Prom came and went. Edward looked handsome in a suit. We slow danced.i couldn't stop looking into his eyes. I felt loved.edward might be a vampire and could kill me but I never saw him as a vampire.i don't see him as he sees himself. I hated that he sees that he a monster, he wasnt. He my edward. We took pictures and danced some more. School ended and dad finally came home.
I fixed some food for us. I walked to his room and we ate.
"Why do I hear voices in your room alot?"
"Speaker. Edward likes to talk before bed."
"Your birthday coming up kiddo." He smiled. He was getting worse.
"Yeah I'm about to be eighteen and a senior." I said in-between bites. Trying to shove the feeling of saddness and hatred (hatred for god letting my dad die.) Down.
"How you and Edward?" Dad asked poking my arm
"Good.jacob puts him down alot." I said putting our plates on his night stand
"Does he know you don't like him,like that?" He asked wondering if I was pulling Jacob along for nothing.
"Told him tons of times dad." I helped clean up and walked to my room.
Edward laid down next to me as I went to sleep.

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