saving a life

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Jacobs pov

I was working on my bike when i heard the car door slam.
I saw Samantha walked in wearing sunglasses and a hoody.i could tell her hair was greasy.
"Glad your out of bed."
"Okay." She muttered looking around
"What's up?" I asked wondering what she wanted. Hoping maybe she finally over that asshole.
"Wanted to hang " she said making me smile
"Fixing my bike"
She pulled the shades down. She had dark circles
She bent down and moved a few things.
I turned it on
"It works."
She smiled faintly.i moved the bike out of the garage
I turned it on.
"Can I test drive it?"
"Sure." I said thinking it over. If she knew how to work on them she knew how to ride.
I watched as she climbed on. Making me think what else she could climb on.I showed her how to use it
She began riding and she taking off. Really fast. Too fast for her. She didn't have a helmet. Shit! I began screaming her name to stop her,even to slow down.
Samantha pov
I was riding faster and for a second. I heard his voice telling me to slow down. I kept going faster.
"Samantha!" I heard edwards voice.
I went off the road and laid down the bike.
"Oops." I said when Jacob helped me up
"You okay?" He asked still holding my hands
I nodded.
We began walking on the beach.
My phone rang.
"Come home now."
I hanged up and we began running to my car. I sped home.
I arrived. The ambulance was there.
"What's happening?!"
Grandma ran to me and hugged me.
"He died in his sleep." She hugged.
I began crying harder. I fell asleep on the couch.
Jacob took me to the cliff to talk.I took off my jacket and shoes.I began running and I jumped off. I went into the water. I went down to the bottom. I saw Edward face. I began slowly going down more. I felt someone pull me up. It was Jacob. I grabbed on him and I began crying.i needed to held again. I needed to wanted again.
Once dried Jacob took me home. My grandma was busy planning my dad's funeral.
I saw a Porsche. I walked in.
"Alice!" I yelled in surprise hoping they were coming back.that Edward changed his mind
"Samantha I saw you dead!" She said hugging me.
I began crying into her arms.happy to see her
"My dad left and I went cliff diving " I explained 
She looked at Jacob. "I couldnt see him pull you out."
They began throwing jabs and Alice went upstairs.
I walked over to Jacob
We were standing close.
"I can't believe she saw me dead."
"It's alright." He said
I looked into his eyes. I felt myself pull closer. He closed his eyes and I did the same. I wanted to be needed and loved again. As our lips was about to touch my house phone went off.
Jacob answered.
"Sorry. Mrs.wallace gone planning a funeral."  He hanged up.
I let Jacob leave.wondering if the world was punishing me for letting Jacob black at Bay for referring him
Edward pov
She was dead. I crushed my phone. Alice vision was true.
Samantha was gone. I thought she was safer without me. I knew I couldn't live without her. Ever since I replaid the her face as I told her those lies. The heartbeat the suffering I caused her to keep her alive which failed at the end
Samantha pov
Alice ran in.
"Edward going to the volutire to kill himself -he thinks your dead!"
I went upstairs and grabbed my passport.
Alice and I took off to the airport. I left a message saying I was getting Edward to my grandma.
We arrived. I was crying and I felt myself go into a panic.
I noticed everyone in red.
"What's going on?"
"It's an Celebration to celebrate st.marcus for driving the vampires out."
She got to where she could. I ran out and began pushing and moving away people. I ran through the fountain and I saw Edward disrobe and about to step out in the sun

I ran faster and I threw myself on him.
"Edward!" I cried out holding him
He pushed me away and into the shadows.
"Your alive?" He asked grabbing my face
"I am. " I said putting my hand on his cheek letting him know I was real.

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