first time of many

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"Yeah "
"Wanna hang out?" Jacob asked smiling
He smiled and I walked away. I did some chores and put my hair up. I walked down to Seth and Jacob eating in the kitchen.
"Hey guys" I said
Jacob stood up and Seth giggled.
I froze, "everything okay?"
"Um yeah I heard you going on the res."
"Jacob asked to hang, I don't have much friends here and I guess it's okay to hang since y'all tooken care of my grandma while I wasn't here." I smiled fixing a plate
Seth laughed.
"Seth,your a cutie pie why wouldnt I want to hang out with y'all?" I asked turning walking to the table.
Jacob looked at Seth. If looks could kill poor Seth.I sat down next to them.
"So what time?"
"Well knowing grandma,she drag me to church."
They looked at me and smiled
"I don't know."
I looked at them.
"Come at eight and I make breakfast " nanny said walking into the kitchen
"What about church I remeber you dragging me to church every Sunday?"
"Key word drag " she said
Jacob and Seth left.I cleaned up and I went upstairs for a shower.I laid in bed and looked at my tv. I fell asleep and awoke at seven.I dressed into shorts and a horror movie t-shirt.I brushed both my hair and teeth and walked down. Jacob was talking to my grandma fixing the stove.
"What's wrong?" I asked
"Stove broke while I was pre heating"
"Dang." I said upset
"How about you kids go get some food and hang out?"
"Sure, Jacob- I be out in a minute."
He cleaned his hands and left. I walked over to the stove and turned it on. It worked perfectly.
I looked at her
"Oops at my age you get mistaken."
"Sure." I said grabbing my keys walking out.
We began heading to the diner.
" Um Samantha can you slow down?" He asked holding on to the bar
"Sorry not use to sped. I drove a slow truck back in Alabama." I confessed slowing down
He chuckled." Um Samantha have you rumors about the res.?"
"Um about wolves?" I asked glancing at him rembering stories I used to hear as a kid.
He laughed
"Rumors,myths what ever. Vampires, werewolves and witches don't exist." I said parking.he looked at me.
"You believe in that?' I laughed
"It's part -"
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh. I was being mean." I said getting out
"It's alright." We walked in and ordered
We ate and Jacob and I tried to keep a conversation but couldn't. We didn't have much in common.I let him drive to the res. I never went but went to the la push as a he was terrified of my sped.
We arrived and Seth ran up to Me and hugged me. Jacob made a noise.Did he growl?
I looked at him with a puzzling look. I met Leah and the others. It was warm we walked to the cliff.
"Wanna dive?" Jacob asked
"I didn't bring extra clothes." I said trying to back out.
"Don't worry we can dry off at my place." She said
"Remeber to not hesitate" Jacob whispered in my ear
I nodded and took off my socks and shoes.Seth and the other jumped first and I started running and I jumped off. I curled up and braced for impact. I broke into the water. The cold shocked me. I opened my mouth in shock and forgot where I was at. I couldn't breathe and I couldn't move up.I felt something grabbed me and drag me up.We broke the surface. I whipped my hair out of my face
I was dragged to the beach.It was Jacob that dragged me out.
"That water freezing." I said shaking
He smiled,"sorry."
"It's alright." I said looking at the cliff.
I jumped that.
I laughed "I did it!" I said excited. Hugging him.
He laughed. I felt a natural high then the cold wind.
I pulled away from him.I also looked around and knew my shoes was on that cliff.
Jacob wrapped his arms around me and we walked on trail leaving to the cliff above. He was hot-well he is hot, but body temp I could roast a marshmellow on his shoulder.
I changed and my clothes dried. I sat with Emily only.I felt bad she had a scratch on her face. She didn't tell me but it looked like a wild animal.We talked about back home. I found her easy to talk to. Jacob came back almost nude.
"Where you go?' I asked
"Out for a bit." He muttered.
I nodded and noticed it was time for me to leave.
"Sorry Jacob, I wish I can stay but I have to go I got school tommorow." I said
"Thanks um wanna hang again next Sunday?"
"Sure." I said smiling before I turned

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