The Raid

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Fuyuhiko's POV

Peko and I arrived at the shabby looking building. It was unappealing and sort of made me sick to look at.
I could hear cheers and yells from all the way outside of it. This made me curious. Just what was going on in here?

I sighed and glanced at Peko who was gearing up for a fight, sword in her hands and everything.

I prepared myself too as we opened the door...

Kazuichi's POV

My robot was winning! I was cheering along with everyone else as if my robot could tell what we were saying.

But then it went silent.

The large door opened up and I heard yelling.

What's going on?

Sonia and Gundam grabbed me and hid behind some boxes.

What's going on?

More yelling and screaming pursued, this time I could hear the voice clearly:

"GIVE ME YOUR MONEY OR ELSE THIS PLACE EXPLODES!" A dominating voice boomed at us. I wasn't quite sure who they were talking to, but it was probably the owner.

I peaked my head out from behind the boxes and saw him.

The golden haired.

The short ass.

The yellow-eyed with an eyepatch.

The ultimate Yakuza.

I was taken so aback. What was he doing here? Why is he demanding money.

Sonia pulled me back right as Fuyuhiko was turning his head towards me. I mumbled her a quick thank you and continued watching, this time through the cracks between the boxes. This time I heard a feminine voice this time.


I saw the owner of the crude voice, who was a kid who looked to be around two years younger than me with light pink hair and inventor googles.

Fuyuhiko growled at her and called Peko out.



I don't know why I'm so surprised but still, I was taken aback.

Peko aimed her sword right at the chick who was glaring at her and calling her "titless" among other insults.

I just watched in awe as Fuyuhiko took charge in this situation.

It was


I was in awe just staring at him.

Then all of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, do you know this guy?" a brown haired boy who I knew as Chihiro asked me. I didn't realize he was hiding with us, but I shrugged it off. I nodded at him quickly.

"Do you think you could help Miu? She isn't really good at... confrontation," he explained to me. I nodded at him and stood up.

"Hey asshole!" I shouted, getting the attention of everyone. Including Fuyuhiko. His gaze bore into me, terrifying me. I shook off my nerves and continued.

"What do you want from us?!" I yelled. I had to yell just so he could hear me from the other side of the room.

"THESE BITCHES OWE US A LOT OF MONEY!" He glared at me as he screamed. I sighed to try and keep my calm, but boy was it hard.

I walked out from behind the boxes to approach the small boy.

He looked nervous but he seemed to be playing it off really well through his yelling and confident voice. I walked up to him and stood next to who I assumed was Miu.

I took a deep breath and held out my hand.

"Sir," I started calmly. Maybe calling him sir will calm him down. "Can we come to an agreement?"

Fuyuhiko looked at me with pity in his eyes.

"Fuck," he mumbled. "I really need this money." He grabbed my hand tightly and I looked up into his blazing golden eye and deep eyepatch.

Why does he look so scared?

"How about Miu pays you guys back and you guys don't hurt anyone here. How's that sound Miu?" I turned my head to the nervous girl next to me.

"Ugh, fineeee I guess I can pay you guys back," she answered reluctantly.

I smiled at the both of them and let go to Fuyuhiko's hand. His hand moved over to Miu's and shook it, solidifying the deal I made.

I exhaled a deep breath I didn't even realize I was holding.


That was stressful.

Soon enough Miu handed over a LOT of money to the Yakuza, allowing them to leave without a fight. 

Everyone appeared from behind their hiding places and the robot fight commenced.

Fuyuhiko's POV

I sure as hell wasn't expecting Kazuichi to be there, let alone him help with a compromise.

I mean.

At least we got the money.

I hope he doesn't see me any different after that.

Boy was I wrong

Authors note; foreshadowing yessss hi! I'm in my last class of the day. I do in fact have a lot of homework to work on after it, but thank god it doesn't seem too hard. I hope you guys enjoyed! bye bye!

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