Drunken Words ~ Iwaoi

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The music is pounding along with the loud chatter of people and heels clicking on the floor as they all dance around.

Laughter slurs from Oikawa's lips as he stumbles on the stool at the bar almost spilling his drink. Kuroo chuckles. "I think you've had enough to drink." Kuroo slurs his words slightly on the verge of being drunk while Oikawa on the other hand is...well...

Kuroo reaches for the drink in Oikawa's hand who quickly pulls it away, spilling it a little onto the bar top. "No wfway immmmm fIne." He cracks up along with Kuroo before pulling out his phone.

"Who you calling?" Bokuto says joining the two boys.

"Noooo one~" He smirks while dialing a number.


It may have been 2 am but that didn't matter. Iwaizumi had a tone of work to do and he put it off till the last minute.

He sighs and slumps over at his desk staring at his computer screen where he has half an essay completed. His train of thought is interrupted by his phone screen lighting up.

He groans and picks it up to see who is calling at 2 in the morning. To no surprise it's Oikawa. He sighs letting the phone ring for a second before answering it since he has nothing better to do.

"What the hell do you-"

"Iwa~ I havvvvee something to telllll you!" Great, his dumbass is drunk.

"The fuck? Where are you." He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Notttt important... Anywho~ don't you waant to hear whaaat I haveeee to say." Iwaizumi thinks back to his conversation with Oikawa earlier that day. Where did he say he was headed. Shit, I should have been listening.

"Fine whatever." He speaks quickly while typing on his computer for local bars.

"Oikayyyy!!!!!" He continues to read through the names of bars until finally, one sounds familiar. He stands up staying on the phone, heading over to grab his keys and a coat while listening to Oikawa slur on. "Iyyyyy nnnned to tells you ddaaaat iyyy..." He stops short while Iwaizumi heads out of his apartment and to his car.

"Spit it out Oikawa."

"Iiiiii luwwvvv youuuu sooooooooo so so so muuuuuchhh." Iwaizumi chuckles, the words not really fazing him since he is clearly so drunk.

"Is that so?" He pulls out of the parking lot and heads down the street to the bar.

"Yeshhhhh and I w-wwwwaant you to takkke me r-righttt nowwww."

"Hmmm well, I'll be there in about ehhh two minutes. If you really want that then stay put. Okay?"

"Oki!!! Anyyythinggg for you Iiiiwa-channnnn." Iwaizumi sighs and chuckles again.

"Who are you even with."

"You jellllyyyyy hmmmmm"

"Mmmmm depends on who it is." He's so drunk might as well tease him. Where's the harm?

"Hehe donnnt worryyyy Iwaaaa I'm just wif Bokuto and Koroo."

"Koroo? Do you mean Kuroo?"

"Yeshhhhh." Iwaizumi sighs and pulls in front of the Bar.

"How many drinks have you had?" He asks keeping him on the phone while he shows security his ID.

"Notttt enoughhhhh" he enters the bar and looks around to see the three boys almost passed out at the bar. He sighs and hangs up the phone. "Iwas? Iwa!?" He yells into the phone.

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