Secrets ~ Tsukiyama

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Yamaguchi POV

Tsuki has always been my best friend. To be honest I'm not sure if he actually liked me back that at all or thought of me as a loser. Either way. He's still hanging around so he doesn't hate me. Which can be nice. I honestly don't really care if he likes me or not. If I'm able to be around him I don't really care.

I sigh and collapse on my bed, trying to understand my situation. The past few days have been a living hell. Ever since he started ignoring me. I don't understand what I did. What could I have done to him? Did he finally grow tired of me? Is this the end? It hurts a lot to think this way, but I can't think of any other reason.

Tsuki's always been closed off. To everyone. Even me. I definitely know the most about him but that's only because I've known him for so long. He doesn't ever talk to me about his feelings. Doesn't talk to me much. I'm always the one doing the talking but I never minded it and he never told me to stop.

This is so frustrating. I've got to talk to him. But how? He keeps avoiding me. Won't even answer my texts. I've started crying again. It's the 2nd night in a row. He was honestly my closest friend and before the volleyball club, my only friend. Losing him hurts so much. Like I'm losing part of me.


The walk to school is lonely like it's been. Silent. I liked talking to Tsuki on our walks to school even if I was the only one talking. A part of me always felt as if he was listening to me. Even though he was actually just listening to music or whatever.

When I get to class Tsuki seems me enter and quickly avoids my eyes. I keep the tears of hurt away and sit at my seat, trying my best just to ignore everything.

Class is slow and painful, and before I know it it's lunch. I look at Tsuki and plugs his headphones in and averts his eyes, ignoring everything. I sigh in defeat and leave the classroom. Kageyama and Hinata invited me to have lunch since everyone has realized the fall out between us.

Hinata spots me and calls out. "Hey! Yamaguchi! Over here." I can see Kageyama rolls his eyes but follows Hinata's lead. He runs up to me, smiling.

"Hey, t-thanks for letting me eat with you two." He nods, and we all walk outside, under a tree close to the vending machine where Kageyama continuously gets milk.

"So, he's still ignoring you?" Hinata asks sweetly. I sigh and nod.

"Yeah...I don't really know what to do about it."

"Well, if you ask me," Kageyama continues as he joins us, "Your better off without that jerk."

"Kageyama! Can't you be a little nicer!" He just shrugs, and I sigh.

"It's fine Hinata, I mean, you're not totally wrong but I don't want to give up. I feel like somethings wrong."

"Have you tried talking to him?"

"I can't even get the chance. He always leaves way before me. And is ignoring all my texts."

"Well, maybe we can help."


"Well, the whole team has realized what's going on, and we're worried. If we can get you two alone, then you can talk and work it out." Hinata grins with his idea, which isn't a bad one. I think about it for a moment.

"O-ok, if you think it will work."

"Awesome! I'm going to go talk to Daichi-san. Come on, Kageyama! Sorry for leaving you."

"No problem, thanks!" I yell after them as they run off. I sigh and stand up, heading back to class.

After school comes volleyball, it goes as usual. Tsuki and I never practiced together so nothing changes, but he still won't even look at me. Throughout practice, the group gives each other strange looks. I really hope Hinata's plan works. I can't take much more of this.

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