Please Say Yes - Bokuaka (Fluff)

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"So?" Akaashi sighs and looks at his captain who wears a hopeful smile.

"No." He closes his shoe locker and picks up his bag while Bokuto pouts a little.

"Oh come on! Still?" Akaashi rolls his eyes and starts walking, Bokuto falling in line with him.

Over the past week, Bokuto has been asking Akaashi out. Every time Akaashi has said no. And every time Bokuto says he will try again later. It's a little annoying if Akaashi is being honest. But he knows how to get Bokuto back off.

Say he doesn't like Bokuto that way.

That would be the way. But so far he has never come close to saying something like that. His no's have been simple and his explanations vague.

If he truly wanted Bokuto to stop because he was uncomfortable, he would say so and Bokuto would stop. Bokuto knows this. It's why he has been persistent the past week.

If Akaashi wasn't interested he would have made it clear the first time. He has yet to do so.

"Yes Bokuto-san, it's still a no." He says it calmly as they near his class. Bokuto lets out an exaggerated sigh as Akaashi stops in front of the room. Bokuto continues walking but turns to face Akaashi.

"Fine, fine. This isn't over though!" Akaashi rolls his eyes and watches Bokuto walk off to his own class. Akaashi shakes his head and enters his classroom.

Akaashi hasn't said he's not interested because he honestly doesn't know if he is or not. Love and romance have never been something he's thought about. He's never had a crush and hasn't really paid attention to how attractive people around him are. It's never been necessary. He had no interest.

Then Bokuto showed up.

He chose this school because of the man, who he can admit is very attractive. But anyone with eyes can see that. But he saw him play once and that led him to come to Fukurodani. He didn't even question it. Just knew this was a man he had to play with.

He doesn't think he can call that love. More like admiration. But then he got to know Bokuto. And he knows the way he feels when he sees the man smile or simply walk into a room isn't a normal feeling. He couldn't care less if one of his other teammates walked into a room. He'd politely acknowledge them but then go back to whatever he was doing before. When Bokuto walks into a room though, it's like nothing else matters but him. That's definitely more than admiration.

But can you call that love?

When class lets out for the day Bokuto is waiting outside of Akaashi's classroom, grinning. Akaashi rolls his eyes but walks over to him.

"Already trying again?"

"I'm just here to walk with you. Nothing more, nothing less." Akaashi eyes him but I mean they are going to the same place it'd be weird to not walk together.

True to his word, he doesn't ask. He chats about random topics and then volleyball once they get to the club room to change out. Then it's practice and all thoughts of Bokuto's strange persistence leave his mind in exchange for volleyball. Calculating his sets, reading the other team, predicting where the ball will go.

It's a good distraction.

But when Bokuto and Akaashi stay back to clean the gym, and then head into the empty club room, Akaashi isn't surprised when Bokuto speaks up again.

"Okay, Akaashi..." Akaashi sighs but turns to face his...surprisingly fond expression. "Will you please go on a date with me?" Akaashi sighs again and looks at him for a moment.

"Why are you being so persistent? I mean it's not unusual but I figured after being rejected 5 times you'd...give up or at least not seem as confident." Bokuto chuckles as Akaashi finishes getting changed and closes his locker.

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