Fights To Love ~ Kagehina

745 29 13

This one is going to be really short but it's all I could think of at the moment :)


Although Kageyama would always yell things like this to Hinata, the past few weeks have really gotten to him. He's not too sure why Kageyama's words are suddenly hurting him so much. Maybe he is only now realizing he is the problem. Still, he can't just let him say stuff like this to him.

"IM NOT BEING HYPER!!!! I'm being excited." He grins at Kageyama, only pissing him off more. Almost everyone else has either stopped to watch them or takes short glances in their direction. Suga and Daichi continue to give each other worried glances, wondering if they will have to step in.

"Why are you always so GODDAMN annoying dumbass!!!"

"Why are you always so annoyed by me!!!!"

By now this is turning into something serious and the team knows it. Normally their dumb bickers would end there, but this time it's different. This time they were both mad and prepared to fight.

Hinata's question caught him off guard, but not saying anything is worse for him.

"Because you're annoying!"

"That's not a reason!!! I'm just being me! WHY DOES THAT BOTHER YOU SO MUCH!!!"








"Should we step in?" Suga asks the captain, looking very concerned as their yelling continues to rise in volume. "Hold on, give them a minute." Daichi study's the situation. His answer did not ease Suga one but, but he trusted his judgment more than his own.





Everything falls silent. Both boys are red with anger and embarrassment while breathing heavily. "Goddammit," Kageyama says quietly before walking out of the gym, leaving Hinata and the rest of the team shocked. Suga is the first to move after that. He slowly walks over to Hinata, breaking the silence that clouded the gym.

"Hinata? Are you ok?"

"Did he really just say that." Hinata whispers,
Completely shocked and not understanding anything anymore. Suga looks at him confused but answers, "umm yeah. Yeah he did."

"What did I say back?"

"Umm well nothing..." Hinata quickly looks up at Suga wide eyed. It's as if the last 5 minutes just didn't even register in Hinata's brain. "CRAP!!" He quickly rushes out of the gym, racing after Kageyama, leaving everyone even more stunned and confused.

Hinata sprints down the road, praying he'll find him, praying he's ok, praying he isn't joking. He runs. Faster and faster until stopping in his tracks. There sitting against the wall on the sidewalk is a broken boy, biting his head in his knees. The sight breaks the other boy's heart and now he knows why.

Out of breath Hinata slowly approaches the boy and stands over him. Quietly he says, "I love you too." He lets out a shaky breath, relieved he was able to say it. Kageyama looked up with bloodshot eyes. He stares up at Hinata, wondering if he just imagined the words coming from the boy.

"Y~you wha~t"

"I love you too." He doesn't hesitate to answer again. Smiling down at the boy he feels his cheeks grow warmer. He slowly knees beside him and wraps his arms around his neck. Kageyama is stunned but is able to slowly reach his arms around Hinata's waist, bringing him closer. They don't say anything. They don't have to. Everything that was said and done is all wrapped up in that one hug. The first of many to come.

Yeah so umm hope you enjoyed that. I'm slowly getting more ideas so I'll be updating a lot more soon :)

641 words

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