Suprise ~ Bokuaka

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Akaashi POV

It's been a long day and I wish I could just go straight from school to my house, but sadly I have work today. As if my life wasn't chaotic enough, being a third year and captain of the volleyball club, I also have to go to work so I can have some money saved for college. It's times like these that I wish Bokuto was still here. But that's not the case so I have to figure everything out on my own.

"Ahh great timing Akaashi, we are super busy so quickly change." Of course, right when I arrived at the cafe the chaos only increases. I sigh and head to the back to change out of my school uniform and into my work uniform.

I quickly rush out to start making drinks for all the customers. It's pretty busy today since a lot of college students are returning for the long weekend to visit their parents. Sadly Bokuto won't be coming back. Claims he had to work. I'm disappointed though, after all, I never got the chance to tell him how I feel before he left.

After about an hour of making drinks, I switched to bringing people their food. Everything is rushing around me but I'm aware of everything. It's all blurry which is weird but I'm still able to do my job.

The bell on the door rings drawing no attention to itself since the door is opened and closed so often at this point. I can hear Mika mutter something to herself before she stops me from taking the pastry to its owner.

"Hey, Akaashi, why don't I take that and you take this gentleman's order." I give her a weird look. It's not really a time to switch but whatever.

"Umm, sure?" She takes the plate and winks at me before I turn to the register and log in.

"Hi, how may I help-" The second I looked up my heart stopped and everything around me stood still. There, right in front of me stood a slightly taller, owl-like man, giving me a warm excited smile. I literally stopped breathing. This can't be happening. Is it really him?

"One Americano please." He says grinning, his voice filling my entire body with butterflies. I hear Mika giggle behind me along with a few other workers.

"Holy shit." I breathe out letting my head fall to the counter. He chuckles above me which just makes me feel even more flustered, happy, confused, excited just, it's way too much. I feel a hand placed on my shoulder so I lift my head. The second I catch his face again I can feel everything begin to bubble up. I cover my mouth and try to keep my tears back. "Fuck." I say my eyes watering even more.

He chuckles again. "Hi, Akaashi." That pretty much pushes me over the edge. I start to cry lightly, the smile on my face growing.

"Why don't you take your break Akaashi, I'll take care of this." I nod as Bokuto walks around the counter and engulfs me in a hug, making me cry even more. I hug him back tightly, my arms wrapped around his neck. He slowly walks to the back, away from all the chaos and business.

I bury my face in his shoulder, trying my best to stop crying so hard as he opens the door to the alley for some fresh air. He laughs lightly above me, making just everything much worse and better. I don't even know I'm just so overwhelmed.

"Why are you crying?" I sigh and laugh a little, hugging him tighter.

"I don't know," I mutter, feeling his arms tighten around my waist.

"I missed you." I sniffle slightly and hesitantly pull away to look up at him. I attempt to say something back but I can't force the words out of my mouth without crying again, so I just nod, taking a deep breath, gaining a sweet smile from Bokuto.

"You jerk why didn't you call, I thought you had to work," I whisper

"Oh yeah, that was a complete lie." We both chuckle. "I wanted to surprise you."

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