Snowy Day ~ Daisuga

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There was no morning sun when he awoke. The only warmth was from the strong arms that wrapped around his waist, pulling him into his boyfriend's chest. Suga sighs quietly, feeling the soft breathing on his back.

He turns around slowly, careful not to wake his sleeping captain, and gazes at his face. Calm and relaxed. He brushes the hair out of his eye and pecks him on the nose. Daichi stirs and tightens his grip on Suga, smiling to himself. Suga giggles quietly while Daichi opens his eyes, lazily looking at his setter.

"Sorry, I was trying not to wake you." Daichi grins and pecks Suga on the lips and then the cheek. He slowly snakes down, leaving light kisses down Suga's neck and bare chest, stopping at his stomach. Suga hums, relaxing to the touch.

"What time is it?" Daichi mumbles into Suga's stomach, gaining a small laugh from him.

"8:30." Daichi looks up and around the room.

"Seems pretty dark for 8..." Daichi says while placing another kiss on Suga's neck.

"If you let me up I can check." He says sweetly, playing with Daichi's hair. Daichi grunts, squeezing Suga tighter.

They stay like that for a while. In each other's embrace, Suga lightly plays with Daichi's messy hair. Suga smiles to himself, loving these moments he gets. Loving waking up to his boyfriend. It's truly a paradise.

He hears Daichi sigh, the grip around his waist losing, letting Suga slip out and walk over to the window. He pulls open the curtains, looks out and watches the many sprinkles of white fall to the ground, adding to the blanket created in the night. Suga smiles, snow being one of his favorite things. He just stares out the window. Watching the snowfall harder, not being able to see down his street. It's beautiful.

A pair of arms slither around his waist, Daichi's head falling to Suga's shoulder, leaving a light kiss. Suga hums, bringing his hands down to cup Daichi's which lands just above his sweatpants.

"It's pretty," Suga whispers, leaning back into Daichi. Daichi leaves another light kiss in his shoulder before bringing his head up to rest on top of Suga's

"It is. Reminds me of you, love." Suga smiles at the nickname and turns around in Daichi's hold, bringing his head down in a sweet and soft kiss. Their lips moving together gently, making Suga's heart flutter and fill with butterflies. They part and hold their gaze, smiling. "Want to help me make some breakfast?" Daichi asks kissing Suga one last time before pulling away from his hold. Suga smiles and nods.

"You definitely need my help." Daichi gives an offended look as Suga walks past him and out of the room, heading down the stairs to his kitchen.


Suga and Daichi stand in Suga's kitchen, cooking eggs and rice while also brewing some coffee. Well, Suga is cooking. Daichi simply wraps his arms around Suga's waist, leaning his head on his shoulder while Suga faces the counter, cooking the eggs and being rewarded with sweet butterfly kisses on his shoulder and neck.

They eat breakfast, quietly chatting about anything that comes to mind. Sometimes the conversation would fall flat and they would sit in silence but neither minded. They simply held hands sweetly on the table, listening to the others' soft breath.

After they finished, Daichi insisted on doing the dishes, leaving Suga to himself for a few moments. Suga decided to head to the living room and out onto the deck, letting the frigid air surround his skin, covering his arms and legs in goosebumps. He takes a deep breath, ignoring the cold and leaning against the railing, watching the particulars dance bye his face.

He reaches out, letting them fall into his hand, dissolving at the warmth. He stays there. Completely stuck in his own mind, focusing on the sensation each snowflake leaves. The wind blows gently, sending some of the flakes into his hair, bringing a smile to his face.

He's snapped out of his mind by the sound of a camera. He turns to his side to meet Daichi's gaze, who has just taken a picture of the boy. Suga rolls his eyes, smiling and turning back to the view.

"Cold?" Daichi asks lightly, noticing how Suga is only wearing a t-shirt he stole from him. Suga only hums in response, keeping his attention to the snow. Daichi sighs and walks behind the boy, wrapping him up in a blanket he brought out. Suga leans back into the blanket and into Daichi, closing his eyes and letting Daichi sway the two back and forth, listening to the wind.

They stay there for a good 5 minutes before Suga begins to shake. "We should head back inside." Suga frowns but nods, feeling very cold now.

They enter the warmth of the house and Suga plops down one the couch, feeling the heat from a fire Daichi must have lit before he came out. Daichi returns shortly, handing Suga a mug of hot chocolate. Suga smiles and leans against Daichi who has slid next to him and under the blanket with his own cup.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Daichi nods and picks up the remote, choosing the movie Totoro. It may be a kid's movie but it's sweet and one of their favorites.

Suga and Daichi cuddle together on the couch, their free hands intertwined while the snow falls out the window. Continuing to add to the blanket. It's these moments Suga lives for. Nothing to do or say. Just there with the love of his life. Nothing could be better. It's a true paradise that they both wish could be every day but they both know tomorrow things will go back to normal. They'll both get busy with school and volleyball, getting less of these moments. So the best thing they can do right now is to enjoy every second of the day.

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