The Hike - Daisuga

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"Suga..." The tall captain whispered to his setter softly. "Suga... Wake up." He gently shook his arm causing the boy to stir lightly. "Daichi? What are you doing here? What time is it?" The boy sits up in his bed and looks around his dark bedroom and outside where he can still see stars.

"Happy Birthday. Now you have to get up."

"Thanks, umm what time is it? what's going on."

"It's about 4:30 so hurry up."

"4:30!" The silver haired boy jumped up slightly quickly checking the time on his phone. "Why are you here so early. Why do I have to get up."

"I can't tell you yet, so get up and put on these." He hands him a T-shirt and shorts along with his running shoes. The setter looks at his captain a little confused but gets up and begins to get ready. He quietly heads down his stairs and is met with a big smile from Daichi. "Ready?" He asks heading for the door. The boy follows him out to his car and they set off.

"Can you please tell me what's going on."

"Think of it as a birthday present. That's all I can say right now." He groans but goes along with it. Even though the sun has yet to rise the summer hair is still quite warm. As they drive the captain takes quick glances at the boy sitting next to him. He feels himself smile slightly as Suga stares out the car window, watching the stars. His beauty is illuminated by the moon which makes the captain blush slightly. He sighs quietly and turns on some light music as they continue down the road.

They soon arrive at the base of a mountain, parking next to a trail. Suga turns to Daichi for answers but only gaining a warming smile. He sighs and follows him out of the car.

"Ready?" Daichi asks, grinning.

"Yeah, so we're going on a hike at 5 in the morning?" Suga asks following Daichi as they begin down the trail.

"Yup." Suga sighs to Daichi's answer, but smiles, enjoying the one on one time.

"But why so early? And how is this a Birthday Present."

"You'll see." He grins and they keep going.

All though tired, excitement begins to fill Suga to the brim. The mystery behind his present is overwhelming but exciting. It's still dark outside as they carefully climb past the rocks and trees. Suga enjoys the darkness. It hides his blush that forms every time their arms brush together.

No matter how hard he tried. Suga couldn't ignore his feelings for the captain. He's hidden them for over a year and is getting tired of it. He knows the likelihood of the captain returning his feelings is slim but, he can't hide them forever.

He yawns a few times as they climb up the steepest part of the hike. Daichi putting out his hand to help the boy so he won't slip.

"You ok?" He asks holding onto the boy who stumbled slightly tripping over a rock. He nods and they continue up the trail chatting quietly

Although peaceful the captain can't stop stressing and thinking about the boy standing right next to him. His silky soft hair and beautiful gold eyes. His smooth pale skin. Daichi can't help but wish he could hold and kiss his adorable setter. If only he had the guts to confess. Maybe he feels the same?

They finally reach the top. A clearing that looks out over a valley covered with trees. Everything can be seen clearly. Suga looks around slightly amazed, then turns to Daichi.

"Wow this place is really beautiful. Why did you bring me here?"

"Glad you think so but that's not all." He checks the time before continuing, "ahh perfect timing." He walks begins Suga, placing his hands on his shoulders and turning him slightly so he has a full view off the cliff that looks over the valley. "Just wait," he whispers into the boy's ear, sending a slight chill down his spine. He takes a deep breath trying to focus on the view rather than the boy's touch.

They stand there for a moment, listening to the calming breaths of one another, relaxing into the moment. Soon a light slowly rises over the valley, shining over the trees and hitting the boy's faces. Suga's breath catches as a golden glow falls over the trees. He stands there in amazement, admiring the beauty, forgetting everything else around him. Daichi moved to stand next to him, removing his hands and turning his gaze from the sunrise to the starstruck boy. The golden glow bounces off his eyes making them sparkle with beauty.

They stand there, taking in their own beauties. Suga's eyes stare straight ahead as the sun slowly rises into the sky, shining gold everywhere the light touches. Daichi keeps his gaze in the boy, watching his eyes widen and glisten as the sun shines on his face, illuminating his soft skin and stunning eyes.

"Daichi..." the boy whispers keeping his eyes on the valley. "Thank you..." Suga looks up meeting the gaze of the other boy, giving him a warm smile of gratitude. They stare into each other's eyes, not realizing how close they are to one another. Daichi can barely breathe as he stares into the other's eyes. He can't think straight but doesn't want to. Everything has faded around him. All he cares about is the boy in front of him. He slowly leans in closer, their lips almost meet before he stops. He looks in the boy's eyes, looking for fear or resistance but only finds relaxation and amazement. He slowly connects their lips, closing his eyes. The other boy is shocked but quickly melts into the kiss, wrapping his arms around his neck. He is brought closer by the other boy's hands on his waist. They stand there in each other's embrace, feeling the warmth from the sun and each other. The kiss is soft and passionate. Neither boy what's it to end but must pull away to catch their breath.

Both boys slowly breathe. Suga keeps his gaze to the ground not fully believing what just happened. Still, a smile grows over his face as he slowly brings his arms down from Daichi's neck. Daichi takes a deep breath and sighs in relief that the boy kissed back and is currently smiling, still, a small doubt falls over him.

"Suga..." The captain whispers softly. Hesitantly the boy looks up to meet his eyes, slightly fearful he regrets his actions, luckily he is met but a slight smile. He bites his lip looking up at the boy who is only a few inches in front of him. He gulps slighting waiting for him to continue. "I-I wasn't exactly planning on telling you this today... but... I umm..." he takes a deep breath and looks at the boy in front of him trying to read his expression. He is met by a warm smile which puts him at ease. He takes his hands and looks him in the eye. "I'm in love with you Kōshi." The shorter boy's breath catches as the words of his captain reach his ears. An unbelievable amount of relief and joy come over him yet he can only stare in shock.

"You... I..." he takes a deep breath trying to collect his words and respond. "You're...not joking.... right?" He hesitantly asks, looking directly at the boy, meeting his eyes. He is only met by a smile. "I'm not joking. I'm in love with you. I have been for a while."

Joy overwhelms him, as he listens to the words of his long time crush. He can't contain it as a tear slowly rolls down his cheek. He quickly wraps his arms around the boy's neck, burying his face into his shoulder to hide his tears. Daichi doesn't hesitate to return his hug, warping his arms around the boy's waist, pulling them as close together as possible. "Suga?"

"I love you to Daichi." It's a whisper but can be heard by the boy, filling him with joy and relief. He sighs squeezing him tighter. The sun slowly turns the sky pink and purple along with some blue.

"Happy Birthday Kōshi."

"Thank you. This was the best present ever." Suga pulls away slightly, meeting his eyes before leaning and connecting their lips softly.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds before they broke apart, smiling at one another. Suga steps back slightly, taking Daichi's hands in his. Squeezing them for reassurance that he isn't dreaming. He turns his head away looking back at the valley, watching the colors dance in the sky. Enjoying the moment. Trying to hold on to this feeling of compassion and joy. Forever.
Sorry I really have no idea how to end these one shots.

1483 words

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