Dai's Birthday ~ Daisuga

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3rd POV

The morning started off calm and slow. Daichi woke up around 8:30 by his siblings who had prepared him breakfast. His sister Akari and brother Kento did most of the work, them being the oldest of his four younger siblings.

"Come on we made you shoyu ramen!" Daichi chuckles as Tatsuya drags him to the kitchen table.

"That's great guys, but why shoyu ramen?"

"Because!" Kiyo, the youngest of the 5, jumps up on her chair grinning, "It's your favorite and we can't have it for dinner since it's New Year's Eve we are going to have toshikoshi soba!" She grins at Daichi as Kento has her sit in the chair properly.

"Also Sugawara mentioned to us that he'd be stealing you for lunch." Akari walks over, passing out the bowls to everyone as they take their seats. "Also mom wants you to call her now that you're awake. She and dad had to head to work."

"Alright, and thank you for doing this."

"Of course, it's your birthday after all." They all sit at the table, saying thanks before digging into the delicious ramen.

After they all finished, Daichi took it upon himself to do the dishes since they did the cooking even though his sister tried to do it herself. They bicker back and forth while Daichi starts washing the bowls until a knock on the door interrupts them.

Kiyo and Tatsuya swing open the door grinning. "Suga!" Suga chuckles as Kiyo jumps into his arms.

"Why hello." Suga carries in Kiyo as Tatsuya grabs the bag that was in his hand.

"Good, Suga can you please tell Daichi he doesn't have to do chores on his birthday." Suga sighs.

"Trust me, nothing will convince him otherwise." Akari frowns and Daichi grins.

"See, there I win." She rolls her eyes and heads over to pry Kiyo off of Suga.

"What did you bring!" Kento takes the bag from Tatsuya and places it on the table.

"A present for Daichi and some stuff for lunch since I'm stealing the chef today." Kento rolls his eyes.

"Well, I think we did a great job cooking breakfast."

"You did, it was great!" Daichi calls from the kitchen. Suga heads over to him as Daichi's siblings dig through the bag, setting the wrapped box to the side.

"Will you at least let me help you?" Daichi chuckles.

"I only have two more."

"Great then I'll take care of those while you open your present." He sighs but hands Suga the sponge who grins at his victory. He walks over and grabs the box before heading back to Suga, taking a seat on the bar that's right across from the sink.

"You really didn't have to get me anything."

"Stop being selfless and open it." Daichi smiles as Suga finishes the dishes. He turns his full attention to Daichi as he tears open the paper and opens the box. Inside is a small wallet and mini massager.

"You got me a mini massager?"

"Yup, and it's great. I tried it."

"You opened my present?" Suga shrugs.

"No, I tested your present." He giggles and Daichi sighs before taking out the black leather wallet.

"You know I already have a wallet."

"Daichi, that wallet is ugly. You needed a new one."

"Ouch." Suga giggles again while taking the torn up paper. "I'm kidding, thank you, I love it." Suga gives him a sweet smile as Tatsuya comes over to look at what Daichi got. Daichi hoists the young child into his lap, letting him turn on the massager and play with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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