I'll Hold You Up - Daisuga (Angst-Fluff)

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Suga was usually good at keeping his emotions under control. Keeping his cheery energy, filling the role of vice-captain. He couldn't fall apart, he had responsibilities. So he was frustrated. Frustrated because he could feel his suppressed emotions bubbling up, threatening to escape.

He has been stressed lately. With midterms, and managing the team, making sure he fulfills everyone's expectations. And with that comes the gutting feeling that he wasn't good enough to be on the court. He failed. Himself, his team, his captain. And it stung. Stung in a way Suga hated so he distracted himself, studying more than he needed to for the midterms, taking on lots of chores around the house, and accepting any request his little brother had. It was a lot. It was too much.

So of course he can feel himself start to slip, becoming too tired to hold everything in. He couldn't fall apart, especially not in the middle of practice. He couldn't. But that's what was happening.

He was distracted. Out of it. His breathing was uneven and he could feel his eyes water. He bit his tongue to stop it, taking deep breaths. He couldn't fall apart, not now. But it's really fucking hard.

He sighs, evening his breathing but he knew his eyes were still glossy. Still, he did his best to put on a smile and focus on practice. He was still distracted, messing up a lot of his serves which just added to his frustration and the feeling that he was a failure. He hated this.

"Suga," He hears suddenly, drawing his gaze to Daichi who was giving him a small smile. "Can I talk to you for a second?" Suga gives him a confused look but agrees, letting Daichi lead him to a corner of the gym where no one could hear them.

"What's up?" He asks, feeling anxious since Daichi is wearing such a calm, loving expression. It made him worried, worried that he had figured it out. This was Daichi, he knew Suga better than Suga even knew himself. There's no way he didn't notice.

"I just wanted to check in." Suga bites his tongue more. He doesn't want to cry. Not in front of him. "Are you ok?" He asks softly and Suga can feel himself start to slip. That one question enough to break the dam.

"I'm fine," his voice breaks, and his suppressed tears begin to escape. Daichi frowns sadly as one tear escapes. "I'm fi–ne–" His voice breaks more and everything falls apart. He couldn't take it anymore. He starts to shake his head, not wanting this to happen, not wanting to seem so weak in front of the captain, who quickly brings him into a tight, warm hug.

Suga cries, head resting on Daichi's shoulder, arms around his neck, Daichi's arms around his waist tightly. "I'm sorry." He starts to say in between sobs. He kept this in way too long. "I'm sorry." He cries again and Daichi just shushes him, bringing a hand up to pet Suga's hair lightly.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He says quietly, hugging Suga tighter when he starts to cry a little harder,

"Yes, yes I do I—I failed—I failed you, and the–the tea–m." He sobs, feeling his knees going weak.

"What are you talking about? None of us think you're a failure, least of all me. You're amazing Suga." Suga quickly shakes his head as Daichi slowly lowers them to the floor, Suga holding on tighter.

"I'm not good enough." He cries out and Daichi feels his heart break a little.


"I don't deserve to be your vice-captain..." He says quieter as his cries become less violent, a steady stream of his falling down his cheeks but he's quiet now.

"Are you insane!? Suga, I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you." Suga sniffles slightly, chest heaving breaths as he slowly calms down.

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