First Date - Kuroken

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Kuroo POV

I never thought it would happen. But it finally did. I pictured this moment so many times in my head. How I would tell him. Where we would be. But yet in the end it was him to confess first. I chickened out so many time and then it just happened

Walking him home after practice was normal. He's always been a little afraid of the dark so my presence was comforting. I didn't expect it to happen. Right before we reached his house I felt a small tug on my jacket. I turned around to see him acting shyer than normal. He looked up and then it happened. He stood up on his toes and connected our lips in a soft kiss. It only lasted a second before he pulled away and looked down. I could only stand there in shock. "You...I..What?"

"You're really dumb. I like you." He looks to the side refusing to meet my eye. He grits his teeth. Once I see the hurt in his eyes I immediately snap out of it and pull him into an embrace. He tenses up at first but I hear him let out a quiet sigh in relief as he relaxes into my arms, wrapping his arms around my neck. "God I've been waiting so long for this. I like you too Kenma'' He relaxes even more and squeezes me tighter.


"Yes really!" I pull away and look into his eyes before leaning in and connecting our lips softly. I slowly pull away looking at his cute flustered face. He smiles softly and my heart melts. He is going to be the death of me

Kenma POV

~1 week later~

I know this is what I've wanted for a while but now that it's here I feel sick to my stomach. It's not like it will be much different than when Kuroo and I normally hang out but still. Calling it a date is stressful. I could screw everything up tonight. God, I hate this so much. I hate not knowing what he is planning. My phone suddenly vibrates next to me causing me to jump slightly.

Kuroo: Stressing?

God he knows me way too well. Even though we aren't even in the same house, he seems to be able to sense it or something.

Kenma: How did you know?

Kuroo: This seemed like something you would stress over. Relax you have nothing to worry about.

Kenma: Ok. Ill be there in about 5 minutes. Is that ok?

Kuroo: Perfect. Ill see you soon :)

I sigh standing and looking at myself in the mirror. I don't see much staring back. It's just me. I slip on a basic T-shirt and some jeans before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs. "Mom, I'm heading to Kuroo's to hang out for a bit."

"Ok sweetie. Have fun." I wave slightly while quickly slipping on my shoes. Then I'm off. Left to myself as I slowly walk over to Kuroo, stressing out. Since he lives next door, I'm there too soon. I sigh, trying to relax, before quietly knocking on his door. It's soon opened and I'm met with his stupid gin. I look up at him shyly and he chuckles slightly. "Relax Kenma, I don't have anything big planned. No need to stress." He smiles, putting me at ease, as he moves to the side to let me in.

I take off my shoes and follow him into the living room. "So then what do you have planned?"

"Something laid back here. Basically your favorite thing to do." He smirks while I just look at him trying to piece everything together.

"Really? I would have assumed you would want to go out and do something." I smile a little relieved we aren't leaving his house. I follow him as we head upstairs.

"I considered that but I know you're not a fan of being really social and around people. I want our first date to be something you can fully enjoy and be relaxed during." He smiles warmly at me, making me blush slightly. I follow him out to his back deck. He turns around and climbs up a ladder that leads to his roof. There isn't much up there because they never use it. I wonder why we are going up there? I follow close behind and he helps me up. What I'm met with is a surprise.

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